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fat, depressed and battling cholesterol


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Guest Guest66881


Not because of weight i think it's more to do with job constraints and the constant spoon feeding from over seas:wink:

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Certainly not fat nearly everyone i've seen has been average or quite slim!

so it would seem but..

Professor of Health Policy at Curtin University Mike Daube said Australia was in "policy denial" about obesity. Politicians were refusing to tackle the problem.

"We aren't just fat,'' Professor Daube said. ''We are on the medal podium - one of the fattest countries in the world.



Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/health/oecd-says-australians-take-too-many-pills-and-must-tackle-nations-obesity-problem-20131121-2xyqn.html#ixzz2lM3rseOu

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Certainly not fat nearly everyone i've seen has been average or quite slim!

I think it depends where you are.


Here in Adelaide there are LOADS of huge people. Far more than I ever saw in the uk. When I visited Melbourne though I barely saw an over weight person. Very strange that it can be so different.

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Australia is the second in usage of antidepressants... Ok my guess is the UK is first :)) without reading the article.



Why? It's actually Iceland.




You do have to ask how much prescribing is over or poor diagnosis in the wealthier countries and how much is missed in the poorer ones.

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I hope there is not a suggestion that we should outlaw over eating and outlaw taking mood changing drugs. People are their own masters of destiny and if they are happy being fat well so be it. We just have to go with the flow. I do not want to see fat people hiding around a building having a sandwich like smokers seem to have to do these days. All legal but there is the fat police and the smoking police ie jo citizen being all moralistic.

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I hope there is not a suggestion that we should outlaw over eating and outlaw taking mood changing drugs. People are their own masters of destiny and if they are happy being fat well so be it. We just have to go with the flow. I do not want to see fat people hiding around a building having a sandwich like smokers seem to have to do these days. All legal but there is the fat police and the smoking police ie jo citizen being all moralistic.


I don't think anyone is advocating 'outlawing' at all, but as overeating and eating a poor diet have implications for not only physical, but mental health, it should be looked at and tackled. The cost to society is huge.

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I don't think anyone is advocating 'outlawing' at all, but as overeating and eating a poor diet have implications for not only physical, but mental health, it should be looked at and tackled. The cost to society is huge.


How does it get tackled? Who is going to pay to do it in our new modern world? Who should be doing it? Whilst the most fattening foods are often the cheapest it comes down to cost with so many people. We only hear about the people who are doing well, the silent majority has to watch their food budget. Lesson here make the foods that are expensive cheaper. Fish for example, good fruit and veg.


When Pizza can feed a family on a limited income what are they going to choose, lettuce leaf each or Pizza.


Wish it was simple but it is not and some things we just cannot fix without so much red tape it becomes impossible for everyone.


They have not dissuaded people from taking illicit drugs, drinking excessive alcohol so see no need to waste more money trying to fix people's eating habits.

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I agree. I don't know why highly processed food, sugary food etc isn't taxed more highly and that revenue used to subsidise fruit, veg, lean meat, fish etc.

The problem is that governments aren't all that interested because they're only in power for a short time . However, if it can be proved (and there's plenty of work going on in this area) that keeping people fit and healthy, not only improves their health, but also saves money, they may sit up and take notice. They have to be shown that the cost to health budgets treating high cholesterol, diabetes, depression, not to mention the cost of sickness to the economy is way higher than the cost of making good food affordable.

Making nutrition a subject in school and giving students the skills to cook, cheaply from scratch will start to make a difference.

The only thing we can't do is raise our hands and give up, we simply can't afford that.

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Fast food isn't that cheap really, it's just easy. I can make enough bolognese sauce for four meals for four of us for not much more than the cost of 1 dominos pizza. And a kilo of spaghetti to go with it is just $1.50 in Coles. Healthy food can actually be way cheaper than fast food if you know how to cook and what to do with it. Large packs of dried lentils and beans are dirt cheap. Even the tinned versions don't cost much. Fresh fruit and veg in season can often be bought very cheaply if you are flexible about what to buy and where to buy from.


Obesity has many causes and is different for each person in that situation. Yes people overeat and eat too much junk food but unless you tackle the reasons they do that (and it's not just because it's cheap) you are not going to get anywhere. As much as I'd like to think it would taxing fast food isn't going to do anything except raise funds for the government.

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I think governments should try to do something about hugely obese people. I'm talking about where it affects their day to day life.

My husbands uncle is a huge bloke. He must be about 30 stone. He can't leave his house, he lives in a chair in his living room with bags of food around him and bottles of urine as he can't get up to go to the toilet.

He dropped something on the floor one day, got down to get it, and couldn't get back up! He was there for six days until his sister came with his weekly shopping. They needed two ambulance crews to get him up. In hospital they fed him up until he was gaining weight!

If that was an anorexic person they would have had them somewhere controlling what they eat so they don't kill themselves. A fat bloke who has just nearly died because of his weight and they just feed him up and send him home. I just don't get the difference.

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I think governments should try to do something about hugely obese people. I'm talking about where it affects their day to day life.

My husbands uncle is a huge bloke. He must be about 30 stone. He can't leave his house, he lives in a chair in his living room with bags of food around him and bottles of urine as he can't get up to go to the toilet.

He dropped something on the floor one day, got down to get it, and couldn't get back up! He was there for six days until his sister came with his weekly shopping. They needed two ambulance crews to get him up. In hospital they fed him up until he was gaining weight!

If that was an anorexic person they would have had them somewhere controlling what they eat so they don't kill themselves. A fat bloke who has just nearly died because of his weight and they just feed him up and send him home. I just don't get the difference.



Exactly. And not only two ambulance crews, but special beds, chairs, equipment etc etc etc. We can't afford to do nothing!

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I hope there is not a suggestion that we should outlaw over eating and outlaw taking mood changing drugs. People are their own masters of destiny and if they are happy being fat well so be it. We just have to go with the flow. I do not want to see fat people hiding around a building having a sandwich like smokers seem to have to do these days. All legal but there is the fat police and the smoking police ie jo citizen being all moralistic.


Very much so. Allow folk to live their own life without interference. Already far too much government intervention and even worse far too many allowing it to happen.

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