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Well we stuck it got citizenship but where now? Help!!

Sea breeze

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Hi all,


most of u don know me , it's been a while but I thought this would be of interest as I'm now four yrs in!


Citizenship awarded yesterday a milestone in our au tale.

now we can leave hooray!!!!!!!

Been living in perth for 2 years partner working 3 in 1 fly in fly out excellent pay but not good for lifestyle etc. we have just used this opportunity to save money .

I have never liked it here and only really enjoyed our travelling experience ( we drove mel to darwin and down the easst coast) we have also lived in Melbourne and Sydney

personally I feel if u don't like it in the first 3 months then forget it it ain't going to change.


i have been hell bent on returning home, all planned for march '14 but now all of a sudden I'm not so sure..... Because we have been here so long our security jobs etc is here going home is a scary thought and the weather I'm not sure we can live with all the cold and rain!


A couple of yrs ago we spent 2 months in nz and loved it! Now thinking move over there , we both have family there in both north and South Island


help!!!! Any info would be great :biggrin: and welcome to ask me anything


thx xx

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You've made your money in WA, if you don't like it move on, life's too short to hang around where you don't like it. Personally Id not have stayed two years somewhere that I couldn't stick no matter how much my OH earned. But you've done it you've served your " time" move on. Try NZ or go somewhere else, but unless you have kids or a mortgage to pay for don't put yourself in a situation that makes you unhappy no amount of money is worth that!

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Thx guys :)

que sera, we were saving for our uk "pension" as we have nothing mid 30's


put the cash into buying rental properties,it has been hard but has on th other hand has got us ahead and some long term security also citizenship means nz is all sorted.



It will be home or NZ no ping ponging .... I hope

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Guest Guest26012
Hi all,


most of u don know me , it's been a while but I thought this would be of interest as I'm now four yrs in!


Citizenship awarded yesterday a milestone in our au tale.

now we can leave hooray!!!!!!!

Been living in perth for 2 years partner working 3 in 1 fly in fly out excellent pay but not good for lifestyle etc. we have just used this opportunity to save money .

I have never liked it here and only really enjoyed our travelling experience ( we drove mel to darwin and down the easst coast) we have also lived in Melbourne and Sydney

personally I feel if u don't like it in the first 3 months then forget it it ain't going to change.


i have been hell bent on returning home, all planned for march '14 but now all of a sudden I'm not so sure..... Because we have been here so long our security jobs etc is here going home is a scary thought and the weather I'm not sure we can live with all the cold and rain!


A couple of yrs ago we spent 2 months in nz and loved it! Now thinking move over there , we both have family there in both north and South Island


help!!!! Any info would be great :biggrin: and welcome to ask me anything


thx xx



If you're not happy here then you should move on. I would suggest a holiday to the uk to see how you feel re jobs etc and the weather? NZ sounds a good idea?

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Why did you get your citizenship if you disliked it so much? Just interested


It lets you move to NZ :)


For us we got it for our son but it doesn't sound like that's a factor for the OP

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You sound like my parents and they moved and moved and moved and did not find that perfect spot. However age made them settle in the end.


There is no perfect place, life is about now, today, this minute.


Lots of unhappy people with lots of dosh, not that you do not need dosh, but just enough dosh, too much is as bad as too little.

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Thx for your opinions :) all helpful.. We got citizenship in case we needed it in future , retire here move to nz it was my partner who wanted it really. I was past caring.

we stayed this long in order to save and secure our future with an income and make the rest of our lives easier! We have major saved lived in share house etc.

now it's about lifestyle and enjoying ourselves, we do miss our family and friends ( I was originally hell bent on moving home) but now it's coming to it I'm worried jobs , weather etc. we did go home 12 months ago and well of course it was same

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Sorry continuing.. I def want to leave home or nz just it feels secure here now after so long I guess it's a bit of a rut. Anyway it's march one place or another anyone lived in nz??


No just the 2 of us no morgage , no kids , just 2 dogs might complicate things a little but they go where we do


, flat pack the job is yours hope your good at cutting and blow drying :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry continuing.. I def want to leave home or nz just it feels secure here now after so long I guess it's a bit of a rut. Anyway it's march one place or another anyone lived in nz??


No just the 2 of us no morgage , no kids , just 2 dogs might complicate things a little but they go where we do


, flat pack the job is yours hope your good at cutting and blow drying :wink:



We lived in NZ and we knew within the first 3 months that it just wasn't for us. It took another 16 long months to find another job and move overseas! NZ is more expensive than OZ (in my opinion), but have you checked out the job situation there for you both compared to the UK?


You're both still young, no kids, so honestly you can move anywhere easily! I live by the 'Nothing is set in stone' motto, maybe explains why I've lived in 5 different countries lol

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I am still in shock that you stayed 4 years in a place you did not like.... for a visa? Life is too fragile and short - just go somewhere - anywhere and try it - why not? Life is for living not being miserable somewhere - sure money is important but it should not rule your life - just go UK NZ or anywhere else - the world is a big place

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Try NZ - it is lovely, not lived there just travelled around it when I was a lot younger! I loved it - give it a go you haven't anything to lose now you have secured your future xx Good luck lovely!


P.S. What did you hate about where you lived?

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