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Am I mad to want to return to the UK?


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Hi grizzly111,


Just read your post/question and really think that the answer is no, you are not mad. Yes things may of changed in the UK, but until you go and experience it for yourself, you will never know if it is for you and your partner or not. That is the approach that we took with moving to Australia. We would rather give it a go, rather than 10 years down the line saying 'what if'. If it does not work out, you will always have the option of moving back to Australia. When you are there you will be able to travel around, go to Europe and enjoy the green and pleasant lands.

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I'd also agree with everyone here and say go for it dude! Think of it as going back to Europe, thats what my mindset will be after Texas. It's just awsome to be in a position to book short trips to any number of countries and jet off for a while.


Honestly, the only thing I have a gripe with the UK about is London (hate the joint) and the price of petrol / fuel! Nothing else really.


London is just a manky expensive hole filled with scruffy people from all over the developing world. Stay away from there and you're laughing. Some of my picks;


- Bournemouth / Poole

- Brighton

- Cardiff

- Swansea

- Leeds

- Newcastle

- Dunedin (think about it.......:-))


Our Mam lives in the lake district which is basically a holiday everytime I go back!


One of the big differences between here (Aus) and there (UK) is that in the UK you can have the run of regional cities. The issues you point out are primarily due to there being 5 cities in the whole country - hence people are packed into em. It's like the opposite of the Aussie dream really for many. That's why people are complete w**nkers on the road, snobs, stuck up, unfriendly etc. Cos you're in a big (only) city. Go to Newcastle, York, Brighton and it's still a city with the trappings of such but less of the agro.... Thats my take anyway. Same with the States, so many cities that the agro is spread-around a bit here in Aus the agro is concentrated.


The places mentioned by surfndirt are all good shouts, I would also add:


- Edinburgh (just a cracker of a city)

- Aberdeenshire (as in not the city itself but countryside with work/access to Aberdeen)



Plenty great spots to choose from in the UK. I also agree with the major difference being smaller regional centres that still have a definitive character and plenty stuff going on, of which theres hundreds in UK. My mum lives in Kendal - stunning location in the Lakes, small town but plenty going on with a thriving arts scene. She looked at coming out to SA/Adelaide and decided (quite rightly IMO) against it. Apart from the beaches here which to be fair are world class, she has a far better life in the UK.


In Oz outside of the main cities its pretty much hicksville (with a few exceptions).


good luck with the move back, Im sure it will pan out well for you.

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As someone said to us before we moved to Australia "would you regret not giving it a go?". I personally wouldn't move back for some of the reasons you want to leave Australia as I think:-


1. People are generally miserable.

2. They don't like foreigners, although they pretend they do.

3. Service is some of the poorest in the world.

4. Roads are so busy all the time near around cities.

5. The weather is generally rubbish. (this year has been an exception!)

6. The younger generation very rarely get involved in sports as they would rather stay inside and play on computers etc.

7. The government is even worse than over here!!!


On the plus side.


1. It does have beautiful countryside when you get time or the weather to be able to enjoy it.

2. It does have history.

3. It does have big towns.

and it does sell dryers so you can get your washing dry!! :)

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Guest Guest26012

I would say go for it! You're obviously not that happy here? There are some parts of the uk that I would go back to, if I had to! But I see Oz different to you, as mentioned above. You've been here a long time, maybe you need a change. It's an itch you need to scratch IMO!

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You're not mad, give it a shot and if you don't like it you can always come back. I would wait till about next May as the winter and a couple of months after New Year are probably the worst time to get a good impression of the UK.


I see the list you've compiled and feel the same things are true in parts of England too. Things might seem expensive here compared to the UK, although we didn't find that much difference when we were there on hols recently, but if you manage to get a job it will be on a lower salary and things will seem just as expensive as here. The other points could also be about parts of the UK just like they could be about parts of Aus.

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yeh go for it....south, south east, south west all good....work opportunities south west may not be as great as south east but they do have some lovely beeches etc...I can tell you around where I live (south east) there are plenty of jobs....the local towns are always rammed at weekends and during the week....we are in the throws of a mild autumn with winter around the corner and a cold and frosty xmas and new year....winter skiing on your doorstep....this is a great country to live in....you do need to be selective with the areas you chose though.....the north has not weathered the recession as well as the south and the weather up there is a bit cooler and a bit wetter.....and we have the best capital city in the world on our doorstep "London"

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Nothing wrong with the UK, my pals on south coast are doing well, plenty of work,had the summer now winter nears which brings christmas.


dont see either country as being better than the other, see it as being different, worlds a smaller place now nowhere need be forever, here Perth has its problems as does any country but all have their plus sides too. nice temps here in Perth at the moment but I dread the extreme heat where you cant go out and shadow hop. :-)

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yeh go for it....south, south east, south west all good....work opportunities south west may not be as great as south east but they do have some lovely beeches etc...I can tell you around where I live (south east) there are plenty of jobs....the local towns are always rammed at weekends and during the week....we are in the throws of a mild autumn with winter around the corner and a cold and frosty xmas and new year....winter skiing on your doorstep....this is a great country to live in....you do need to be selective with the areas you chose though.....the north has not weathered the recession as well as the south and the weather up there is a bit cooler and a bit wetter.....and we have the best capital city in the world on our doorstep "London"




Dont mention london stu ....i can feel a visit coming on .....i can understand why some people hate it ....and i couldnt live there .....but i bloody love visiting .....

London and Paris ....all day long for me

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Skiing in Paris? If you're in Brighton you've got quite a trip to find any snow.


xmas in Paris is nice - only did it once. No skiing was in reference to arriving at the start of winter. If they were keen skiiers, then it would be an opportune time to arrive. Lots of good places to ski in Europe.

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Run away as fast as you can! <br><br>England has taken a financial know but the only people who have been effected are the uber rich or those who work for the government, nurses etc. <br>I don't know anyone who has been adversly affected by the so called 'crissis' at home, in fact the only people I know who are struggling for money live here! <br>As for the immigrants, yes we have them but most are fine, you can't judge millions of people by the actions of litterailly a handful, where I lived it was all whites and unless you live in East London or Birmingham you'll find it the same. That said its nice having different cultures living together, good foods, interesting languages and generally seeing how other people live. <br><br>I also miss how green it is at home, I also miss the good waves and friendly people etc. The best times I've had since moving here have been when I've been back home. <br><br>Only thing I'd suggest if you go back is DON'T move to West London and live with all the other Australians over there trying to experience something different by herding together and drinking at the local Walkabout. <br>They do seem to love to hang out together, once whilst snowboarding in France we were told that the next week would be busy as they had 800 Australians coming! The piests were packed with people standing on blind bends and gathering at the chairlift exit points!!!!!<br><br>Anyhow, let me know what you plan to do, remember its better to try it and regret it than wonder if you should have gone. J

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Well I know one thing's certain: that I don't want to remain my entire life in Australia. Certainly wouldn't want to die here. One of things I like about the UK is how much pride the people have in their country. Not sure that I've discovered that on the same level here in Australia. And I've lived and worked all over OZ (regional and city) too.


To be honest most cities in Oz feel like big country towns with a lot more things to do (and traffic) of course.

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Well I know one thing's certain: that I don't want to remain my entire life in Australia. Certainly wouldn't want to die here. One of things I like about the UK is how much pride the people have in their country. Not sure that I've discovered that on the same level here in Australia. And I've lived and worked all over OZ (regional and city) too.


To be honest most cities in Oz feel like big country towns with a lot more things to do (and traffic) of course.


I think the pride people felt about the UK is disappearing tbh. If you think that way through about not wanting to die in Australia then clearly it's better for you to choose the UK :) xx

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  • 2 weeks later...
Take plenty of money!!


you think?....I have just booked a weeks skiing in Avoriaz which is one of the best resorts in the french Alps....accomodation, lift passes and ski/board hire for 5...£1700......we just gotta drive there and back which costs about £300 for the train (return) and fuel there and back.....2k for 5 to ski in a top french resort over the new year (peak time).....from memory when I inquired in Oz it was gonna cost around 10k ($) for a similar trip to new zealand.


Paris is not expensive to visit.....a couple can have a great long wekend for around £500 all in.

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Dont mention london stu ....i can feel a visit coming on .....i can understand why some people hate it ....and i couldnt live there .....but i bloody love visiting .....

London and Paris ....all day long for me


Great cities....been to both plenty of times....but London more often as its quite close...I know what you mean about living there....If I was single or just me and the wife I could live there.....a great place to socialise but it must be hard living in central london with a family.

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Great cities....been to both plenty of times....but London more often as its quite close...I know what you mean about living there....If I was single or just me and the wife I could live there.....a great place to socialise but it must be hard living in central london with a family.


For some reason I thought you lived in london, must be getting mixed up with someone else. I'm still tempted to book a trip to london this year, would love to squeeze in 2 nights in paris aswell. Shall have to see!

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you think?....I have just booked a weeks skiing in Avoriaz which is one of the best resorts in the french Alps....accomodation, lift passes and ski/board hire for 5...£1700......we just gotta drive there and back which costs about £300 for the train (return) and fuel there and back


Wow, that does sound reasonable. Are meals and drinks included or is it self-catering? If the latter, I'm guessing another £500...? (inc. coffees, beers, vin chaud, etc. on the slopes). We're a family of 5 and I'd love our kids to learn to board / ski but I always thought it would be too pricey.

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Wow, that does sound reasonable. Are meals and drinks included or is it self-catering? If the latter, I'm guessing another £500...? (inc. coffees, beers, vin chaud, etc. on the slopes). We're a family of 5 and I'd love our kids to learn to board / ski but I always thought it would be too pricey.


This will be my third time in Avoriaz....we went as a family last year and the resort had changed a lot since our first visit prob 12 years earlier....we had such a great time last year we decided to go back and booked the exact same holiday with the same company....staying in the same apt at the same time....for the same price!....yep its self catering but last year we spent about £500 on food and beers....when you have young kids you have a few glasses of wine with dinner then back to the apt for a game of cards and a few more....bed by 9.30pm cream crackered....buy lunch in a supermarket, ham and cheese baguets......we try and avoid the coffees in the mountain top restaurants they cost an arm and a leg.


Sunweb Holidays....they do some good deals that include lift passes.....I just checked and think our week is sold out now.

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