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Scottish not British...


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Apparently 80% of Scottish folk see themselves as Scottish but not British. Sometimes I think people think that British means English - It doesn't it means British.


There are some things that annoy me about our nation -


Racism - in general and amongst each other


When people refer to the Whole of the United Kingdom as England (Particularly people from the UK - you know who you are - Stop it!) What part of England are you from? - I AM NOT I SAID I WAS SCOTTISH!!!


This absolutely ridiculous gingerism - I mean it's gotten out of hand - people are actually being attacked and murdered because of it


When people say a kilt is a skirt! and not manly!


How easy it it for those "in the know" to scam and rob our benefits system and how hard it can be for those in need to get any!!


But despite all these things that irritate me and annoy me about this land, I am Scottish and I am British (I am also Australian too - but that's just showing off) and I am proud!!

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If you forget which nationality you are you need simply to look at your passport to find the answer :), I dont see why people cant be prond of being English/Scottish and British, just like you can be a proud Victorian and an Australian


We could just stop using the term British and replace it with the term English. Thus you would have the Scottish English, the Welsh English and the non Scotish non Welsh English. That would simplify everything. You'd probably want to merge north and south Ireland, as that could become a bit of a mouthful.


Anyone want to start another thread on the Holland Netherlands debate?

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If you forget which nationality you are you need simply to look at your passport to find the answer :), I dont see why people cant be prond of being English/Scottish and British, just like you can be a proud Victorian and an Australian


Quite agree. I a British because I have Scottish and English Heritage and I am proud of both. In Oz I say I am from the UK as that is how they refer to it. I lived in Cornwall (who equally feel that they have a claim to country status for some reason I could never quite understand), I am from all and now despite only being here a few weeks I am proud to call Oz my home.

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I am English. If I am asked where I am from I would never say England, I would say " the UK", if I were asked my nationality I would say British.


I was asked to countersign a UK passport application once (by someone who had never lived in the UK but entitled to a British territories passport or something I don't know the exact term). Then we spotted the clause about knowing the person for two years which I had not. So I said "why don't you just ask Graham" who was our third very close Scottish colleague and had known the applicant for years and years. They had not though of him as British though!!

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I'm Scottish, British and proud.


Aussies seem to call the whole of the UK England though and don't seem to get what British means.


What if you were good enough, like Mike Denness, to play test cricke for England? The Aussies would just call you a Pommie (and I don't know whether 'Pommie' means just English, or anybody from the UK?) Different matter if you were a rugby or football player.


I know three guys from Belfast, all of whom call themselves Irish, but one also calls himself British. (Clue: he's not a Celtic fan.)

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If your English English, Scottish or Welsh heritage going back more than 3 generations then you will probably say you are from there or to make things simple - the UK


The british term i find is usually used from people who have imigrated or their parents did to the UK and say they are british. For example, I havent ever heard an indian british person say their english or scottish, have you?

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When people ask in Aus I say I'm from the UK, if I was in Scotland and people asked I would say where I was from in England. I think it's whatever is easiest for them to understand. Someone from Scotland would probably have a good idea of where a City in England was, people from Aus maybe wouldn't have a clue. Easier to say the UK.


Are people getting killed because of it? Now that's a worry.

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Aussies seem to call the whole of the UK England though and don't seem to get what British means.


I've found the opposite! Most people I speak to seem to have a sound grasp on UK geography, and many even recognise my accent as Northern English - some have even got it down to Yorkshire (correct, though I lived half my life in Liverpool so have a mogrel accent!).


I never refer to myself as English, in fact I tend to use the term pommie. At work my accent is no novelty anyway, we're a proper melting pot, only about half my colleagues even have an Aussie accent. Loads of British at aqua class too.

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When people ask in Aus I say I'm from the UK, if I was in Scotland and people asked I would say where I was from in England. I think it's whatever is easiest for them to understand. Someone from Scotland would probably have a good idea of where a City in England was, people from Aus maybe wouldn't have a clue. Easier to say the UK.


Are people getting killed because of it? Now that's a worry.


this is what I am talking about re the gingerism




one young man (that I know of, probably more that I don't) was killed by one of those one off punches that forced him to fall on the floor and bang his head and die. I am really fed up of this gingerism - it's not a joke - kids being bullied at school, taunted, isolated, adults having to pretend they are not ginger it's ridiculous. Ginger people are celts why should they be penalised in the places where they are historically linked. (FYI I am not saying that any other form of racism is ok - but this IS RACISM - and people don't realise it!)

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The people who in my experience have referred to the whole of the UK as England are generally from the UK :embarrassed: Even an English person IN SCOTLAND here living recently asked me why I moved back to England! FFS I didn't, do you know that this is Scotland we're in?

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I'm always Scots - never British - and Australian. Everyone outside of as well as many in the UK think that British is another word for English. Don't care because as I have said I'm Scots.


I do care and I get quite hung up about it. I can tell people I am Scottish and they automatically say "where in England are you from?" (usually English people - sorry but true), it doesn't actually bother me if a non UK person were to say it, I'd kindly explain. It's like when I tell people my name is Deborah and they immediately call me Debbie - NO I SAID DEBORAH!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!

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I do care and I get quite hung up about it. I can tell people I am Scottish and they automatically say "where in England are you from?" (usually English people - sorry but true), it doesn't actually bother me if a non UK person were to say it, I'd kindly explain. It's like when I tell people my name is Deborah and they immediately call me Debbie - NO I SAID DEBORAH!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!


You must come across some unusual people. I don't recall ever meeting an English person that doesn't know that Scotland is not in England.

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I do care and I get quite hung up about it. I can tell people I am Scottish and they automatically say "where in England are you from?" (usually English people - sorry but true), it doesn't actually bother me if a non UK person were to say it, I'd kindly explain. It's like when I tell people my name is Deborah and they immediately call me Debbie - NO I SAID DEBORAH!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!


I care if someone asks if I'm English,feel insulted. That's why I never use the term Scottish. It is the anglicised version of the term Scots.

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I care if someone asks if I'm English,feel insulted. That's why I never use the term Scottish. It is the anglicised version of the term Scots.


Have you met people from the UK who will refer to the whole of the UK as England.


Like - when are you going back to England? What did you do when you were in England? - even though they know you are a Scot? Surely I am not the only one.

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I have never experienced gingerism in Australia. I think it is a purely English thing. I am a closet ginger myself. All my children where born ginger, but the ginger faded before they reached school. My brother grows a ginger beard, and is forced to shave. It is a form of racism and it needs to be stamped out, in the classrooms and the sporting fields are the best place to start. The media makes fun of it, and it is often used as a way of demonstrating racism in a light hearted way. But I think this has done more to exacerbate the problem than solve it. The only I would question is whether the ginger is from celtic ancestry, or whether other races also have ginger traits?


this is what I am talking about re the gingerism




one young man (that I know of, probably more that I don't) was killed by one of those one off punches that forced him to fall on the floor and bang his head and die. I am really fed up of this gingerism - it's not a joke - kids being bullied at school, taunted, isolated, adults having to pretend they are not ginger it's ridiculous. Ginger people are celts why should they be penalised in the places where they are historically linked. (FYI I am not saying that any other form of racism is ok - but this IS RACISM - and people don't realise it!)

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