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I ran over my first Roo yesterday :(

Que Sera Sera

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Feeling very guilty, this big beautiful Roo bounced directly in front if the car, I didn't have any chance of stopping :swoon:. It hit the Roo bar bounced until the other side of the road then did some break dancing on its back before bouncing off. I pulled over, had a little cry, pulled myself together then drove on. Was thinking of the poor thing in agony somewhere ! :frown: Has anyone else done it?

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Guest Guest16631

.....it is an unfortunate hazard here.........

......this information is worth knowing IMO,........http://www.murrayriver.com.au/plan-your-trip/injured-wildlife/

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Poor you, poor roo. I too would be feeling awful if it happened to me.


was this during the daytime? Think you have quite a few roaming freely your way don't you? None round my way, nearest I've seen wild ones were on the golf course near Leemimg.


Hope it doesn't play on your mind for too long. I once run over a little dog, it was horrible, I got out picked it up and dashed to the nearest vets. Was in such a state I couldn't tell them what had happened. Thankfully the dog was on the mend in no time.


take care :hug:

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We ran over a huge one a couple of years ago on our first trip from Perth to Denmark. The sun had just set and we were just 3km from Walpole. Around a bend this thing just crossed the road and my husband couldn't avoid it even though he put the breaks. We just heard clunk, clunk, clunk. The car was badly damaged, it took us 1 1/2 hours to do the 3kms to Walpole where we spent the night in the first motel we came across. The next day we called a mechanic who said the damage was too much for him to fix and the car had to be towed to Albany and we flew to Perth 2 days later, having to cut our trip short. Luckily it was a company car and all insured, because the damage was $9000 worth!! Now we know never to drive before sunrise or after dusk, and even then we have our eyes wide open.

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No strange.....My first one was couple of years ago. I was heading back to Melbourne from Bendigo around 4.30 pm......Just past the bendigo town, towards keyneton, Banggggg......I didn't realize I hit a roo until I pulled my car over about 50 meters from the spot. front bumper has smashed completely.


When I went to the mechanic the very next day to get my car fixed...he told me a story, don't know how true it is......Arrogant roos (usually wild ones) sometimes hit the cars intentionally, break the wind screens....and very rarely they even kill humans.....they don't like light coming off the head lamps...it seems......

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Guest Guest26012

Big hugs! Had a few near misses but never done it yet. Nearly ran a cat down the other day and I had to get out and see where it went.even went to where it lived, cos I knew, and made sure it was ok.

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QSS I hope you did you best, mouth to mouth ect .....and if there was no hope then I do hope you did the right thing and left the dying roo with a tin of beer between its paws ......?


Now that is just daft. :biggrin:


She should have put it on the roof, taken it home and stuck it on the barbie :wink:

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Buy some roo shoos for your car if you live in the country, save the roos and save your car.


What are roos shoes? We have roo whistles on the car which allege that they let the roos know you are coming. Don't know if they work or not but hubbie is always gullible when it comes to that sort of thing.

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I snotted my first one a couple of months ago (after being here for over 2 years working in bush it had to happen), it was early morning in a work ute. I let it come around but i had broke it's leg so you know...... Even though i have been hunting it really wasn't a nice feeling so i know were you are coming from.

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had near misses in the car and on both road and dirt bikes, and my son hit his first one just weeks after getting his P's.


it gets messy very quickly if you are on a bike, and the roo normally comes off the better.


don't know if you all know or think about it, but its always said that if you hit & kill a roo, if its a female, check the pouch for young. :wink:

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I snotted my first one a couple of months ago (after being here for over 2 years working in bush it had to happen), it was early morning in a work ute. I let it come around but i had broke it's leg so you know...... Even though i have been hunting it really wasn't a nice feeling so i know were you are coming from.

I hope you did the right thing and put it out of its misery?

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