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Rolf Harris charged but where will it stop ?


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Most of the sexual abuse cases, when investigated, reveal that someone in authority...who had the power to take action...did not do so. Or, even worse, went out of their way to protect the perpetrator.


Really... I doubt you can back that up...

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Not bizarre thinking just logical. A murder cold case if new evidence is brought up is somewhat different from an alleged sexual abuse brought up many decades later. Not denying in extreme cases there may well be grounds but generally not.


How do you know?

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Aren't all the laws other than those of nature man made? Folks get the laws they vote for, or inherit from the country they choose to live in.....


But that doesn't mean that a statute of limitations, set at 7 years as FOC suggested, would be appropriate or just for this particular crime.

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Really... I doubt you can back that up...


I don't have to back it up. You, or anyone who cares to study the evidence in cases which do finally make it to court, will discover that, almost invariably, someone else knew at the time it was happening.

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Setting a cut off point would mean that those that didn't 'make the date' weren't entitled to the same justice as those that have accused already, how unconstitutional. If society is indeed full of these perverts then they need weeding out and punishing no matter who they are. To believe otherwise is absurd in a so-called civilized society.


As a parent I automatically think 'what if it was my kids' as would any parent surely

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I agree with Petals.Why the disgust in something that happened so long ago? Why should these things be regarded as an offence after a certain period? Say seven years. Surely the person if so hurt by the deed would have outed the perpetrator before now? Those in question were hardly children.


My mates wife was abused by her uncle, he hasn't been able to go near her for 3 years, she's on anti depressants and has attempted suicide. The incident in question was 30 years ago. You rape a child you take away their right to a chance of a 'normal' life. Your attitude is beyond reprehensible





If you don't find this disgusting then you need help mate


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just want to throw another name in here , Michael Jackson paid $35 million to buy his way out of trouble , 24 boys he was supposed to have molested ....Why was he allowed to get away with it ? So does that mean anyone with huge amounts of money can just pay people off ?

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Guest scrumpy

I believe thats the way it is, not only dose money talk, it also shuts people up!!






just want to throw another name in here , Michael Jackson paid $35 million to buy his way out of trouble , 24 boys he was supposed to have molested ....Why was he allowed to get away with it ? So does that mean anyone with huge amounts of money can just pay people off ?

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Do 80 plus year old men get sent to jail? What punishment do they get?




I know what they should get, but right thinking people don't make laws in the western world these days. So as usual it will be a few months at a big hotel, then back out to carry on as before.

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My mates wife was abused by her uncle, he hasn't been able to go near her for 3 years, she's on anti depressants and has attempted suicide. The incident in question was 30 years ago. You rape a child you take away their right to a chance of a 'normal' life. Your attitude is beyond reprehensible





If you don't find this disgusting then you need help mate




Actually we are not talking about children but teenage girls. And yes I have known many more than one that encountered sexual harassment and/or abuse. I include boys here and would go so as to suggest the numbers are far higher than generally anticipated. One in three in some form have been exploited in some way was a figure I saw some years back. Far from all are impacted on the same way. A person using position or threats is of course inexcusable.



My argument is the numbers coming out after so many decades suggests the theory of another poster has substance.

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Guest Guest66881

God forbid if any here have been abused as a child or even later on in life, but could you honestly come forward and report such crimes? Maybe the knowledge of others being abused as given these poor souls the courage to say something now.

Ok you get money hungry scum trying it on by saying this and had that done when they never did, but i bet the number who have suffered far out ways the nots.

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Actually we are not talking about children but teenage girls. And yes I have known many more than one that encountered sexual harassment and/or abuse. I include boys here and would go so as to suggest the numbers are far higher than generally anticipated. One in three in some form have been exploited in some way was a figure I saw some years back. Far from all are impacted on the same way. A person using position or threats is of course inexcusable.



My argument is the numbers coming out after so many decades suggests the theory of another poster has substance.


Actually we are talking about children.


A 14 year old is a child, not an adult. There is a clear distinction.

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Actually we are talking about children.


A 14 year old is a child, not an adult. There is a clear distinction.


You may argue sixteen is still a child as well. As has been noted fourteen is the age of consent in as number of countries. Yes sexual abuse is horrific as I stated when a position of power or respected adult is involved.

Let us not forget lies can be told as well.

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You may argue sixteen is still a child as well. As has been noted fourteen is the age of consent in as number of countries. Yes sexual abuse is horrific as I stated when a position of power or respected adult is involved.

Let us not forget lies can be told as well.


We are not talking about a number of countries, we are talking about the UK. Yes, lies can be told, quite often by the perpetrator.

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You may argue sixteen is still a child as well. As has been noted fourteen is the age of consent in as number of countries. Yes sexual abuse is horrific as I stated when a position of power or respected adult is involved.

Let us not forget lies can be told as well.


powerful, respected or neither, it's still wrong legally and morally. What you're failing to see is that this subject is one that makes just about every parents blood boil, we're all intelligent enough to know that lies are told but this is rife. If a 50 year old man had sex with a 14 year old daughter of mine whether she' looked the part' or not it wouldn't make the courts I can tell you, and would bet that others feel the same. I can see you trying to be objective and not get on the outrage bus, but this aint the subject to do it with, your 'it was 30 years ago, what's it matter' attitude is most offensive

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as he is well known and decorated, i very much doubt the police would have brought charges if they wern't sure they had a pretty watertight case.


its a sad day.


i think personally the bbc should stop doing children in need.


given the staff they have employed over the years, they seem to be the last people who should decide what children need.

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as he is well known and decorated, i very much doubt the police would have brought charges if they wern't sure they had a pretty watertight case.


I'm going to sit out of this thread from now on. But I just want to repeat, it's not the police that bring charges. The Crown Prosecution Service makes that call and they have made pretty poor judgements in the past.

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I'm going to sit out of this thread from now on. But I just want to repeat, it's not the police that bring charges. The Crown Prosecution Service makes that call and they have made pretty poor judgements in the past.


im not sure of the technicalities, but i think heads would roll in the government departments concerned, if one of them, were to slur a decorated member of the empire.

either someone wants to retire and donate their pension to the government agency they work for..... or there is a good foundation for the comments made.

as you say, we will see.

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My argument is the numbers coming out after so many decades suggests the theory of another poster has substance.


You really have no idea, and certanly haven't read, or refuse to acknowledge, my previous post. "Repressed memory"? "fear of reprisal"? "lack of confidence"? "shame"? They don't ring a bell as to reasons why "so many decades" pass? You must lead a sheltered life if you have no comprehension as to why matters surface so much later................or perhaps, for some unknown reason, you refuse to acknowledge that some things are best left untouched until such time as a victim is able to remember/ handle them.


I never cease to be amazed that some folk seem so "sheltered" that they can't even acknowledge/believe, and will seek to minimise in some way, the horrors that are perpetrated on those less sheltered. Not only that, they will even go as far as inferring/suggesting that those who seek to relate their horrors, merely to relieve their pain, no matter how much later in life, are lying, or doing it purely for personal monetary gain.

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