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Bubble not yet burst, but quickly deflating!


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Hey, I've been here for almost 7 weeks, and I won't say I thought it was going to be easy, but I didn't for a second imagine that it was going to be this stupidly difficult to get a job! I was hoping to not do bar/cafe work as I've done that for the last 6 years at home. I signed up with 4 temping agencies (even though they only recommend 2 or 3), and so far all I've gotten is one 4hr shift that I spent as long travelling for. Every job I apply for either doesn't reply or says that because of my visa, they can't hire me, because they want someone for longer than 6 months! I've now gone round to all local bar/pubs, and all I've managed to get is 1 shift a week in a pub!


Like I said, I didn't think a job would fall into my lap, but I also didn't think I would see such open discrimination. I'm 28, I decided to do this to try living in another country before I turned 30 whilst I could, I saved hard for 2 years, and now I'm seeing this money just disappear in first hostel fees and now rent, and it's just leaving me, thinking this is not worth it! As someone who worked in middle management, and hired people in the UK with working holiday visa's I just can't believe, that this is what it has come to. I've gotten to the point where I'm going to give it 2 weeks, and if I haven't found a job, then I'm leaving this country. And the country I loved, the last time I was here, I doubt I will ever come back to!

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Things are pretty tough at the moment and the jobs are just not out there.

Imagine how all the ones with families must be feeling, when they cant find work

Its such a myth about all the jobs available in Aus,so many people come here and unfortunatly find out the hard way.

Hope you manage to find something soon.

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It is tough and I have some sympathy for you.

But the economy is slowing and unemployment is rising.


So I feel that discrimination in favour of permanent Australians is fair enough if there is a choice between an out of work Aussie and a WHV import.


But keep persevering and hopefully you will get some more work soon.

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I see the ads on TV


jobs for Australian etc etc, often wondered if this legal, must be but I wonder if this would be accepted in the usa or uk. rather racist I thought.


before anyone says they should do this in the uk, remember when you arrive in oz, you are the immigrant looking for jobs in anothers country. I remember on arriving at the 3 dollars to the pound days when a couple of aussies said the house prices were due to 'you cashed up poms, ruining it for us'. I could only smile.

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Well racist or not, I just wish I'd known that whv holders are not treated the same as they are in the uk! I probably wouldn't have wasted my savings on what is basically now an extended 'holiday' in which I haven't seen the sights outside of Sydney, and I might have actually gone out for a drink every now and then rather than saving it!

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have you tried wwoofing to save money? its called willing workings on organic farms, you can work in exchange for food and accom. They're not always farms they could be shops or holiday retreats too. Wouldn't pay but it'd save some money while you're looking for a paid job. Or have you tried farm work, fruit picking or tractor work or roadhouse work? there's normally quite a few of these being advertised, i would give that a go too. if you're desperate enough you'll try anything. Failing all of that i wouldn't just leave the country make sure you actually do some travelling and see the place!

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I've never seen a TV ad advertising a job for Australians only (I've lived here 35 years).

I doubt that would be legal.


I sort of have, this week there has been an ad running in Melbourne for maybe 60 mins or A Current Affair or some such show and it talks about "Foreigners stealing your jobs"


It appeared to be about illegal immigrant chinese

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If you dont mind working in a call centre my place seems to be hiring every week in Melbourne, our staff is half english, mainly working holidays types. We seem to interiew every week. There are always people sitting in the foyer waiting for an interview. There must be work available I have passed a fair few shops out and about with help wanted signs up..

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I sort of have, this week there has been an ad running in Melbourne for maye 60mins or A Current Affair or some such show and it takes about "Foreigners stealing your jobs"


It appeared to be about illegal immigrant chinese


Thats a bit different. I took it to mean an ad for a company advertising for Australian workers only, which I don't think any company would do or be allowed to do.


I do agree that Australians rightly feel peeved if they are losing out on jobs to 457 visa holders or WHVs.

LKC stated her hubby got a job as a 457 as the company could find no-one in Australia to fulfill the role. I find this very hard to believe, although I don't specifically know what he does.


But generally speaking if Australian unemployment is rising over 6% and perm Aussies can't get jobs we really should be stopping all these 457s and WHVs etc.

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Thats a bit different. I took it to mean an ad for a company advertising for Australian workers only, which I don't think any company would do or be allowed to do.


I do agree that Australians rightly feel peeved if they are losing out on jobs to 457 visa holders or WHVs.

LKC stated her hubby got a job as a 457 as the company could find no-one in Australia to fulfill the role. I find this very hard to believe, although I don't specifically know what he does.


But generally speaking if Australian unemployment is rising over 6% and perm Aussies can't get jobs we really should be stopping all these 457s and WHVs etc.


My OH was taken on a 457, his work is specialised and as they were opening a new production unit there really was no-one else with his knowledge/experience. It can happen.

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Is it not that Australian companies have to actively seek australian nationals to employ before they consider foreigners? thats what i have been told from various law firms in Australia when I have been seeking internship opportunities

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Perhaps it's more of a case of working conditions returning to a more normal state of affairs. WHV folk are perhaps finding it more a case of finding a job to supplement their holiday than a career move or possibilities of a permanent stay.


Hence the jobs may not amount to much with things like fruit picking, call centre work, labouring, pub jobs and the like. Perth will return to being a place not easy to get a job. Of course the decline in jobs may well see a decline in backpackers with Australia being an expensive country to travel in.

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Maybe there are some professions that the average Aussie won't do.

For instance in Melbourne virtually every taxi driver is either Indian, Middle Eastern or Pakistani. It is quite rare to see a white anglo saxon taxi driver.


And overnight shifts in petrol stations seem to be staffed by Indians.


Just my observations.

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Well racist or not, I just wish I'd known that whv holders are not treated the same as they are in the uk! I probably wouldn't have wasted my savings on what is basically now an extended 'holiday' in which I haven't seen the sights outside of Sydney, and I might have actually gone out for a drink every now and then rather than saving it!


You really could never have compared WHV holders in the UK to here... it's a country that works entirely differently, has cultural differences and attitudes, to expect otherwise is just not realistic, there are 9000 miles between the two!


Have you been around to cafes and coffee shops? I often see signs in places like that.

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Thats a bit different. I took it to mean an ad for a company advertising for Australian workers only, which I don't think any company would do or be allowed to do.


I do agree that Australians rightly feel peeved if they are losing out on jobs to 457 visa holders or WHVs.

LKC stated her hubby got a job as a 457 as the company could find no-one in Australia to fulfill the role. I find this very hard to believe, although I don't specifically know what he does.


But generally speaking if Australian unemployment is rising over 6% and perm Aussies can't get jobs we really should be stopping all these 457s and WHVs etc.


I really don't agree with this, if Aussies can't get jobs they should maybe try a bit harder. Employees should hire people on ability. There is no such thing as 'job stealing'.



I have been lucky in getting a job so quickly but I took a big step down from what I was doing at home. I know that no company would hire me for a management role because of my work restrictions so I am grateful for the minimum wage job that I have, even though I wouldn't have applied for it at home.

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A country should look after its own citizens first before giving jobs to temporary migrants. That is my point.

I a big pool of unemployed Australians there are bound to be suitable people available and these should get the jobs.


Otherwise the government is paying welfare to these Australians while a temporary visitor is in paid employment.

The solution should be for the government to drastically cut back these types of visas while unemployment is rising and increase them when unemployment falls.

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