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Are you a glass half empty or half full sort of person????


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So, do you look at the good things in life or the bad things? I was wondering as I really do believe some people are just so negative about more or less everything and others who sometimes have very little, see the good things in life. I know life isn't always a bed of roses, but I do wonder if some people just thrive on negativity???:unsure:

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Half full,simply because my little troubles pale into insignificance compared to others,thats others in life generally,and even on here,i might have a bit of a moan,but i always keep things in perspective,my troubles are minor(touchwood)

Might sound like a cliche all that,but still very true

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Guest guest76088

My cup runneth over.


​ If the cup is half full, find a way to get it filled rather than staring at it trying to decide what it all means.


Acceptable means of cup-filling do not include a visit to Perthbum's pub.



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I would say half full, because I have a tendency to try to fix things.....whatever the problem my instinct is to look for how a difficult situation can be salvaged or made to work better. But it took me a long time to realise that some ‘half empty glass’ folk are not necessarily unhappy, or looking for ways to change their situation. Sometimes all they want is a bit of sympathy and a good old moan, and then they are right as rain. Me charging in to fix stuff is actually the last thing they want or need :confused: :laugh: Tx

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I'm a pretty positive person so I guess I'd say half full. That said, if there's something negative happening in my life (i.e. worrying about my medical) I will think and think and think about it and it will get me down.

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Guest chris955

Definitely always been glass half full, I cant see the point in being any other way really.

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Yeah, it's interesting isn't it. I suppose my thoughts for the thread came about as I am 120% sure my mum is a glass drained dry sort of person. She moans about bloody everything, in particular the news! Yawn. Don't get me wrong, I am not unaware of what goes on in the world, but I like to look at life in a more positive light- enjoying walking with my dog, looking at the local wildlife and having a laugh with my mates etc. Just try and enjoy life really. My mum has a relatively good life, no money worries, yet she's always bloody ranting about something. My mother in law on the other hand does not have a pot to p**s in, yet she has the biggest heart, gives to others, works as a volunteer at our local wildlife center and has a lovely sunny disposition (I don't mean in a sickly way either), she just appreciates things that maybe others overlook.

The other part to this is that I believe some people really do make us feel physically Ill. I mean toxic sort of vibes and constant negativity surely cannot be good for the soul?

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Im going to change mine to both aswell, at one point i was bad with depression and that made a big difference. Im better now. My problem is i get really stressed about somethings so if something bad happens i freak out and can get down about it, maybe more than most people do.


As already mentioned on another thread - im trying to change as much as i can. Plus i realise how lucky i am through the voluntary work that I've done in the past.


Also sometimes think i can just be a realist, i tend to weigh out the pros and cons instead of just jumping into something. Not sure if any of that made any sense but it did in my head!

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Yes, I understand you have to be realistic about life too but I think some of it comes down to accepting some things and that you can't change, but you can change the way you deal with it ( good old CBT), but at the same time accepting that some people won't change no matter how much we try to get them too. I guess some people just have far too much invested in enjoying a good old moan.

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I think our glasses are full sometimes, half others and sometimes they are empty, depends what is happening with our lives and it does reflect in what we post. When things are tough for us we tend to see the tough in everything, well I do, then we just have to drag ourselves up by the boot straps and stop the negativity, switch off talk back, leave the papers alone and listen to music and its surprising what a difference it makes. I am finding it hard not to be negative presently but it will pass hopefully.


Mostly I have found that there is always a bright side to everything and we need to look for it. Down on my hands and knees at the moment :laugh:

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Too complicated to answer such a glib question. Depends on many factors, like mood, physical health, mental health, stage of life, the day of the week, the season, life situation etc etc.


Personally I think the self proclaimed 'glass half full' types like to use their status as a stick with which to beat those they perceive as 'glass half empty' types.

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Too complicated to answer such a glib question. Depends on many factors, like mood, physical health, mental health, stage of life, the day of the week, the season, life situation etc etc.


Personally I think the self proclaimed 'glass half full' types like to use their status as a stick with which to beat those they perceive as 'glass half empty' types.

True...I am honest and I and not one who pretends to be half full when I know deep down I am not...people need to tell how they really feel on Internet forums instead of saying what they think they should feel.

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