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Feeling lost and needing help


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Well 7 weeks into living in Sydney and despite the title of the thread ive settled into it no problem, Love the city, love the lifestyle and the weather has been amazing...


Problem is im job hunting and failing miserably!


I spend my days applying for jobs, the resume seems up to scratch, im calling, emailing etc but ive had 1 interview in 6 weeks??? Admitedly it went really well and was down to me and one other in the end but didnt get it :-( the feed back i got from them was good though, interviewed well, resume was good etc etc so what i cant work out is where am i going wrong??? im applying for 10-20 roles a day and getting no replies???

Now has anyone else had this problem or is it me?

Guess i could really do with a bit of help if anyone can? Even tried emailing a few agencies to ask advice but they seem un interested in offering anything other than more useless application forms.

Sooo any help here would be awesome :-)

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Guest Ptp113

Buy a copy of What Color Is Your Parachute and you'll quickly see where your going wrong. Most people apply for jobs in the manner that only 10% of employers hire eg send resume and hope for response. It ain't gonna work....

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Hey, I'm arriving in Sydney June 8th & have been applying for jobs and haven't heard back from a single one. The worst thing is, I've been applying for jobs within the company I currently work for, I used to be part of the management team & had a lot of responsibility & I haven't even heard back from a job with the title 'food and beverage attendant'. My boss helped me out with my application letters & CV so I don't have a clue what I've done wrong either!

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I doubt it's things you are doing wrong. Employers just have more people to pick from these days....there are probably people equally as great as you going for the same jobs! It took me ages to find a job when I came back from Aus - and I knew it was nothing I was doing wrong...just had more people to compete with. I knew I'd get one - just a matter of time. It can get you down though! And an email (even an automated one) to say thank you for applying wouldn't have a gone astray. It can be quite disheartening to look for work, as you do question yourself! You've just got to remember how good you are and try and get that across!!

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Guest Ptp113
Hey, I'm arriving in Sydney June 8th & have been applying for jobs and haven't heard back from a single one. The worst thing is, I've been applying for jobs within the company I currently work for, I used to be part of the management team & had a lot of responsibility & I haven't even heard back from a job with the title 'food and beverage attendant'. My boss helped me out with my application letters & CV so I don't have a clue what I've done wrong either!


​See my post above

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Hey, I'm arriving in Sydney June 8th & have been applying for jobs and haven't heard back from a single one. The worst thing is, I've been applying for jobs within the company I currently work for, I used to be part of the management team & had a lot of responsibility & I haven't even heard back from a job with the title 'food and beverage attendant'. My boss helped me out with my application letters & CV so I don't have a clue what I've done wrong either!


Are you going on a WHV? I would wait until I was there if I was you. It is relatively easy to walk into hospitality jobs - just go round to them and ask - always people on the move! And join agencies too- they can be very helpful. And word of mouth - through the hostels of course.

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Well 7 weeks into living in Sydney and despite the title of the thread ive settled into it no problem, Love the city, love the lifestyle and the weather has been amazing...


Problem is im job hunting and failing miserably!


I spend my days applying for jobs, the resume seems up to scratch, im calling, emailing etc but ive had 1 interview in 6 weeks??? Admitedly it went really well and was down to me and one other in the end but didnt get it :-( the feed back i got from them was good though, interviewed well, resume was good etc etc so what i cant work out is where am i going wrong??? im applying for 10-20 roles a day and getting no replies???

Now has anyone else had this problem or is it me?

Guess i could really do with a bit of help if anyone can? Even tried emailing a few agencies to ask advice but they seem un interested in offering anything other than more useless application forms.

Sooo any help here would be awesome :-)


i suspect this is exactly where you are going wrong. You don't say what you do but for most professional roles, including things like receptionist, you should be significantly tailoring your CV and covering letter to each application. Further, if there are selection criteria you need to be addressing them and showing examples of how you meet them. Every job application is your chance to sell yourself and show the company why you are the best person for the job. If you are just sending your CV off as it is to every job advertised then you are not dang this.


I applied for three jobs. Each application probably took a more than a days work. I got interviews for two of the jobs, was offered one and the other was told I was a perfect fit but they had lost a contract and were no longer recruiting. The job I didn't get an interview for I happen to know they appointed some one internally and they told me my application was excellent but they had people with experience of the systems they used.

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Well 7 weeks into living in Sydney and despite the title of the thread ive settled into it no problem, Love the city, love the lifestyle and the weather has been amazing...


Problem is im job hunting and failing miserably!


I spend my days applying for jobs, the resume seems up to scratch, im calling, emailing etc but ive had 1 interview in 6 weeks??? Admitedly it went really well and was down to me and one other in the end but didnt get it :-( the feed back i got from them was good though, interviewed well, resume was good etc etc so what i cant work out is where am i going wrong??? im applying for 10-20 roles a day and getting no replies???

Now has anyone else had this problem or is it me?

Guess i could really do with a bit of help if anyone can? Even tried emailing a few agencies to ask advice but they seem un interested in offering anything other than more useless application forms.

Sooo any help here would be awesome :-)


7 weeks is a very short time to be job-hunting so don't think of yourself as 'failing miserably', unfortunately if you get desperate it tends to show and put potential employers off. I would struggle to make a good application to a single job per day so if you are applying for 10-20 then the quality of those applications is probably suspect - of course it depends on your field and your level. 10-20 applications for a check-out operator may be okay.


Agencies will waste their time helping you, they are paid by the company who is recruiting and that's who they work for. If they have candidates with equivilant experience in local companies they will put them forward first - it saves them having to make international calls for a start. You will have to offer something more and that's where a good application comes in.


The first thing to consider is whether your resume (not a CV anymore!) is in the kind of format used in Australia - there is a good post on here somewhere about that, you should be able to search for it - otherwise use google.


The second thing is to ensure it is customised for every job you apply for - most job descriptions give the selection criteria (or essential/preferred skills) , make sure these are clear on your application.


If a personal statement or 'statement of claim' is required make sure this fully addresses all selection critieria - I found this book invaluable http://writeawinningjobapplication.com.au/ - it is Australia specific and I doubled my salary after applying for a job using it!


Don't only apply for advertised jobs, promote yourself to potential employers, a lot depends on your field but Linkedin can be very effective.


Send a prospective application to companies you would like to work for and then call up a few days later to discuss.


If you apply for a job and you are unsuccessful, call them up and ask for feedback - this is very normal practice in Australia and can lead to other opportunities.


If there are networking groups for your profession join them - online or face-to-face meet ups and contribute (uncontroversially!)


Getting a job is a job in itself and I'll reiterate 7 weeks is not very long at all so don't panic.

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IIRC you are on a temporary visa? That is probably your problem right there. With so many permanent residents wanting positions they are less inclined to take on someone who could hop off at any time. There are many tales on here of temporary dependants who have struggled to get off first base with employment especially in the more desirable places where people actually want to live. If my failing memory is correct then focus your attention on short term contracts and hope to make connections that may lead to longer term offers. Failing that as the others have said, if you are aiming for something even semi professional you have to tailor your application to the position, answer the selection criteria etc. failing even that, have you walked the malls to see which shops are advertising for casual staff? It is always easier to get a job when you have a job!

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I agree with the advice for not applying for so many jobs. Sounds odd, but it is not a good idea to flood the market with applications. You seem desparate to the recipients if they get applications from you for anything and everything.

Apply for 1 job a day and make it count.

Don't rely on Seek either it is not the answer. Work your network and contact companies you are interested in directly.

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Are you going on a WHV? I would wait until I was there if I was you. It is relatively easy to walk into hospitality jobs - just go round to them and ask - always people on the move! And join agencies too- they can be very helpful. And word of mouth - through the hostels of course.


Yeah I am, I have experience in high-end hospitality so I am not too worried about looking for jobs once I am there I just thought it wouldn't hurt to apply for jobs before I get there. Ideally I want to continue working for the company I am with as they are awesome.

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Hey, I'm arriving in Sydney June 8th & have been applying for jobs and haven't heard back from a single one. The worst thing is, I've been applying for jobs within the company I currently work for, I used to be part of the management team & had a lot of responsibility & I haven't even heard back from a job with the title 'food and beverage attendant'. My boss helped me out with my application letters & CV so I don't have a clue what I've done wrong either!


I doubt you'll get a response untill your actually there. They have plenty whv people already around

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Wait till you get there. Approach each hotel if that is what you are interested in, personally with your resume. Go to the back entrance where staff enter ask to speak to the HR department as you are looking for employment and want to submit your CV. Security will normally facilitate this. Dress appropriately as they may speak to you straight away if they are recruiting. If you are already with an international company as it sounds like you are. Then they should be able to facilitate you from where you are already working by talking to HR. They normally like to look after their own.

Hope this helps and best of luck

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Well 7 weeks into living in Sydney and despite the title of the thread ive settled into it no problem, Love the city, love the lifestyle and the weather has been amazing...


Problem is im job hunting and failing miserably!


I spend my days applying for jobs, the resume seems up to scratch, im calling, emailing etc but ive had 1 interview in 6 weeks??? Admitedly it went really well and was down to me and one other in the end but didnt get it :-( the feed back i got from them was good though, interviewed well, resume was good etc etc so what i cant work out is where am i going wrong??? im applying for 10-20 roles a day and getting no replies???

Now has anyone else had this problem or is it me?

Guess i could really do with a bit of help if anyone can? Even tried emailing a few agencies to ask advice but they seem un interested in offering anything other than more useless application forms.

Sooo any help here would be awesome :-)


I would maybe set your sights a little lower to start with and look for something casual/ temp to start with as like someone else mentioned, it's often easier to get a job when you're already in one, strange as it sounds! Wish you the best of luck! Hope you find something soon, keep positive :)

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Wow well first off thanks for all the advice!!! didnt expect so much when i logged on this morning lol


To answer a few queries and put you guys in the picture here is my situation...


Got 457 visa, and will be going for residency asap (2 years???)

No qualifications but 15yrs experience split between Corporate security, Mechanics (boats, cars and trucks), and Admin/office roles

And i am applying for everything from kitchen hand to hgv mechanic, lol


I know what you guys meant about comming across as desperate in the applications, problem is i am lol. You can imagine the stress its putting on my relationship having to depend solely on my wifes income all be it a healthy one...


​Does anyone know of a sydney temp agency along the lines of pertemps/travail etc in the uk??? the ones where they just fire in unskilled workers for a week here and a week there?? I know it would be **** work but tbh as long as it pays some toward the bills id take anything!!!

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I was out of work from Xmas 2011 to June 2012 then I had a job till 7 Dec. Now I am repeating the process! I applied for heaps of jobs last year - 130 odd. This year have been less diligent. I think my age - 59 - is working against me?


To be honest, I LIKE being a Bludger although financially it is sometimes hard. No dole for me. I am paying the penalty for saving money in years past.


I don't know what skills you have but you could look at training as a bar worker or a barista. Look for courses - RSA for bar work. Then there are the supermarkets, Bunnings - just opened new branch in Alexandria I think - & Ikea. Check out their websites. They don't always advertise on Seek.

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Wow well first off thanks for all the advice!!! didnt expect so much when i logged on this morning lol


To answer a few queries and put you guys in the picture here is my situation...


Got 457 visa, and will be going for residency asap (2 years???)

No qualifications but 15yrs experience split between Corporate security, Mechanics (boats, cars and trucks), and Admin/office roles

And i am applying for everything from kitchen hand to hgv mechanic, lol


I know what you guys meant about comming across as desperate in the applications, problem is i am lol. You can imagine the stress its putting on my relationship having to depend solely on my wifes income all be it a healthy one...



That is helpful background. The 457 visa might be do your disadvantage, some say it is but it is certainly not a show stopper. BTW you already have residency, I think you mean you are hoping to apply for a permanent visa in due course, you can do this any time you (or your OH) qualifies for it, many people have PR from the day they land. If your wife is a nurse or something, then I would have gone for that option from the start. You still can, it might help things a little, although hopefully something will have turned up by the time a permanent visa gets through.


Regarding your approach, I don't think that you need to spend a day on each application (although I would agree that was the right approach for some professions), but I do think you should slow it down and be more targeted. Decide what area you would like to work in and then target it, find an agency that specialises in that area. I think applying for anything and everything is not helping you.


Also don't panic about not having found work in 7 weeks, it is not that long in the grand scheme. Something will turn up ... because it always does.


Good luck.

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I think you need to look at what you are offering a prospective employer. You say you are applying for everything from hospitality to mechanic. Oz is a very "ticket" based system. You either have the correct qualifacations / pieces of paper or you arent going to get anywhere. Are you a qualified mechanic? If not, i would not be applying and concentrate on the things you are most likely to get a success with. For example, if you are applying for bar work, have you got the correct bit of paper? I would research that side, think about going and doing what ever it is that they require, then start the appication process. Do not mention you are on a temp visa - just do not mention you visa status at all

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Get your RSA and RSG certificates and then try for club work - that seems to be pretty casual. There are always ads for people wanting to train as security guards (in malls etc) and that seems to be a fairly casual sort of role but it does help if you are an Islander built like a brick sh*t house - but the elderly husband of one of my colleagues got a shift type role as a security yard in a nursing home for example. I think they advertise a cert ii course for that. You won't get far with mechanics without qualifications.


You asked once before about Adecco - there is a branch in Sydney which might do the same sort of casual employment placements, have you tried them?

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Yeah got in with addecco and man power as soon as i got here lol, Security is a big no no- have 8 years experience and all though i did extremely well at it i hated every minute lmao, one of the main reasons for the move was for me and my wife to spend more time together ( i worked 6 days a week 60hrs plus when we met because of security work lol)

Think i just need something positive back from an app to boost my confidence hard to be positive when your sat getting no where day in day out! Ah well its close of business for today so theres allways a bottle of wine to make me feel better till i start again in the morning :-)

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Yeah got in with addecco and man power as soon as i got here lol, Security is a big no no- have 8 years experience and all though i did extremely well at it i hated every minute lmao, one of the main reasons for the move was for me and my wife to spend more time together ( i worked 6 days a week 60hrs plus when we met because of security work lol)

Think i just need something positive back from an app to boost my confidence hard to be positive when your sat getting no where day in day out! Ah well its close of business for today so theres allways a bottle of wine to make me feel better till i start again in the morning :-)


A job is a job! Get something then work from there perhaps!

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