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Getting used to the heat?


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Guest Ptp113
So why do I hear so many Aussies whinging about it?........and they were born and bred here


​Nobody believes you

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I know what you mean Wendee, I visited Sydney in December and it was really very hot but much nicer than the humid heat in the Gold Coast. It was much easier to do stuff in the heat in Sydney than in GC but I'm pretty determined to enjoy myself so didn't let it hold me back or anything and still had a good time.


LoveShoes, oops, sorry! Shiz Tsu, of course. Chamois is pretty cheap so it can't be too difficult to make something that involves a bit of velcro. I'm a groomer so won't be difficult to keep her in very short coat, she's a clipped breed too.

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Guest chris955
My Aussie born and bred husband loves the Aussie weather AND the UK weather. I think he must be the rarest being on the planet judging by the vast majority described on this forum!


I am almost equally comfortable with the weather in either country although I prefer it cooler so happy where we are. Weather wise I can happily live with either but the heat does stop me doing more stuff.

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My Aussie born and bred husband loves the Aussie weather AND the UK weather. I think he must be the rarest being on the planet judging by the vast majority described on this forum!

I think that many find Australia so bland and boring that the weather is all they really have to cling to.....helps them cope with the mundanity of everyday life

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Guest chris955
I couldn't cope with the cold now , or the endless grey wet days, chilled to the bone, no no no. I watch Corrie and shiver :confused:


Not sure I would like endless grey wet days either to be honest but the cold doesnt bother me.

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Guest Guest 47403
I couldn't cope with the cold now , or the endless grey wet days, chilled to the bone, no no no. I watch Corrie and shiver :confused:


It's endless damp grey days that get me down, I'm really looking forward to those 1000 extra sunny hours a year :biggrin:


Sat here now with hail bouncing off the patio doors it's grey, damp and horrible!!


The cold and wet stop you doing so much in this country give me heat any day.

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Not sure I would like endless grey wet days either to be honest but the cold doesnt bother me.


I must admit I do miss the cold, frosty .. sunny days, don't like the wet grey days though, but would love to feel the cold air on my face at the moment .... I love winter clothes, they are much more stylish than summer clothes IMO, lovely long black coats, knee high boots, wool skirts and black polo neck sweaters .... and my lovely soft M & S leather gloves (now in hibernation ... waiting for my next visit to the UK) we will visit in the winter so that I can wear my winter gear ......

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I think that many find Australia so bland and boring that the weather is all they really have to cling to.....helps them cope with the mundanity of everyday life


I think I may have suggested in the recent past that you should buy your airfare ticket back to the UK with a window seat and sooner rather than later so you don't have to experience the warm sun and quality lifestyle that 23 million other people enjoy and what hundreds of thousands that other people would love to enjoy.

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Guest chris955

I must admit I wouldnt like to live in the grey miserable place some do, I think that would really get me down. Blue sky with some clouds here, a bit chilly but no big deal.


I must admit I do miss the cold, frosty .. sunny days, don't like the wet grey days though, but would love to feel the cold air on my face at the moment .... I love winter clothes, they are much more stylish than summer clothes IMO, lovely long black coats, knee high boots, wool skirts and black polo neck sweaters .... and my lovely soft M & S leather gloves (now in hibernation ... waiting for my next visit to the UK) we will visit in the winter so that I can wear my winter gear ......
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Guest chris955
I think I may have suggested in the recent past that you should buy your airfare ticket back to the UK with a window seat and sooner rather than later so you don't have to experience the warm sun and quality lifestyle that 23 million other people enjoy and what hundreds of thousands that other people would love to enjoy.


We need to remember that no country suits everybody, 1000's want to live in both Australia and the UK and in fact many other countries in the world. Because a country suits you doesnt mean it suits others.

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I landed in 39 degree heat (I thought, 'how do people live like this?') - within 3 days, I was one of those people - loved it!!! I'm good and happy in all weathers though. One thing (as mentioned by some) which I found way harder to get used to were the cold winters!! Going to bed in hat, scarf and woolly socks - crazy! I remember being in Adelaide and having to borrow like 3 heaters - it was soo cold. It seems to carry on for some months too - I don't understand why Aussies don't have central heating? Are they trying to convince themselves? It defo warrants it. But, I'm like a chameleon me, pretty adaptable. I used factor 30 sun cream every day - didn't burn once in two years - and built up a tan despite being quite pasty myself. If I felt myself burning on the beach say - I'd cover up for a bit and then just lay the sun cream on again. You do have to be careful. :)

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I lived in London for 8 years and the weather was miserable for about 45 weeks of the year and totally miserable for about 25 weeks of the year. Jeez, those long drawn out icy cold, damp dark winters that last for 6 bloody months did my nut in. Summer last a whole 2 weeks! I've been living in Perth (Australia's sunniest capital) for over a year now and I still pinch myself everyday on how lucky I am to live in such an awesome part of the world where the weather has such an uplifting effect on me. I've said this before and I'll say it again ... in London I suffered from S.A.D (seasonal effective disorder) but here in Perth I suffer from H.A.P.P.Y. The sun is strong - you will need suncream. In mid summer, the midday heat can be fierce, but all you have to do is sit under a beach umbrella, or a beach tent, or under a gazebo, or under the awning in your garden and light up the barbie and chuck on some delicious fresh prawns! The summer is as long as the English winter! Woo Hoo! The most hardcore part of Perth's winter lasts as long as the English summer! This place rocks Ghostgirl! Its beautiful. I should have put a warning notice at the beginning of my post for 'Flathead' and 'Homewardbound' that the information I've just given is likely to produce a steaming effect from their ears. I'm sure you'll appreciate the warm sunny climate


i think I suffer a little bit from SAD too, I'm not a particularly emotional person but remember bursting into tears when I left the house once because it was such a gross day!! IM SO EXCITED my heart is already slightly broken that I only have a working holiday visa & I'm not even there yet!!!

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Guest chris955

Could I ask that we stop the personal comments, the OP asked a simple sensible question, if you have a problem with any other member take it to PM.

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i think I suffer a little bit from SAD too, I'm not a particularly emotional person but remember bursting into tears when I left the house once because it was such a gross day!! IM SO EXCITED my heart is already slightly broken that I only have a working holiday visa & I'm not even there yet!!!

Have you been to Stratford yet ?

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I definitely had SAD in Australia much of the time. Harsh blue skies constantly -especially up to a few years ago when we were in drought were a real trigger for me. I'm so glad that I don't live in a part of UK that is constantly grey and drizzly, I'd probably get SAD there too but where I live we may get the odd grey day but it is usually followed by a bright sunny day with the occasional fluffy cloud. Today, walking on Snowdon it was perfect - the sun was shining but not too hot, just right for a brisk walk. Absolutely perfect!


Im also bemused that people seem to go to bed cold here. We only took our very light summer duvet off towards the end of Jan and then found we were too warm at the beginning of April. We turn the CH off in the bedroom most of the time. Perhaps a move elsewhere in the UK would be a helper option!

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Guest chris955

I must agree I couldnt imagine living somewhere that was grey and drizzly the whole time. It really is incredible how somewhere as relatively small as the UK has such a varied climate.


I definitely had SAD in Australia much of the time. Harsh blue skies constantly -especially up to a few years ago when we were in drought were a real trigger for me. I'm so glad that I don't live in a part of UK that is constantly grey and drizzly, I'd probably get SAD there too but where I live we may get the odd grey day but it is usually followed by a bright sunny day with the occasional fluffy cloud. Today, walking on Snowdon it was perfect - the sun was shining but not too hot, just right for a brisk walk. Absolutely perfect!


Im also bemused that people seem to go to bed cold here. We only took our very light summer duvet off towards the end of Jan and then found we were too warm at the beginning of April. We turn the CH off in the bedroom most of the time. Perhaps a move elsewhere in the UK would be a helper option!

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I definitely had SAD in Australia much of the time. Harsh blue skies constantly -especially up to a few years ago when we were in drought were a real trigger for me. I'm so glad that I don't live in a part of UK that is constantly grey and drizzly, I'd probably get SAD there too but where I live we may get the odd grey day but it is usually followed by a bright sunny day with the occasional fluffy cloud. Today, walking on Snowdon it was perfect - the sun was shining but not too hot, just right for a brisk walk. Absolutely perfect!


Im also bemused that people seem to go to bed cold here. We only took our very light summer duvet off towards the end of Jan and then found we were too warm at the beginning of April. We turn the CH off in the bedroom most of the time. Perhaps a move elsewhere in the UK would be a helper option!


Kind of glad about the cold nights, easier to handle than too hot I think.

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Guest chris955
Kind of glad about the cold nights, easier to handle than too hot I think.


​I much prefer cold nights. Lying in a pool of sweat lost its appeal early on :)

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I do love that the UK has SUCH a varied weather pattern. Beautiful sunshine and it's never uncomfortably hot either. For me though, it isn't enough. Weather isn't enough for me or my happiness. I love the Aussie weather because of all it nourishes, the wildlife is incredible and the flora and fauna sustained there amaze me.


But then, Australia is 'bland' isn't it, so it's easier to just simplify it down to 'Oh I love the warmth.'. Easier than accepting that some people might actually like the weather.

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