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Getting used to the heat?


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Been here 40 years and still hate the heat and sunburn. Hot days suck. Air-conditioning is awesome. But, I'd sooner be cold and able to rug up nice and toasty than be sweltering hot and already be down to my undies trying to stay cool and failing when it's 35C at 3am in the morning on some summer nights. Worst nights ever without air-con.

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I must have missed that, my brother lives about 85ks from Canberra and they get weeks of temps in the 40's but I have no idea what it is like in Canberra itself.

It rarely gets to 40 but we have had several days on the trot in the mid to high 30s most summers and it sure feels like weeks in the 40s! It does tend to go down at night but even then there are some nights when it doesn't o down far enough!

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Guest Ptp113
It rarely gets to 40 but we have had several days on the trot in the mid to high 30s most summers and it sure feels like weeks in the 40s! It does tend to go down at night but even then there are some nights when it doesn't o down far enough!


Very rare though that it stays hot at night

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