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To those returning or have returned to the UK ?


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To those that have returned to the UK, or those Returning or trying to return (in many cases)


Would you still come to Oz, if you could go back in time, and make the move again???Knowing what you know now.?

And if you had of still come ,Is there anything that you should of done differently?.


For us, we made a huge mistake, and if we had our time again, we would of stayed in the UK.



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Guest The Pom Queen
Grrr. One of my pet hates is people who say should of or would of.


So much for the UK public schooling.

Oh sshhh we can't all be perfect :tongue:

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If we knew then what we knew now we would still have come, it was something we needed to do to get it out of our system and Australia has financially been very good to us, so absolutely no regrets.

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To those that have returned to the UK, or those Returning or trying to return (in many cases)


Would you still come to Oz, if you could go back in time, and make the move again???Knowing what you know now.?

And if you had of still come ,Is there anything that you should of done differently?.


For us, we made a huge mistake, and if we had our time again, we would of stayed in the UK.




Hindsight is a wonderful thing - sadly we don't have the benefit of it before making decisons. Personally, I think if we never made mistakes we'd never learn anything. Perhaps you can tell us some of the reasons why you wouldn't migrate (given your time over) ?

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To those that have returned to the UK, or those Returning or trying to return (in many cases)


Would you still come to Oz, if you could go back in time, and make the move again???Knowing what you know now.?

And if you had of still come ,Is there anything that you should of done differently?.


For us, we made a huge mistake, and if we had our time again, we would of stayed in the UK.




Well I suppose we are all different, but anyone who wishes they had never gone to Australia must have a regretful story to tell. Personally the best move I made as a young bloke was to leave the UK regardless of where I went. Despite enjoying the UK just now as an old codger in semi retirement, I can't think of anything that would keep me here if I was a young man wanting to get on in life. They say failure or regret are the two sides of a coin to consider when making big decisions, but I speak to people almost on a daily basis who would love to leave this country but make no effort to do so. You obviously had more get up and go than these people, and for whatever reason you have for regretting going to Australia, at least you can back it up with the experience of having done it. I don't think it's ever been harder for people particularly from the UK to settle in Australia. The expense involved, the higher cost of living, and the fact Australia is at the height of a "greed cycle", isn't helpful at all. Australia is now an affluent country as opposed to thirty or forty years ago when it was seen as still developing. At that time living was cheap and both governments, Oz and the UK, actually contributed to assisted passage when there was a shortage of labour. These days Australians seem to be less welcoming to migrants, and the tv shows here in the UK showing life on the Gold Coast most likely do very little to prepare people for their new life. Your present life here in the UK prior to emigrating also has a lot to do with how well things work out. If life is comfortable then Oz may be a disappointment, whereas if you've just spent twelve months on Christmas Island after escaping Afghanistan then life can only improve. I hope aspiring emigrants from the UK aren't put off by some of the stories on this website. They just have to ask themselves what reasons they have for wanting to leave the UK.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Can the spelling lesson please stop now. I am the worst person with spelling and grammar but I don't come on here to have it pulled apart. If you want to start an English Grammar thread please feel free and let's get back to the OP

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Guest chris955
To those that have returned to the UK, or those Returning or trying to return (in many cases)


Would you still come to Oz, if you could go back in time, and make the move again???Knowing what you know now.?

And if you had of still come ,Is there anything that you should of done differently?.


For us, we made a huge mistake, and if we had our time again, we would of stayed in the UK.



It isnt quite so straightforward for me as I went to Australia as a baby and obviously had no choice. If I had been given the choice back then I would probably would still have done it for the adventure and the trips backwards and forwards have made me look at both countries in an unbiased way. I dont actually regret what we did in later life when I did have the choice, being in Australia at the right time has enabled us to live here and be more or less set financially. No regrets but happy to be where we are now.

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As to the 'coulda woulda shoulda' question - I have never moved to Australia, but have moved around Europe quite a lot and am now back in my home town. I don't believe any experience is ever wasted entirely. I'd rather make an adventurous move than find myself at sixty saying 'We once nearly ......'


Great question Saphire, because it attempts to identify the things that can go wrong - and will maybe help someone else who is thinking of moving.

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As to the 'coulda woulda shoulda' question - I have never moved to Australia, but have moved around Europe quite a lot and am now back in my home town. I don't believe any experience is ever wasted entirely. I'd rather make an adventurous move than find myself at sixty saying 'We once nearly ......'


Great question Saphire, because it attempts to identify the things that can go wrong - and will maybe help someone else who is thinking of moving.


Thanks ,Fisher 1

I thought it would be interesting to hear peoples thoughts,on whether they would do it again, if they had their time over.

And if it helps anyone thinking of coming over then thats great

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Can the spelling lesson please stop now. I am the worst person with spelling and grammar but I don't come on here to have it pulled apart. If you want to start an English Grammar thread please feel free and let's get back to the OP


Kate posted this - yet people continue to debate spelling ... start a new thread please.


OP perhaps you could share why you wouldn't have come if you had your time over - others may benefit from it.

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I think ever case is different on what people want. I guess it also depends on how much research people have done BEFORE going?

Do they decide the life they want based on the photos of the blues skies and sandy beaches?

I have backpacked [03-04] and done the reccie [11].

For me its about the future of my little boy (and others to `pop`out). I dont want him on the streets in the UK! Even I get intimidated walking back home at times after a pint / footy. Not saying Oz has a less driven crime aspect - but I felt safe their.

Outdoor living has always been a better side of living for me and I hope I can make good friends, work hard and secure a nice job, and get the best for my family.


If it doesnt work out - I will say we gave it a bloody good shot and tried my best and will return with no regrets. I did my homework, my savings, my research - but you have to follow your heart.


As for the grammer - lay off. I appreciate someones assistance.

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I think it is a good life lesson and it has clearly showed the OP how much they appreciate the UK. If you don't go you will never know if it is for you, I personally think you will only know if you go (could be the new slogan) no amount of Internet research can compare to the real thing. I have been to oz twice before and fingers crossed if we get our visa we will be visiting for a month to activate our visa, I don't know what more you can do to prepare yourself for the big move and then once there give it enough time to decide if it was the right move and if not you can always say you've done it.

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Anyone remember the old Northern Territory ad slogan 'You'll never never know if you never ever go"? I can't imagine any experience would be totally wasted- even painful ones. In fact it is the painful ones which make us grow as people in some ways. Least that is what I have found in life.

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Would have stayed in the UK for another 6 months to get perm res then gone to Aus. But saying that too many good things happened in the first 6 months in Aus so wouldn't change it.


Saying that it has been a headache having to apply for another visa to quicken up the process of getting a mortgage.

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Its interesting reading some of the comments.

For us, our ties to the UK, were far too great

We never realised just what we had ,back in the UK.Sometimes you do not realise what a great life you had,until you leave it behind

Our family ,our friends,our beautiful home, Our business,which we sold.

Im glad in some ways we have experienced Oz, only for the fact, we had the opportunity to come, and it has made us far stronger people.Its not easy to emigrate, and everything seems 20 times harder to acheive in Oz,so much red tape and officialdom.For us that was certainly the case.And the expense of living here,,,Dont get me started on that one!!!!

I would not do it again, if I could go back in time, purely because,we miss our old lives far too much, and coming to Oz took everything we had worked for,for many years in terms of finances.Its taken a long while to recover our losses.

We will certainly appreciate what the UK, has to offer us ,on our return.Jobs already secured,House purchased,Family,Friends,,,So excited.

Thankfully we can go home, and be secure

Its the ones who cant and want to, I feel sorry for.

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Its interesting reading some of the comments.

For us, our ties to the UK, were far too great

We never realised just what we had ,back in the UK.Sometimes you do not realise what a great life you had,until you leave it behind

Our family ,our friends,our beautiful home, Our business,which we sold.

Im glad in some ways we have experienced Oz, only for the fact, we had the opportunity to come, and it has made us far stronger people.Its not easy to emigrate, and everything seems 20 times harder to acheive in Oz,so much red tape and officialdom.For us that was certainly the case.And the expense of living here,,,Dont get me started on that one!!!!

I would not do it again, if I could go back in time, purely because,we miss our old lives far too much, and coming to Oz took everything we had worked for,for many years in terms of finances.Its taken a long while to recover our losses.

We will certainly appreciate what the UK, has to offer us ,on our return.Jobs already secured,House purchased,Family,Friends,,,So excited.

Thankfully we can go home, and be secure

Its the ones who cant and want to, I feel sorry for.

So what were you looking for in Australia ?

You make you're life sound idyllic prior to leaving the UK.

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So what were you looking for in Australia ?

You make you're life sound idyllic prior to leaving the UK.


It was a good life, but we were like so many others

We thought , we could have even better here

Eventually family were going to join us, however they came out and decided it was not for them,so that made things hard.

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It was a good life, but we were like so many others

We thought , we could have even better here

Eventually family were going to join us, however they came out and decided it was not for them,so that made things hard.

Best of luck mate to you and your fam.

Still a bit puzzled about your reference to red tape and officialdom in Oz. The UK has so many rules I can't see how Oz outperformed it in that category.....Syd.

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