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Hello, I'm considering moving to Australia and have had a read through the posts on this forum to read about others experiences and get some insight. One thing I'm not clear on...


I've read a lot of posters say there are more or better opportunities for them and for their children but with little comment about what these opportunities are. I'm interested to hear specific examples. What opportunities in terms of education, work and lifestyle does Australia offer that the UK genuinely can't?


Many thanks

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from what I've read, the most positive posts about hugely increased lifestyles & opportunities tend to come from those who have yet to make the move...once there you still have the same issues with work,high cost of living, schooling etc- there's just a bit more sun to contend with ! I think it's all very subjective & you have to go with your own reasons for moving & whether you think it will benefit you & your family over what you've got already.

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Guest chris955

I think Freesia summed it up nicely, there really is nothing magical about Australia that gives kids or adults more or better opportunities. If you want to be able to scuba dive on a tropical reef then obviously Queensland gives you that but then it doesnt give you different opportunities. Put it this way the majority of workers in both countries work around 40 hours, usually have to travel a certain distance to work and dont work at weekends. They pay tax, pay for petrol, food, clothes etc. As has been said it seems to be those who havent lived here that talk up that side of things. It is just another 1st world country. If you love beaches then yes it offers more opportunities.

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& the more I read about it the more afraid I am tbh about giving up a relatively stable (financially I mean) life here & losing a lot of that with the move ...scary stuff ! because if you're going to struggle financially that kills off a lot of the pleasure of it !

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If you move here and pick up where you left off ,chances are not much will change,, however if you use the move to change what you dont like about your uk lifestyle ,you will be pleasently surprised.


For my family personally ,we do lots of watersports, yes we had a jet ski etc in the UK but its use was limited with the weather and getting 2 small kids to play on beach when its cold or wet really isnt fun and in my experience doesnt work. The majority of the time here its warm and dry thus meaning more weekends out and about for fun activites like this.

We choose an area here that had way less crime than what was around us in the UK and this also add's to the kids freedom. My son goes down to the local river fishing or rides his bike or takes his motorcross out in our back paddock. All things he couldnt do in the UK without an adult taking him.

Overall for us personally and through comparing with my kids friends in the UK, here seems a tad more 'sheltered', its just different, kids do different things and dont seem to hover on street corners or parks, but again this can boil down to the area you choose to settle in once you move here.


Good luck with your planning

Cal x

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello, I'm considering moving to Australia and have had a read through the posts on this forum to read about others experiences and get some insight. One thing I'm not clear on...


I've read a lot of posters say there are more or better opportunities for them and for their children but with little comment about what these opportunities are. I'm interested to hear specific examples. What opportunities in terms of education, work and lifestyle does Australia offer that the UK genuinely can't?


Many thanks


Perhaps you could tell us a little more about your circumstances, trade - what you're hoping Australia will provide for you/family

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Hello, I'm considering moving to Australia and have had a read through the posts on this forum to read about others experiences and get some insight. One thing I'm not clear on...


I've read a lot of posters say there are more or better opportunities for them and for their children but with little comment about what these opportunities are. I'm interested to hear specific examples. What opportunities in terms of education, work and lifestyle does Australia offer that the UK genuinely can't?


Many thanks



More often than not it is the people that have not yet moved that talk vaguely about "better opportunities" but probably cannot really support the statement. Over the long run, there will be times when uk economy is doing worse than Australia and there will be times when the opposite is true. Personally I would not emigrate for a better economy, although it might justify a short term or temporary move.


Migration works out for some and when it does they might say that they have had better opportunities. Equally migration does not turn out as well for others and so they might say that the opportunities are not there. I guess what I think is not to move for opportunities, just move because you want to.

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It's a great country but you have to make it work yourselves


Australia doesn't just do all the work for you


You'll live a life here same as in UK


So working roughly same hours maybe more maybe less


But probably longer travel times?


If you want it to work and for you to be happy it will work but it's hard work


But what Australia offers you is a new fresh start and you have to fill in your own pieces to make the jigsaw of your life work

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Hello, I'm considering moving to Australia and have had a read through the posts on this forum to read about others experiences and get some insight. One thing I'm not clear on...


I've read a lot of posters say there are more or better opportunities for them and for their children but with little comment about what these opportunities are. I'm interested to hear specific examples. What opportunities in terms of education, work and lifestyle does Australia offer that the UK genuinely can't?


Many thanks


I don't see any evidence for this, though there are quite a few (mainly Australian) people on here who like nothing more than us poms believing it to be so. They like to have their collective egos massaged.


At the end of the day, wherever the parents are happy/happiest is what makes for a better outcome for the kids. After all, what's the point if the parents split up cos one likes it and the other hates it?

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My sons 23, an electrician, having served and apprenticeship. Had 3 or 4 different jobs around Perth with different companies to gain experience in different fields, all with decent pay. Fancied a FIFO job as they pay more but was specific in that he wanted an 8 x 6 swing (that's 8 days or nights on 6 off) so only went after jobs that offered that swing.


Did a couple of extra courses and landed a job in about a couple of months of deciding that's what he wanted to do. He's now on more money than me, planning a massive trip for next year when the company he works for have already given him permission to have 3 months off.


Comparing that to his cousins in Manchester, one the same age, one 4 years younger. The same age one has never had a job and the younger one is going to Uni as he can't think of anything else to do. Could just be a bad part of the UK but it would be interesting to get responses from other parts of the country and see if apprenticeships are around or are they a thing of the past?


When we left school (a long time ago) there was definitely 2 choices. You could try and get an apprenticeship at 16 and leave school with something to go to or stay on, do O and A levels and go to Uni. Most of my friends and me took option 1 with the apprenticeship.

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My sons 23, an electrician, having served and apprenticeship. Had 3 or 4 different jobs around Perth with different companies to gain experience in different fields, all with decent pay. Fancied a FIFO job as they pay more but was specific in that he wanted an 8 x 6 swing (that's 8 days or nights on 6 off) so only went after jobs that offered that swing.


Did a couple of extra courses and landed a job in about a couple of months of deciding that's what he wanted to do. He's now on more money than me, planning a massive trip for next year when the company he works for have already given him permission to have 3 months off.


Comparing that to his cousins in Manchester, one the same age, one 4 years younger. The same age one has never had a job and the younger one is going to Uni as he can't think of anything else to do. Could just be a bad part of the UK but it would be interesting to get responses from other parts of the country and see if apprenticeships are around or are they a thing of the past?


When we left school (a long time ago) there was definitely 2 choices. You could try and get an apprenticeship at 16 and leave school with something to go to or stay on, do O and A levels and go to Uni. Most of my friends and me took option 1 with the apprenticeship.


You are not suggesting that nobody in UK will ever start an apprenticeship again though are you? And that anyone that wants one in Australia will get one? You have just picked two people at one point in time; it would be rash to draw any real conclusions over whether this means that Australia has more opportunities than UK now, never mind for ever more.

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I don't see any evidence for this, though there are quite a few (mainly Australian) people on here who like nothing more than us poms believing it to be so. They like to have their collective egos massaged.



I can't recall any Australians on here stating/implying this. They've all been Poms.

But mustn't let a fact get in the way of prejudice. :shocked:

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You are not suggesting that nobody in UK will ever start an apprenticeship again though are you? And that anyone that wants one in Australia will get one? You have just picked two people at one point in time; it would be rash to draw any real conclusions over whether this means that Australia has more opportunities than UK now, never mind for ever more.


I hope there are firms in the UK still offering apprenticeships but I know they are few and far between in the North of England and Wales, where most of them were a few years ago due to it being the heartland of manufacturing, mining, engineering, steelworks. Now most of those industries have been decimated and the apprenticeships that were around aren't anymore. I would love it to be different and I'm sure my nephew and a few of his mates think the same.


From my experience with my sons age group in Perth I would say that anyone who wants an apprenticeship can get one. I know out of his friends there are 4 plumbers, a couple of sparkies, roof tilers. Don't know of any kids his age and younger who can't find an apprenticeship if they want one. One of my youngest sons best friends is a bit of a tearaway and got kicked out of a couple of schools. He's a nice kid but just a bit of a rebel who wanted to be out of school as soon as possible. He's only 16 and is an apprentice joiner. So from my experience of here and what I hear from family and friends back in the UK I would say that, at the moment Perth has more opportunities at the moment than where people I know live in the UK, which is comparing Perth and WA to the Manchester/Stockport/Derbyshire area. From what I hear I don't think other major cities in the North are faring much better.


It might be different in the South, I don't know anyone down there.


Doesn't mean it's going to last forever either, I've seen downturns here and they can happen pretty quick in a small place like Perth. At the moment though and for a few years, I reckon we are in the right place at the right time.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Hello, I'm considering moving to Australia and have had a read through the posts on this forum to read about others experiences and get some insight. One thing I'm not clear on...


I've read a lot of posters say there are more or better opportunities for them and for their children but with little comment about what these opportunities are. I'm interested to hear specific examples. What opportunities in terms of education, work and lifestyle does Australia offer that the UK genuinely can't?


Many thanks



Well I take it your in the UK so you will know about all the cuts in most jobs up and down the country, over the last couple of years, good jobs, with good pay and decent pensions have been savaged and are alot harder to come by, just take the police and prison service for example, new recruits are starting on thousands of pounds less pay, about £6,000 less at the top increment, working nearly ten years longer, paying more into their pensions and eventually getting less and it's happening all over. So my view is that if you want to give your kids a chance of a good well paid job then it's far better in Australia at present, there's no sign of starting pay being reduced over there, plus average wages and pay rises for skilled workers especially is incredible compared to the UK and finally, University fees are still at the rate they were in England before the Con/Demned party trebled them, when they promised that they wouldn't.

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I don't see any evidence for this, though there are quite a few (mainly Australian) people on here who like nothing more than us poms believing it to be so. They like to have their collective egos massaged.


At the end of the day, wherever the parents are happy/happiest is what makes for a better outcome for the kids. After all, what's the point if the parents split up cos one likes it and the other hates it?



Jesus harpo....you talk a load of sh!t at times.

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Hello, I'm considering moving to Australia and have had a read through the posts on this forum to read about others experiences and get some insight. One thing I'm not clear on...


I've read a lot of posters say there are more or better opportunities for them and for their children but with little comment about what these opportunities are. I'm interested to hear specific examples. What opportunities in terms of education, work and lifestyle does Australia offer that the UK genuinely can't?


Many thanks

I agree a lot do say there are much better opportunities in Australia I live here and my daughter is just about to start Uni

If she'd have been still in UK she'd have already started uni so no difference apart from maybe on the costs?

But we have to pay the fees upfront here

Pam had a great job in UK

Pam has a great job here

Same for me working with computers in UK and now here

Lifestyle I'd say better here for sure but this is us not everyone because we're all different


So really not much in it for both countries


We we're very lucky that Pam got a great job here before we left the UK which did help us lots

We also secured the rental we're in now also from the UK


So for us everything fell into place


But for some everything from getting a job to finding a rental can be a nightmare


Think carefully and be prepared for ups and downs as well as a new change of lifestyle

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