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An update from me! A much more positive one!


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So I've been quiet on here for a little while. I miss you all, but I have done it for a reason.


Those of you who know me, will know that I struggled last year at Uni. A LOT LOL!


Once I finnished my Health science course, I decided to take things a little easy. Just been working at home. Also been on Holiday to Holland to visit family and have a long hard think. I am back to the UK tomorrow.


Anyway, I got my results and I PASSED!!!!!!!!!! I got quite a decent mark in the end, after all of that worry and stress! I however, didn't quite get the mark needed to carry on to next year in Cardiff. This morning they rejected me and so I was pretty gutted.


About an hour later I had an e-mail from Plymouth University to ask what my results had been. Once I told them, they offered me a place there and then!!!


So I get to study Podiatry, as I have always wanted, I also get to go home to Devon, which is nice.


I am disappointed that I don't get to stay with my friends in Cardiff, but am absolutely overjoyed that all of that work was worthwhile and I finally, after 23 years can start studying what I want to study, rather than what I am told to study!


Thank you for all of your support and help over the last year. You have all been so supportive and I thank you so much.


I'm so chuffed to now be getting on with my degree and my plan for Australia is still in the running.


So, hope to be back on PIO a bit more now. Have missed you a lot, but wanted to give you all a proper update before I came back properly.


Anna. XxX:biggrin:

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Guest The Pom Queen

Oh Anna I am sooooo happy for you, it sounds like you were being too hard on yourself last year because obviously you had it there. You just be very proud of yourself.

We all know where to come when we need our feet looking at :wink:

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Thank you everyone!


Can't believe you were all thinking of how I was doing! :hug:


All absolute legends. I'll catch up properly over the weekend. Just off to bed, got to be up at stupid O Clock to drive back to the UK from The Netherlands. XxX

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Thank you everyone!


Can't believe you were all thinking of how I was doing! :hug:


All absolute legends. I'll catch up properly over the weekend. Just off to bed, got to be up at stupid O Clock to drive back to the UK from The Netherlands. XxX


Many congratulations Anna, So pleased for you!! well deserved after you working so hard.


I really hope you are not just driving, otherwise you will need a James Bond car. Stop when you get to the water's edge :wink::laugh: or when you find yourself in a really long tunnel :cute:


Millie x

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