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Children better off in Oz?


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I know for some it is hard to accept but Australians use more recreational drugs than anyone else in the world, mostly cannabis and amphetamines. Lets not try and bury our heads in the sand and attempt to disguise these drugs as irrelevant, they are illegal hard drugs.




I have lived in the UK 10x longer than I lived in Oz and I have never seen anyone in the UK abusing paint and similar substances, yet during my time in Perth it was a pretty common sight outside some of the DIY stores to see groups of kids/adults off their faces. There was no mistaking what they were doing as they were themselves covered in paint. Its a problem.


My experience of family life in Oz was a good one, we had some fantastic days out at the beach....just gorgeous beaches, but my kids never went out to play with friends, not because they didnt have any, but you just do not see kids out on the streets. Taxiing the kids from piano lessons to ballet then back to jungle jims is not teaching them the life skills they need, In the Uk I see more kids out on their own then I ever did in Oz, my kids go out more now they are home, I dont know why that is.....I really believe the sun and the heat has a bearing on this plus the influx of middle class Britain. But saying that, our generation of parents are in real danger of breeding a generation of incompetents, kids incapable of making decisions because they have spent their childhoods wrapped in cotton wool by over protective parents more interested in dressing them up to look nice and taking them to violin lessons then off to grannies for tea. Thats the same here, I think our generation will have a lot to answer for, we are breeding a generation that for the first time is not expected to live as long as their parents, obese and useless.

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opiates are probably the worst and im sure far more consumed in the UK than Australia. Opiates cause massive increases in other types of criminal activity. In Australia there might be more weed and ecstasy, these types of drugs have less social impact than heroin....



What about crystal meth? I believe it is more commonly used in Australia than the UK.


To be honest, drug use is rampant in both countries, and anyone who thinks otherwise is very naive.


I'm looking forward to some sunnier weather as we are outdoorsy people ( but then we go out on plenty of walks here in the UK). I'm hoping that we'll be able to have more family time in the garden (yard) if the weather is sunnier, and I want my kids to experience a different place.


But generally, I think kids are happy if their parents are happy and they have a few good friends at school.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

jobs wise, it couldn't be much grimmer than it is here in the uk, good jobs have gone in their hundreds of thousands, bank jobs, council jobs, police, prisons, nurses, teachers, you name it nearly everywhere has been effected apart from ...... supermarkets and pound shops. This doesn't tell the full story, No ..... its much worse, 3 years of no, or hardly any pay rises, when inflation was running high, its come down a bit recently, the pay freezes are bad, but the change of contracts and working conditions, is just the tip of the iceberg, there can't be many who haven't been effected, higher pension payments, higher age of retirement, lower pensions than what everyone expected and ......... any new jobs advertised are being offered at lower pay than previous, just take the police and prison service for instance, new starters start on less and will earn £6,000 a year less when they are on their top increment. So work wise its a no brainer, especially with unemployment nearly half of the UKs unemployment rate, Australia is a far better place for work and opportunities, than the UK at present and good well paid jobs, leads to a better lifestyle for all, including mums and dads and ...... children.

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I'm looking forward to some sunnier weather as we are outdoorsy people ( but then we go out on plenty of walks here in the UK). I'm hoping that we'll be able to have more family time in the garden (yard) if the weather is sunnier, and I want my kids to experience a different place.



It's interesting you say that - my Aussie husband has never had so much sitting reading in the garden time as he has here this summer!!! He's usually out on the bench reading until gone 9, glass of wine at hand, just soaking up the long summer evenings. He is also managing the gardening with apparently less effort - doesnt need to mulch and water as much. Of course he didnt do it in winter but he rarely sat out in the garden in Australia at all.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

The Uk has record numbers of prisoners locked up, nearly 85,000 thats almost doubled in the last 25 years, a very high percentage of offenders offend because of drugs and it is a massive problem, but ...... i don't think its any different in Australia, or anywhere come to think of it.

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But saying that, our generation of parents are in real danger of breeding a generation of incompetents, kids incapable of making decisions because they have spent their childhoods wrapped in cotton wool by over protective parents more interested in dressing them up to look nice and taking them to violin lessons then off to grannies for tea. Thats the same here, I think our generation will have a lot to answer for, we are breeding a generation that for the first time is not expected to live as long as their parents, obese and useless.


I agree.


My kids are allowed to play out. They can play on the street (we live on a dead end road) and they can go around the village and to the park.

They can go into the fields if there is a group of them, but not alone or in a two.

We live in a Dorset village and lots of kids play out.

On the other hand, my brother lives in Leeds, and his kids who are the same age as mine, are not allowed to play out.


When we get to Australia I really want to try and move somewhere where kids DO play out as they enjoy it so much, and I do think it helps them to gain social skills, problem solving skills and street smarts (in a good way).

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nothing IMO, If you are a parent who takes your kids camping swimming fishing walking, you will do it in oz, if you are a parent who lets your kids spend hours on the internet you will do it in oz, blaming the weather is a poor excuse as we have until this year been in drought for the last 3 years.


Been in drought , try living in Devon!!!!

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jobs wise, it couldn't be much grimmer than it is here in the uk, good jobs have gone in their hundreds of thousands, bank jobs, council jobs, police, prisons, nurses, teachers, you name it nearly everywhere has been effected apart from ...... supermarkets and pound shops. This doesn't tell the full story, No ..... its much worse, 3 years of no, or hardly any pay rises, when inflation was running high, its come down a bit recently, the pay freezes are bad, but the change of contracts and working conditions, is just the tip of the iceberg, there can't be many who haven't been effected, higher pension payments, higher age of retirement, lower pensions than what everyone expected and ......... any new jobs advertised are being offered at lower pay than previous, just take the police and prison service for instance, new starters start on less and will earn £6,000 a year less when they are on their top increment. So work wise its a no brainer, especially with unemployment nearly half of the UKs unemployment rate, Australia is a far better place for work and opportunities, than the UK at present and good well paid jobs, leads to a better lifestyle for all, including mums and dads and ...... children.



Things are bad here in the public sector. I'm a nurse and we have the local pay deals (cuts) hanging over our head, on top of the prspect of reduced annual leave and longer working hours. We haven't had a pay rise in a long time and our pensions are being chopped at.

Front line staff aren't being replaced which is creating huge pressure on services.


On top of it all, because of a few bad apples, the general public seems to think we are lazy and have a cushy life.


I haven't had a proper lunch break in over a year!


I'm hoping it won't go the same way in Australia.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Things are bad here in the public sector. I'm a nurse and we have the local pay deals (cuts) hanging over our head, on top of the prspect of reduced annual leave and longer working hours. We haven't had a pay rise in a long time and our pensions are being chopped at.

Front line staff aren't being replaced which is creating huge pressure on services.


On top of it all, because of a few bad apples, the general public seems to think we are lazy and have a cushy life.


I haven't had a proper lunch break in over a year!


I'm hoping it won't go the same way in Australia.



Well its been reported on PIO for the last 4 years that Australia is heading for recession, but its had excellent growth figures year on year and again this year theres good growth predicted, whereas here in the Uk, theres been no growth in the last 4 years and we are in a double dip recession, its definately better in Australia for employment and a good future for kids leaving education at present, will it always be like that? who knows, but i won't listen to scare mongering stories which have so far proved to be way hoff the mark.

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Guest AKA63029

Can I just add one thing.


Australia does NOT have the biggest recreational drug use in the world, neither does it have the worst 'hard' drugs problem.


How many of these surveys actually went full throttle into some South American countries, none, that's how many.

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I am curios. A lot of people say they want to move to Oz because it will be better for their children. Why do you think that? What will Oz offer that the UK doesn't?



Ask quoll , she would give a fair and balanced answer .........my answer to almost all oz v uk questions is ........If you live in the right area of the Uk with a few quid in your pocket , your lifestyle can be enviable .

I understand and appreciate the outdoor and beach lifestyle of oz ........but would my daughter have travelled extensively if we had been in Oz ......i doubt it .

In relation to sport ........we have at least 10 top quality golf courses around here , including the belfry .....home to the ryder cup for a while .

She has joined the local golf club ......full membership ......£50 A YEAR .....if she gets better , and shows interest she can go for free Warwickshire training .......up the road from Perthbums place @ Stratford oaks .



Its not about UK v Oz argument anyway ......its about opening your bloody eyes to the opportunities on your doorstep wherever you are......especiallly for your kids.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Talking about the golf, i am a member of a club, i just joined this year and the last 3 weekends i have been rained hoff, its not looking good this weekend either, i played in the hottest weather there was in Australia, over 35 degrees and yes it was hot, but i bloody loved it and at least ....... i could play and plan to play without being rained off.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Aus does have quite a shocking drug culture !! Certainly not worse than other places. But quite shocking.



Same as the uk, or at least very similar.

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I always say my kids don't have a better life now ... just a different one and they both continue to be happy and content. I'd like to think that wherever we were that would have happened anyway. We lived in a nice area, had a good lifestyle but still wanted a change and we're not beach lovers so not everyone is attracted to Aus because they want the beach lifestyle or don't like their life in the UK.


Each persons reasons for moving are unique to them, other than saying we wanted a change and opportunity to live and work in another country there really weren't any more compelling reasons and I find it difficut to explain, so I just see that when people say "better life" ... it may just be like my "we wanted a change" - hard to put into words so you choose a phrase to explain things.

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Guest Ptp113
I am curios. A lot of people say they want to move to Oz because it will be better for their children. Why do you think that? What will Oz offer that the UK doesn't?


A life over existence. Priceless!

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Guest Ptp113

Once I got my head around it and changed my ways, I had a far better life here as a kid in so many ways. Probably helped that we were living in a unique environment though.

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Can I just add one thing.


Australia does NOT have the biggest recreational drug use in the world, neither does it have the worst 'hard' drugs problem.


How many of these surveys actually went full throttle into some South American countries, none, that's how many.


I try and stick to the facts, so on the one hand Tony says Australia doesnt have the biggest recreational drug problem and on the other hand the United Nations World Drug Report says it does.....which one would you believe.


Ive had a look at their survey and this is a link to a small part that indicates they did go to all those south american countries you talk about to get results.


The annual prevelance of use of the population of 15-64 year olds says: USA 1.8% of population, Uk 1.1% of population, Australia 2.1% of population.


Its all there in black & white. But I new/now its bad, ive had first hand experience.



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Guest Guest62757

I think my husband like anyone had an idealistic view of his childhood and felt Australia would be better to raise our boys. Hmmm... things have changed and while I don't think it is any better, it's just different.


I don't camp never have, never will! My hubby is is an Aussie and a fair one at that burns to shreds at any glimmer of sunshine even after I've slapped on the sun cream so he hates, did I mention hates to going to the beach!


We used to love rambling in Kent with our dogs and have only recently found a dog friendly walk here in Melbourne running by a beautiful creek. You see dogs are banned from the reserves and the dog parks are full of dog poop and pretty yucky in my opinion.


In terms of working I think we are only now getting back on track. My husbands job is in IT this is what he is very good at and has studied for years to do he has a passion for, even as as a hobby (3d games programming) so we have to live near either Sydney or Melbourne where the jobs and money are.


In Sydney we couldn't afford to buy a house that suited our needs with a short commute (40 mins train journey) so we bought up on the coast. We didn't see him, he left at 5.30am and the earliest he would get home would be 8.30pm if there weren't any problems on the trains.

I was a single mum looking after three kids on my own with no help and then cooking for when he came home. On the weekends we would tag team sleep. A result of this lifestyle was my husbands blood pressure shot through the roof and was only found through a medical at his work. He was a walking stroke.


So we moved to Melbourne for bit more more money, renting which is fine and he has a 50 min journey door to door.


Melbourne is not that dis-similar to London/greater London.


I think if you are coming from a poorer lifestyle in the UK and are not bound by living near a cbd here in Australia then I think you will enjoy it over here.

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I think so yes, but it's hard to compare directly because my kids were so young in the UK (2&3) that I don't know what they would be doing now at 4&5.

However, I feel the environment here is much better. There was a bigger choice of schools and newer schools too with nice facilities. There are (generally well kept) parks everywhere in the housing estates. Everywhere feels much more open (outside the CBD), shopping centres are great, usually with kids play facilities. Most big stores do kids activities in the holidays, my wife just takes them to Bunnings etc for the soft play area, cafe and kids activities they put on. There's much more opportunities for socialising, many more playgroups and easy community centre access for activities/festivals. Local libraries to reading sessions in the evening and kids can go in their pijamas! There are many more family activities available, particularly if you like the outdoors. There's the fantatic beaches and sea in the summer and great campsites that aren't full of drunken idiots all the time. It doesn't feel as 'run down' or cramped everywhere (apart from inner city suburbs which I hate, so live on the outskirts).


I have no experience of the 'drug culture' (there was noone selling at the kids festival recently!), but you hear about it all the time on the radio and when booze buses are set up, there's always a huge number of people pulled over with drugs in their system. It would go a long way to explain the driving!

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I ave lived in bth countries a as a bloke who likes a good time , i have experienced the drug culture in both countries.....honest opinion .....it is heavier in oz......can only seal for Perth though.


Do you mean you were able to access them more easily?

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Do you mean you were able to access them more easily?

No, it s easy in both countries, but mre young people used them in oz, I cannot see the big deal to be honest, they don't do any harm to 99.9 % of People.



They are no worse than alcohol.

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