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the word got out at work that I am planning to go to Australia. Since last week I was approached by two coworkers ( originally from India) and they both warned me about the racial issues there saying that couple of years back there was a huge issue as some Indians studying in AUS were killed , supposedly because of their race. They weren`t able to give me any specific detail as to the place where this was supposed to happen.


How were you accepted in Australia as a foreigner? Did you notice any racial problems going on? Are small towns with less diverse population more likely to be unfriendly or hostile? What about your workplace? Are any of the states known to be more accepting to immigrants than others?

I have to say I was taken by surprise because I have worked with Australians in the Gulf and never had any troubles. I am, however, white.

My husband is lebanese by origin so black hair, olive complexion ( very handsome IMO:wink:) . Our kids are a mix:biggrin:.

Please somebody set my mind at ease .

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Guest AKA63029

Hi Maruska.


To say it doesn't exist is to live in a fools paradise, but in all honesty I would say no more than any other country.


There will always be numb nuts who take great pride in using 'race' as a weapon, but on the whole, it is very low in OZ thankfully, and I doubt you will find any problems.


I have a very dark complexion and black hair (just skip the handsome bit,:laugh:) and have never had a problem.


OK, going by my avatar I have been arrested as a member of the PLO, and questioned in depth and 'Water Boarded' by foreign powers, but that's only because I like that sort of thing.


No seriously Maruska, others will be along I'm sure to put your mind at rest, don't worry about it too much matey, you and yours will be fine.


Cheers Tony.

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Australia has far more races than even the UK, there are Indian people everywhere and as far as I could see they were treated just as well as anyone, don't worry, you will be fine, oz is a tolerant country and racism is stamped on if it ever shows its ugly face.

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Thanks Tony,

I was worried here in US of all the "terrorist" hunt because my husband is from the area but nothing happened:biggrin:, educated people know the situation and the rest doesn`t know where Lebanon is:biglaugh::biglaugh:. Not to mention that a large number of doctors in the hospital are also from those " suspicious" countries.

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Guest AKA63029
Thanks Tony,

I was worried here in US of all the "terrorist" hunt because my husband is from the area but nothing happened:biggrin:, educated people know the situation and the rest doesn`t know where Lebanon is:biglaugh::biglaugh:. Not to mention that a large number of doctors in the hospital are also from those " suspicious" countries.


I read my post back Maruska and realised I made a joke (:embarrassed:) about the PLO, I thought god almighty I hope Maruska isn't offended and READ THE POST PROPERLY TONE.


I have studied the Middle East problems my friend, (fascinating) and hopefully didn't upset you.


Tis true that the old witch hunt went on after 9/11, and I remember seeing a programme based in Louisiana (I think) and apparently a lot of voters WOULDN'T vote for Obama because it sounded to much like Osama, the world went mad at the time Maruska.:arghh:

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the word got out at work that I am planning to go to Australia. Since last week I was approached by two coworkers ( originally from India) and they both warned me about the racial issues there saying that couple of years back there was a huge issue as some Indians studying in AUS were killed , supposedly because of their race. They weren`t able to give me any specific detail as to the place where this was supposed to happen.


i work with boat people , refugees and listen to there stories .......they sound scary and so pleased ive never been in that pradicament ......but after all the trouble they have been through i cant believe they end up living with a chip on there shoulder.........they seem to detest the Asssies way , they have there own rules and are stubbard ........and i know for sure the money they are getting is going straight back to Africa to buy land , they are milking our counrty to feed theres ........i have more stories if your interseted ...like one refugees "hair washer phonned him last night , said he was sick! can u send me some money over to Africa .......yes he said , they all jumping on the band wagon , his mum living the life of Riley in Afrca now sinse he came here ......and in 15 yrs he is going back as he is ploughing his money into buying land in Africa .......


How were you accepted in Australia as a foreigner? Did you notice any racial problems going on? Are small towns with less diverse population more likely to be unfriendly or hostile? What about your workplace? Are any of the states known to be more accepting to immigrants than others?

I have to say I was taken by surprise because I have worked with Australians in the Gulf and never had any troubles. I am, however, white.

My husband is lebanese by origin so black hair, olive complexion ( very handsome IMO:wink:) . Our kids are a mix:biggrin:.

Please somebody set my mind at ease .

i work with boat people , refugees and listen to there stories .......they sound scary and so pleased ive never been in that pradicament ......but after all the trouble they have been through i cant believe they end up living with a chip on there shoulder.........they seem to detest the Asssies way , they have there own rules and are stubbard ........and i know for sure the money they are getting is going straight back to Africa to buy land , they are milking our counrty to feed theres ........i have more stories if your interseted ...like one refugees "hair washer phonned him last night , said he was sick! can u send me some money over to Africa .......yes he said , they all jumping on the band wagon , his mum living the life of Riley in Afrca now sinse he came here ......and in 15 yrs he is going back as he is ploughing his money into buying land in Africa .......


How were you accepted in Australia as a foreigner? Did you notice any racial problems going on? Are small towns with less diverse population more likely to be unfriendly or hostile? What about your workplace? Are any of the states known to be more accepting to immigrants than others?

I have to say I was taken by surprise because I have worked with Australians in the Gulf and never had any troubles. I am, however, white.

My husband is lebanese by origin so black hair, olive complexion ( very handsome IMO:wink:) . Our kids are a mix:biggrin:.

Please somebody set my mind

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I read my post back Maruska and realised I made a joke (:embarrassed:) about the PLO, I thought god almighty I hope Maruska isn't offended and READ THE POST PROPERLY TONE.


I have studied the Middle East problems my friend, (fascinating) and hopefully didn't upset you.


Tis true that the old witch hunt went on after 9/11, and I remember seeing a programme based in Louisiana (I think) and apparently a lot of voters WOULDN'T vote for Obama because it sounded to much like Osama, the world went mad at the time Maruska.:arghh:


I am not upset:biggrin:. I agree the Middle East is a fascinating culture, I worked in Saudi for 5 years ( wasn`t that impressed apart from the salary:wink:



), but I visited Lebanon and Jordan and there are beautiful places still undiscovered, rich in culture and natural beauty. The Red sea diving in Jordan in particular was the best I`ve ever experienced. There are fascinating places in Saudi too and the limited access makes it even more interesting:wink:

, like Mada`in Saleh for example.

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And another thing, when I expressed concern to my coworkers they said " oh you`ll be just fine, YOU ARE COMING FROM THE STATES" :eek: what does that have to do with anything I don`t know:err:. I have to add that I have a very good relationship with them, they don`t hate me ( fairly sure:biggrin:)

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Guest AKA63029

Never had the chance to see it yet Maruska, would love to though.


There was a documentary the other day about the troubles, went into great detail about the struggles and dangers.


Then they went to Tel Aviv and it was as if they had stepped into a whole new country. No (or very little) sign of the worries and stresses that affect many in that region, cafes, restaurants, high class boutiques, really did think it was a wholly different country.


Cheers Tony.

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Hi Maruska,


I would say it's not a big problem and I certainly would not worry. Of course, racism exists everywhere unfortunately, but I think it is no more of a problem in Australia than anywhere else. There are people of many nationalities here and everybody seems to get along nicely.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

If i recall correctly after the riots in Totenham, it was reported that black youth unemployment was over 50% in most inner city subhurbs of London, the figures might not be exactly that, but it was over twice the national average and that black youths are vastly more likey to be stopped and searched by the police and the Met has been and still is labled as being institutionally racist, so its here, its evident and it is likely it exhists in most places and countries.

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I think the Aussies have a totally different outlook on things. In the uk we cannot have "christmas" lights because they are "offensive" to certain people, they are called fairy lights (which could actually offend gays if you want to be smart about it). The whole of the UK has gone over the top on being PC and its suffocating. The aussies however don't mince their words, they say what they think. They aren't being particularly racist just very blunt, they don't get hung up like the UK and other countries.


I do find they take you at face value and go on your personality rather than grouping people together. You will be fine.

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Guest Guest69235

I can say from experience that if you make a concerted effort to integrate, racism shall be the least of your problems. If there is one thing that can be said about Australians, its that they are willing to give any one a chance to prove they have their priorities set straight. That means that if you are presentable (you are going to face problems if you look like a bogan), speak good English, and have good social manners (this last one is the MOST important of all), you will face no problems at all. Smile, be warm, friendly, and helpful and you'll make loads of friends. People might pass verbal barbs in conversation, they might hold back information they aren't supposed to provide that adds that teensy little bit more to your skulduggery, but thats about it. And obviously you should have the wits about you to banter right back!!! All part of the fun, hey!!!


I agree totally with Tonyman about many people having a bone with the Aussie way. Which is obviously the most hypocritical and pathetic thing to do... you are being given a fantastic chance for a beautiful new life in a new country and its plain horrible if you go around holding a grudge against your hosts. I hope that puts your mind at ease!!!

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I am sure that you will have no problems at all. Sydney and Melbourne have large immigrant communities from the middle east, particularly from Lebanon and you will probably both be viewed simply as Americans. Racism does occur but it is rare and only comes from stupid people. Aussies do like to make jokes with foreigners, often teasing them which you just need to give as good as you get. I've received a few comments about "whingeing poms" and teasing about cricket but just laugh and tease them back. Fortunately at the time England had just won the Ashes against Australia so a sarcastic comment back about that soon shut them up and we laughed it off together. I see that you live in Texas so I am sure you can host an impressive barbeque which will go a long way. Aussies do say what they think and it can seem blunt sometimes but it is refreshing to have a conversation where you don't mince your words.

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I think the Aussies have a totally different outlook on things. In the uk we cannot have "christmas" lights because they are "offensive" to certain people, they are called fairy lights (which could actually offend gays if you want to be smart about it). The whole of the UK has gone over the top on being PC and its suffocating. The aussies however don't mince their words, they say what they think. They aren't being particularly racist just very blunt, they don't get hung up like the UK and other countries.


I do find they take you at face value and go on your personality rather than grouping people together. You will be fine.


Sorry but I think you will find this Xmas lights thing is complete daily mail balls, as is much of this garbage with conkers in playgrounds etc, and oz is just as bad with political correctness believe me.

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I am sure everyone gets my meaning but yes I could have used prejudice:wink:. English is not my first language and sometimes I use expression that wouldn`t be used by native English speaker:wink:.




we are not that much into BBQ and don`t plan on moving to Sydney or Melbourne:biggrin:. I am really looking forward to the honest conversation though, here it seems like you always have to watch yourself so that you don`t offend anyone ( and by offending I don`t mean swearing at them, just expressing an opinion:mad: )




I guess that`s everywhere then. My son`s school had a Christmas party and called it "winter festival":eek:

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The attacks your friends were referring to happened in Melbourne and a lad that worked at a Pizza outlet was murdered on his way home, however I think it was being in the wrong place at the wrong time rather than who he was. Also there have been attacks on students here in Melbourne mainly because they have flash phones lap tops etc and are around late at night. My daughter witnessed one such attack. Another attack was on a highly respected doctor and he himself said it was not racial.


Why oh why is it racial all the time, every time a person of different ethnicity to the main gets into some sort of bother its racism, despite the fact that at the same time in a city of four million people, others are getting attacked who are white or main stream if you like. No-one seems to think it matters if ordinary citizens are attacked only if it they come from an ethnic minority, its time playing the race card was stopped, violence is violence whoever is the victim.

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I have lived in OZ for over 25 years and recently back in the UK for 4 years. As a White english speaking female I have obviously never experienced racism, well you would think that would make the difference but my daughter has experienced different!

While we were in the UK she had a boyfriend whos mother was Jamacian and father was Nigerian and on meeting the mother was completley obliterated with racist comments toward her, She was called a F****n white slut amoungst other things ! She truly experienced the effects of racism during the two years with this boyfriend and how it felt to be considered 'less than' based purely on the colour of her skin.


This proves that no matter what race you are you can experience this, and its not based on where you live either.


However my partner is of Indian heritage and has never personally experienced any racism in his 48 years in the uk and now his 9 months living in OZ he loves it here and enjoys the banter etc that goes with the territory.

If you ask him though he will tell you. and is adamant that he has never experienced this as he has Never thought about the colour of his skin, he just is who he is and thats it, he dosent think like a potential victim of racism and so racism has never come his way. He says some people wear there race like a badge and its the first thing they consider about themselves, he just considers himself English and thats that.


We have not encountered any issues with race in OZ, Im not saying it dosent exist but hey its a hugely multi cultural society and like most other places like this in the world the main focus is on intergrating and not segregating, thats the thing that gets up peoples noses more than anything else.

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The attacks your friends were referring to happened in Melbourne and a lad that worked at a Pizza outlet was murdered on his way home, however I think it was being in the wrong place at the wrong time rather than who he was. Also there have been attacks on students here in Melbourne mainly because they have flash phones lap tops etc and are around late at night. My daughter witnessed one such attack. Another attack was on a highly respected doctor and he himself said it was not racial.


Why oh why is it racial all the time, every time a person of different ethnicity to the main gets into some sort of bother its racism, despite the fact that at the same time in a city of four million people, others are getting attacked who are white or main stream if you like. No-one seems to think it matters if ordinary citizens are attacked only if it they come from an ethnic minority, its time playing the race card was stopped, violence is violence whoever is the victim.


So it looks like the motive was money :err:

my coworkers said that it was racial...... maybe it got a whole different interpretation in indian news:eek:

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I have ginger hair, bucked teeth, big lips, a bald patch, wear inch thick glasses, walk with a limp, have zits, speak with a slight lisp, my nose is red, my ears stick out and my name is Cyril. Nobody gives me any sh*t because of the color of my skin.

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There was a spate of incidents a couple of years ago in which Indians were involved and there was enormous publicity in the Indian press about Australia being a racist and anti Indian country.


However it was later found that, in one case, one Indian was murdered by another Indian - it was a personal feud with someone he knew. The incident referred to by Petals was, as she said, someone who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and it wasn't racially motivated. A third high profile case was an Indian who claimed he was attacked and set alight. What eventually came to light was that he had tried to set alight his car to make a fraudulent insurance claim and he made a mess of it and he burned himself. He was later charged.


After the initial headlines in the Indian press I don't think the facts received nearly as much publicity.

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So it looks like the motive was money :err:

my coworkers said that it was racial...... maybe it got a whole different interpretation in indian news:eek:


If there was a racial element it would have been perhaps the perceived vulnerbility of some Asians as seen by the aggressors....in other words easy targets...

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