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I agree its your right not to have alcohol at your house Salma however at a social gathering its polite to make sure that all attendees are catered for and its a sign of good manners. We do not get drunk but we do like a glass of wine.


As for arranged marriages, I agree some are not forced. However when a young lass is told if you marry out of our faith then we will not speak to you again, I would call that blackmail and yes, I know someone this happened to. Its archaic stuff.


So many problems and there are many many of them.


I can never understand why people migrate to a country that does not have their customs, if customs are so much part of one's life. Its obvious that children when they go to school, grow up are going to want a different way of life and if we are good immigrants we should rejoice in that.


I am sure you will live by not having a drink at one party plus they would have had other drinks there (i have been to parties where the only drinks were alcoholic and i had to have water and just went with the flow as I was a guest it was upto the hosts what they supply).


They move because life is very bad in their home country and some change and some don't. There are many who will keep their beliefs and customs and still live successful lives with successful families in a new country.

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So do you also think non-smokers should provide cigarettes for guests who smoke? Unless you have something against soft-drinks, then you WERE catered for. Would you be equally put out if you'd been invited to afternoon tea by a white australian and only served tea rather than beer?[/QUOTE]


What else would you expect at an afternoon tea other than tea (or maybe coffee).........bloody hell this is getting ridiculous.

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Thanks for all the replies, especially the ones that managed not to get sidetracked and gave me some answers to what I originally asked:wink: ( Paul1 Perth,thanks!). I really don`t want to get into the muslim - non muslim comparison ( btw are you aware that there are also other religions in Lebanon - like Maronite Christians and Druze?).

Overall I get the impression that Australia will prove to be a friendly country for us :biggrin:.

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Thanks for all the replies, especially the ones that managed not to get sidetracked and gave me some answers to what I originally asked:wink: ( Paul1 Perth,thanks!). I really don`t want to get into the muslim - non muslim comparison ( btw are you aware that there are also other religions in Lebanon - like Maronite Christians and Druze?).

Overall I get the impression that Australia will prove to be a friendly country for us :biggrin:.


Only if you like it....................if you don't..................you know what you can do..............as the car sticker says :wink: <tongue in cheek>

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If I am specifically invited to afternoon tea, I expect tea. If I am going to a celebration then I expect all tastes to be catered for. I was a smoker myself so I am not a smoker basher

Not trying to put the boot in, but I think it's unreasonable to expect a muslim to provide something that is prohibited by their religion to people of other (or no) faiths. And I'm surprised you can't see that. You wouldn't expect to go to a Bar Mitzvah and have a bacon sandwich would you?

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Thanks for all the replies, especially the ones that managed not to get sidetracked and gave me some answers to what I originally asked:wink: ( Paul1 Perth,thanks!). I really don`t want to get into the muslim - non muslim comparison ( btw are you aware that there are also other religions in Lebanon - like Maronite Christians and Druze?).

Overall I get the impression that Australia will prove to be a friendly country for us :biggrin:.


You will be fine do not worry about that racial aspect this a country of immigrants from all backgrounds.

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Only if you like it....................if you don't..................you know what you can do..............as the car sticker says :wink: <tongue in cheek>


We have yet to see how we like it:biggrin:. I like so far what I read about it and from documentaries:wink:. We are pretty easy going and could probably be OK pretty much everywhere, Australia has the added bonus of natural beauty and ready availability of things we like to do ( most outdoor-related).

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Guest Anya

An Indian perspective here - I can cross my heart and tell you that I have never, in my last 3 years of living in Melbourne, encountered any racism in my day to day life. I don't work or haven't applied for any jobs so cannot comment on whether there is any discrimination on that front.


But so far, our neighbours (all Aussies) have been especially friendly and welcoming. I am a little shy to take that first step and introduce myself to people. However, all our new neighbours introduced themselves to us and gave us their phone numbers in case we needed any help.


My children absolutely love it here and have not faced any problems whatsoever because of their origins.


The frenzy that the media whipped up in India was just that -in reality those crimes had mostly nothing to do with racism (incidentally some of them were committed by other migrants!). Am sure there were dozens of non-Indians who were also mugged/beaten-up/robbed during the same period- but then we never heard of them as their stories weren't as sensational were they?

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^Thanks for that, really good to hear. I was beginning to feel vaguely uncomfortable with the number of white people queuing up to say racism wasn't a big problem, but we wouldn't really know in the main. Excellent to get such a positive experience from someone who's in a better position to judge

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Guest Anya

You're more than welcome :)


Let me know if anyone else needs any more info on life in Melbourne. More than happy to help.

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