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Is it really a better life living in Oz than the UK????


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This thread shows the exact reason ive never asked for peoples personal "feelings" re Aus,ive decided its not worth going now:no:,if we dont earn $170 k a year were living out of a cardboard box scavenging discarded barbie snags then:twitcy:


Awww i tell yer,im terrified to ask how much my monthly vajazzling is gonna be,DEFFO not worth going if i cant afford a vajazzling:em4400::wideeyed:



WTF ,do people "actually" take notice of some of these opinions on Aus?!!!!!!!:laugh:



Ahhh i think i'l go and find out for meself, instead of basing a life changing decision on someone elses opinion,its that easy/obvious isnt it?


Oh,and btw,the OP and partner will be earning more than she quoted anyway wont they?i'm specking on $30 an hour as a bricky(approx)and $25 for an accounts clerk(approx),i reckon we can live on that,as i say tho,i'l find out for meself.............

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I reckon on that kind of money the earner is more likely to be the one who is: "superficial and will judge you by your job, how many houses you own, what you look like physically and your car and boat" than your average Aussie worker................but perhaps I'm just generalising which really is a no no on PIO....................sometimes


Well that was pretty judgemental itself. That because somebody is on a high income they must be superficial, horrid person. Perhaps they are just on a high paying occupation, good at their job and have worked hard. Not mutually exclusive with being a nice person you know.


Also the post which has created all this moral outrage, didn't even say that you needed 170k to survive, it said it would provide a reasonable lifestyle in the major cities. I guess reasonable lifestyle means different things to different people.

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Well that was pretty judgemental itself. That because somebody is on a high income they must be superficial, horrid person. Perhaps they are just on a high paying occupation, good at their job and have worked hard. Not mutually exclusive with being a nice person you know.


Also the post which has created all this moral outrage, didn't even say that you needed 170k to survive, it said it would provide a reasonable lifestyle in the major cities. I guess reasonable lifestyle means different things to different people.


Cant speak for Kev,but i doubt he meant earning big bucks meant obnoxious person,but anyway he'l address that himself.

The post DIDNT say 170 k would provide a "reasonable lifestyle in the major cities",it said THEY thought it wouldnt be worth coming/going on anything less,theres thousands on here who would differ,and "in general/majority" opinions are what some base their opinions on no?

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Well that was pretty judgemental itself. That because somebody is on a high income they must be superficial, horrid person. Perhaps they are just on a high paying occupation, good at their job and have worked hard. Not mutually exclusive with being a nice person you know.


Also the post which has created all this moral outrage, didn't even say that you needed 170k to survive, it said it would provide a reasonable lifestyle in the major cities. I guess reasonable lifestyle means different things to different people.


If you read the last part, you should realise that I was having a dig at her "generalising" via myself generalising...............My sarcasm/humour obviously doesn't reach the parts that others reach.

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lol you can talk Blackpool lol...my first experience of Blackpool I was about 5...'daddy look, this beach is made of clay'...I don't think I need to explain what it was lol.


Only joking, some fab memories of the donkeys, fish and chips, arcades :) xx

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lol you can talk Blackpool lol...my first experience of Blackpool I was about 5...'daddy look, this beach is made of clay'...I don't think I need to explain what it was lol.


Only joking, some fab memories of the donkeys, fish and chips, arcades :) xx


Just for you...............that "clay" is really good for verrucas/corns etc



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Post needs to be prefixed with "In my opinion:", in my opinion. :o)


I'm not meaning to rock the boat with this reply, but ...seriously?!?!? Everyone has different expectations and there are many who come over here, seek out the 'best' places to live (where locals have been saving years to afford to live), get a big fancy car on finance, fill their houses with expensive furniture and live beyond their means and then they wonder why they are struggling.


We live in a 3 bed new house on a housing estate with a shared pool and gym, lovely grounds and plenty of parks with BBQs and a sports oval where you can play allsorts. We pay $370 per week. There are houses on here for $700 per week but we chose what we could afford. We haven't got a car on finance so we drive a clapped out car (much to my husbands annoyance) and until we have saved at least half, we won't be upgrading. I shop around and manage to do our shop for about $170-$200. I cook all my food from fresh. No ready made sauces, nothing. We had our first eleccy bill for a full month and it was $70 ...we have everything going all the time!! laptops, ipad charging, phones charging, washer, dishwasher.


I think what i'm trying to say is the 'you will need at least xxx' does not always apply. Maybe if you want to go in the supermarket and go crazy and buy like you have no budget. The reality is most people in this climate have to live to a budget. It's not shameful or embarassing, it's just life.


You can get $40,000 to $60,000 hairdressing in Perth full time and i'm sure you could tap into the expat crowd. As a chef you can get $60,000 also (just looked on Seek). What are your figures based on...would you be part-time? Would you consider your hubby going to be a chef at the mining sites flying in and flying out? That's another option for more money. In all honesty you would struggle on $60,000...i'm an optimist but with four children it's not possible unless you can work full time and your figures are maybe wrong?


Good luck and I sent you a pm xx

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Guest Kelly R

I have been here almost 12 months and Australia is a fantastic opportunity and a fantastic way of life for a lot of people,but for me the pull of home is just too much I have very strong family connections and my 2 daughters are very close to their grandparents and uncles and aunties like Scarlett my family are always sending packages over from home and I feel so guilty my daughters are always asking when they can have sleepovers at their grandparents and my eldest was at school talking about what makes them happy some children said the beach, ice cream, chocolate, my daughter said seeing her Grandad,it was coming up to her 5th Birthday and I couldn't stop crying in fact that's the story of my life over here, both grandparents have booked flghts to visit and have been very supportive of the move, because thats the kind of people they are, it is paradise over here but I guess it depends on how close you are to your family and if you can really cope without them I knew I would struggle but nothing could prepare me for this I can't wait to go home and luckilly my husband feels the same, do I regret coming to Austrailia not at all,now we have decided its not for us we will be treating our time here as one big holiday as the pressure of deciding where we want to live has gone. I have been here seen it done a lot of people make it and have great lives here in Australia, for me it hasn't worked, but if you don't try you never know I will go back to England with my head held high with a greater appreciation for my family and with a sense than I can do anything it isn't easy admitting that it hasn't worked pride makes me want to stay but I know in my heart the best thing for us as a family is to go home.

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I have been here almost 12 months and Australia is a fantastic opportunity and a fantastic way of life for a lot of people,but for me the pull of home is just too much I have very strong family connections and my 2 daughters are very close to their grandparents and uncles and aunties like Scarlett my family are always sending packages over from home and I feel so guilty my daughters are always asking when they can have sleepovers at their grandparents and my eldest was at school talking about what makes them happy some children said the beach, ice cream, chocolate, my daughter said seeing her Grandad,it was coming up to her 5th Birthday and I couldn't stop crying in fact that's the story of my life over here, both grandparents have booked flghts to visit and have been very supportive of the move, because thats the kind of people they are, it is paradise over here but I guess it depends on how close you are to your family and if you can really cope without them I knew I would struggle but nothing could prepare me for this I can't wait to go home and luckilly my husband feels the same, do I regret coming to Austrailia not at all,now we have decided its not for us we will be treating our time here as one big holiday as the pressure of deciding where we want to live has gone. I have been here seen it done a lot of people make it and have great lives here in Australia, for me it hasn't worked, but if you don't try you never know I will go back to England with my head held high with a greater appreciation for my family and with a sense than I can do anything it isn't easy admitting that it hasn't worked pride makes me want to stay but I know in my heart the best thing for us as a family is to go home.


Best of luck.

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I'm really hoping Pablo doesn't decide to post any pics of his vagazzling !


Seriously though folks if someone can't afford to live on $170,000 a year, that their business, no point everyone getting "their panties in a bunch". But for the average person, I'm sure that they can get along fine on much less.


I mean I often feel sorry Fot the poor duchess of York who only get £500,000 a year from Andrew !

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One major thing I notice with people who do move back talk about how they felt that way at an early stage, didn't make their move and ten years passes, finally making that move. Being unhappy during pretty much the whole time. It's so bloody hard and each day my feelings change. We tend to keep putting it off and hopefully something will change but how much time do you give something to realise it's not for you???


Final note: John Lennon once said "Life is what happens whilst your too busy making other plans"





I also noticed this & so started my own thread:




Forums,great arent they?!i have one rule of thumb,never say anything yer wouldnt say to anyones face,IE be true/honest to yerself



If only others followed this too! :wink:

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Hiya Mchelle LC.


$170,000 what type of lifestyle would that give you? We are looking at a 3 bed house in Joondalup, a car and just to be able to take the kids on days out now and again in the holidays. We are not looking at an unrealistic lifestyle which I guess people would class as a "permanent holiday". My husband is a chef and me a hairdresser so combined our annual wage will be approx $60,000-$70,000. x


I have to disagree that you need $170000 to live comfortable life style in Oz!! My husband earns less than half I don't work and we have 2 kids and we are fine!! People here are less materialistic and enjoy more relaxed outdoor lifestyle , don't know that many people here obsessed with Gucci handbags and expensive gadgets /)

If you are sporty outdoor person you will love it here if you are person that see every hurdle as a major problem and winges about everything then don't come!!

only you can decide

good luck

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Guest ShellBee

It's a tough call! Only the two of you can make up your minds. But it is important to do your research first. It's expensive here that's for sure. I miss friends and family too much so coming home in a few months (After 3 years).

Everybody raves on about how good Oz is and how much it's a better life, don't be fooled and think very carefully!

Good luck!

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Hi Vikkey


I am speaking to you, no one else .......


Imagine one of your best mates sitting in your lounge with you having a cuppa and a catch up, now this friend of yours you trust with your kids, your hubby, infact your life, you have been friends for years and you know that she would give you her honest opinion whether it was something small like .... did a particular dress suit you or ..... should you take a loan out to get UPVC windows fitted, infact you know this friend would tell you the truth no matter what, even if you did not want to hear it she would tell you because it was the right thing to do. Well, imagine I am that person, I have friends in the UK like the one I am trying to paint a picture for you, I am also that person to friends I have in the UK. If I can save someone from making the biggest mistake of their lives then I will try. Firstly let me paint a picture of myself without giving too much away, I have been married for nearly 24 years, we have two wonderful daughters who we both adore and want the very best for them, when I left the UK I was a carer for the elderly, I loved my job so much. I am in no way a materialistic person, I have a very small wardrobe, I do not even own an expensive handbag nor do I want to, I am practical, I love my bum bag even though my girls think I shouldn't use one, it contains car key, tissues, dog poo bags, loose change, lipsalve and chewing gum. I have my hair cut every 7 weeks, I dye my own hair to save cash. I am the driver of the family so I hardly drink, I do not smoke, and I do not own a fancy car, I make a picnic when we go out to theme parks because I do not want to get ripped off and because its more healthy, we love walks (me and the hubby as sadly kids don't come now understandly) We have a lot of visitors coming over to see us from the UK this year, already we have had my father for 10 weeks and now my ma in law is coming in a few days so I may not be on this Poms in Oz site much as I will be busy doing the sights yet again, I will be putting on my rose tinted glasses for her arrival as I did for my father, you have to as they are coming over for a holiday and of course we will give them a holiday to remember, being positive and keeping the rose tinted glasses on throughout their stay. When all visitors have gone then I am going so find work, something small. In the meantime we are living off my hubby's wage which is over $150,000. Vikkey, please do not be fooled, and look at some of these folk who have commented on this thread, the man from melbourne who is also taking home the same wage, his post is so so true, you will see others who have lived in Oz for years who have made it but anyone coming now will find it dam hard. I hope you do the right thing, as I said I am writing to you now not bothering with folk who are prepared to lie to you.


Take care Vikkey,

from Michelle

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I have lived here for forty odd years now and I can tell you a lot of people live on less than 100,000.00 a year and they manage very well. Cut your coat according to the cloth. School Teachers, nurses, ambulance people, police all do not get 150 grand a year.


Yep when we came we had not much between us, just got work and both had very good jobs and worked from there. No rose tinted glasses, just work and wanting to live in a country that had a better climate and more options for when we had children. Worked for us.


We did not have children when we came so that was easier, I think that its much harder if children are being brought over because it limits what and where you can live. Also its more expensive with schooling and health.


People have to really really want to migrate to be successful, its no good thinking I hope I will like it, you have to think I will like it.


If thinking of it and people have good jobs, good income, nice house in UK, love the family, have lots of friends around all the time, then why migrate, if you want sun go for a holiday.

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I can see where you are coming from michelle, peopole live differently, the op has 4 kids 2 young and 2 teenages not cheap, it depends what you want from life, me I like going on holidays, going to the pub, going for meals, if i see a new outfit in a shop then I want to be able to buy it, I did not come 11 thousand miles to scrimp and scrape, and looking for cheap deals in supermarkets or trawling round veg shops for cheap deals, I did not scrimp and scrape in england and I wont here. We did not come for a better life because we had a great life in uk, we came for an adventure for us and the kids. The adventure is nearly over for us and we will be heading back to uk, Now I look at the op job bracket and I am thinking about 60 grand for him as a chef depending on what hours he wants to work, hairdresser not sure, but 4 kids 2 young you are already looking at childcare could end up paying more in childcare for 2 kids then what an hairdresser earns, then look at rent about 400 dollars plus aweek, shopping for 6 about 300 dollars a week being conservative so just for 2 bills you are looking at 700 bucks before you start. I would say to the opening poster write down a full list of costs even down to the school bags you would need for kids and then write down what income you would get here for your jobs and dont sugar coat it so it fits your dream but be realisic and honest with yourself. I would hate to see anyone not being fully warned about the costs of things. I know the pictures you see of oz look great, beaches, blue seas, but you know you cant eat sand and you need the cash for the sunscreen.

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In over 5 years of living here we have NEVER earnt anywere near the $150k mark, never mind $170k, which lets face it not many people do. Between $50K and $80K is more apt for us and we live a pretty good lifestyle.

We dont have the spare cash floating around that we did in the UK but we own a nice home, have a car each, plenty of boys toys, regular weekends away and short breaks. The kids both do after school and weekend activities, the food cupboard is always full, my bills are always paid, kids well dressed and we dont pine for anything. We dont and wont have a credit card so buy when we have saved enough to purchase.


I dont lie, i have no reason to lie and i understand everyone 'lives' in different ways but for anyone worrying i guess i'm living proof that you can have a good ,happy lifestyle without earning mega bucks.


Cal x

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