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How do i know if perth is the right place to live?

Wendy Thorp

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Sorry if this is a bit long, but needing positives on perth.


We have been over to australia brisbane whitsundays cairns melbourne and sydney, but not to perth, we know that australia is the right place for us. At the minute heading to Perth, the only place we have not been to!!


why? well my husband has a friend there which would hopefully help us settle in, he is also a work collegue and has work connections in my husbands industry, (private healthcare at regional accountant/contract/operations/commercial director level) which would help him find a job, and we are also likely to beable to get ss at wa so could get over there quicker on a 176 rather than a 175!


Also schooling i hear is good there, wanting to get our eldest there as soon as, she is very bright, in top 5% of school in gifted talented and able, she is presently in year 9 over here but starting her maths gcse exam this year. But also have the other end of scale, as my youngest has cfs and is only able to manage part-time at school, she is in year 5 over here.


So my issue? i have never seen perth, worrid about the heat, and also people talking about sence of isolation and lack of excitment?


Having said this i do Know that everyones oppinions are very subjective, and if you come from london to perth you are going to feel the extreme alot more than myself who is in lancashire?


We loved brisbane, but would not live in a city anyway, so would be in suburbs, melbourne seemed too busy in the centre, but we loved the great ocean road, loved on the way up to cairns, the whit sundays airlie beach etc.... but didnt get the feel for cairns itself. Sydney is great, and would love to live in the blue mountains but too expensive. based on these likes and dislikes, what do you think the likelyhood of us being able to settle in perth is?


if you were to compare perth with anywhere else in australia, which would you think it was closest to in feel? astmosphere? hope these questions make sence, i suppose i just want to hear some positives about perth, as there seems to be alot of people considering returning to england or move elsewhere in australia, from perth, and not getting that same impression from other states the same.


But as they say you only end up hearing about the bad and not the good, so hoping to get an honest objective view of perth? Thanks in advance. We have put in for the skills assessment and that is only meant to take a couple of weeks, so then will apply for ss wa, just want to feel confident in that decision! wendy xx

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I've only been to Perth and will be moving there in about 2 weeks. From speaking with both brits and aussies i got the vibe as follows:


Sydney - city, expensive, young persons playground

Melb, again, good for a weekend visit, but mainly for the younger crowd,

Adelaide - lovely for family/couples, cheaper housing, our friends love it there, has a kinda country feel

Perth - city life without the expense and madness, more laid back, good for singles, couples or families


I have seen loads of threads on here where people have moved to one place and wanted to come back to uk but after moving to another aussie state found they loved it! Give Perth a go I say.


Good luck.

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Thanks Mizzsmp, how exciting, lucky you, i am not exactly the most patient of people and just want to get out there as soon as possible and start living, dont like the feeling of being in limbo, but the process just takes so long, but at least it is underway. where abouts in perth are you going? is it just you or do you have family? what made you decide to want to go? what job do you do? hopefully we will only be overthere ourselves beginning of next year if not before, but depends on housesale and job search! wendy x

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I thought Perth was quite lively when i stayed there for 2 weeks, maybe not as lively as other cities but certainly didn't have a 'omg we're isolated from everywhere' thought. Saw loads of pubs and clubs in the central bit and plenty of shops around too. Not to mention all the nice (but also shark infested!) beaches!


If you wanted to go to a holiday to say SA (as the nearest other state) it would take you 3 or 4 days of driving though.


I don't think you'd ever really know until you got there, all part of the risk of moving tho!

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Hi Wendy, prob heading NOR (north of river) and i will decide on job once i arrive. OH is a bricklayer. Ive always hated the uk since i was born, never felt like i fitted in here, my sense of humour and outlook on life is much more aussie than english. I feel like England isn't england anymore and community spirit is a thing of the past, its all about people looking after themselves x

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

We like the look of Perth for the following reasons, very low unemployment, great opportunities for our kids to have a good well paid job and career, cheap fees for university, incredible houses, not far from the coast and brilliant beaches, a more sedate and relaxed way of life, areas where crime is very low, google them they do exhist and long hot sunny weather and mildish winters compared to the Uk. Perth doesn't seem to be an extremely vibrant happening place to some, maybe even a bit boring, but that appeals to us, it might not appeal to young people in their twentys.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Oi! I'm twenty and like the look of Perth jim! lol. I think for me and paul it would be between Perth and the sunny coast



I'm onlygoing on what people have said on here, i don't have that experience myself, i can imagine theres great nightlife in certain places, but if you live away from the city it seemed very quiet, which as i say, appeals to us. We loved Perth.

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Answer to your question OP: you will not know if this is the right place for you until after you get here. You also run the risk of predetermining failure if you try to establish the criteria for deciding a place is acceptable or not. Becasue whatever you decide on - you will fail. Perth is different. Australia is different. Anywhere that is not where you are now is different. You could move a few km to another town in the UK and feel different, strange, friendless, afraid of crime.


If you are coming here, decide to accept "different". Appreciate us for what we are - different. It may be you do not like to share our difference, but you will have gained rare experience and - who knows - you might flourish. But you will certainly become different yourself.


Now as to what makes Perth a wonderful place to live - plenty of threads to describe that, WA tourism sites, books - please do not look at the negative threads on this forum. Most people who arrive here and love life in Australia/Perth decide to live their lives off-forum. Those who have negative experiences often want to shout that out to all and sundry. That creates an imbalanced view.

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Hi Wendy, prob heading NOR (north of river) and i will decide on job once i arrive. OH is a bricklayer. Ive always hated the uk since i was born, never felt like i fitted in here, my sense of humour and outlook on life is much more aussie than english. I feel like England isn't england anymore and community spirit is a thing of the past, its all about people looking after themselves x


Know exactly what you mean, i hate the commercialism here, everything is about buying buying and more buying, i have also never felt like i fitted! it is a hard one to explain, i was born in germany as parents in the army and always put it down to that!? but when i went to australia i just felt, calm? it would be nice to keep in touch and see how you are getting on. good luck w xx

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Answer to your question OP: you will not know if this is the right place for you until after you get here. You also run the risk of predetermining failure if you try to establish the criteria for deciding a place is acceptable or not. Becasue whatever you decide on - you will fail. Perth is different. Australia is different. Anywhere that is not where you are now is different. You could move a few km to another town in the UK and feel different, strange, friendless, afraid of crime.


If you are coming here, decide to accept "different". Appreciate us for what we are - different. It may be you do not like to share our difference, but you will have gained rare experience and - who knows - you might flourish. But you will certainly become different yourself.


Now as to what makes Perth a wonderful place to live - plenty of threads to describe that, WA tourism sites, books - please do not look at the negative threads on this forum. Most people who arrive here and love life in Australia/Perth decide to live their lives off-forum. Those who have negative experiences often want to shout that out to all and sundry. That creates an imbalanced view.

thanks docboat, totally agree, which is why i would like to see the positive, as i have said before i know australia is right, and you have a sence of how you will feel once over there, but still have niggling doubts as to whether you will really feel that way? i came over for a month, and did not feel the distance that i was on the other side of the world at all, just a question of time on a plane! my daughter recently went with school to spain on a coach by road and it took her 28hrs!! i kept saying we could be in australia sooner, and i also felt i was more intouch with people by facebook etc.... than i was when at home as you dont get to see people/family all the time as they are getting on with there own lives, but being somewhere different makes people interested and you talk more!! so i feel that i wont feel the same sence of home sickness. dont get me wrong i am very close to my family, but we dont live in each others pockets and are all supportive of one another. But am i deluding myself? i am unsure? was it only because i knew i was going back in the back of my mind that i felt that way? i feel that because i fell in love with australia, where i saw, that i could cope with anything for that, what i am afraid of is going to perth and it feeling very different from the australia i saw as it is at the opposite side. This is such a big move, and yes i know that i wont know for sure until i am there, but there are educated decisions and uneducated decisions, just trying to amour myself up with as much information as possible to i can go into this with as positive a surity that i am doing the right thing for me and my family as possible.


If i was heading to brisbane i would have no qualms, as been there and love it, but it is mainly my husband who thinks perth would be the best place for us, due to jobs and friend etc.... and i understand completely his thinking, just like to do my research inorder to feel good and excitied by the decision, even though in reality it is already made!


i am the same when do anything just wanting to see all the positive reviews and 5 stars to make me feel excited and that this is reight, but you are right everyone who feels that way is just off living it!

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Hi Wendy, fellow Lancastrian here :-) I would agree with some of the other posters on here - you won't know if it's the right place for you to live until you get there and start living. We moved to Perth over a year ago and must admit at times had some concerns as to whether we came to the right place. I suspect though now that we'd have thought that about other cities in Australia - probably a knee jerk reaction to such a big move and a slow start to settling in. What I'd say is read through the negative post's as well as the positive and take all the info you can out of them, try and figure out how you would overcome some of the issue's other people come across - forewarned is forearmed!! If you should find later on down the line you have problems settling in, you'll get plenty of support from people on here....and just maybe, you'll love the place and wonder what all the fuss is about!!!!


Do it, best of luck :-)



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I've only been to Perth and will be moving there in about 2 weeks. From speaking with both brits and aussies i got the vibe as follows:


Sydney - city, expensive, young persons playground

Melb, again, good for a weekend visit, but mainly for the younger crowd,

Adelaide - lovely for family/couples, cheaper housing, our friends love it there, has a kinda country feel

Perth - city life without the expense and madness, more laid back, good for singles, couples or families


I have seen loads of threads on here where people have moved to one place and wanted to come back to uk but after moving to another aussie state found they loved it! Give Perth a go I say.


Good luck.


Would agree with Mizzmp.

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We are doing the exact same thing, moving to Perth even though we have never been there but we have been to Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.


I think there is plenty to do in Perth (others will disagree), some of these who do disagree however are very happy in there tiny village in the UK going to the same local for 20 yrs. So each to there own.


As one other poster said, I think it is very useful to read the negative posts as you can gain a lot of info and discount it if it doesnt apply to you.


Tons of nature type stuff to do, good restaurants/bars (yes not cheap) but hey my local just put a pint up to £4.25 (it was £2.70 3 yrs ago). A kid at my work (25 yr old essex boy) just came back from six months in Perth and never got bored of going out and I have never seen him not hungover, so if thats your thing it appears there is plenty of that in Perth as well. All the big acts also visit Perth.


No doubt it will be very laid back, most coastal cities are but Perth more so compared to Sydney etc and yes internal flights will cost more from that side.


Shorter flight times back to UK and Asia.


House prices - everyone complains that they are over priced. I agree - but I dont think this is just Perth, its all of Oz. I have compared house at $750,000 in Perth, Syd, Mel and Brisbane and really feel that you get better value for money in Perth if you want to be close to the beach and within 40 min of the CBD. But again others will say the opposite and that the new houses have no character. But try find a decent house within 40 min of Sydney CBD where you can walk to the beach for $750k.


Good luck

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We were similar, been to Brissy, Sydney and Cairns ... came to WA sight unseen and fell in love with it. It is laid back and it won't be for everone, give it a try, nothing ventured nothing gained - doesn't have to be forever and people move to WA from other states and from Perth to other states.

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Guest DippyD

Hi soo know ATwhere you are coming from = been more or less the same areas as you and have a visa for perth very scary as i have not been there but as i love Australia just imangining it as the same however just a bit worried on how isolated it is and hope it does have the same atmosphere as the other places! Not that I am the same age as when i visited OZ - now a young family in tow but still scary when u havnt visited before!

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We now live in Perth but lived in Sydney before that. They are very different places. Sydney is more like London with lots going on and a huge array of bars and restaurants and lots of things happening in the arts scene. But fast pace of life. Perth has a lots less but a much more chilled out vibe. Day to day living in Sydney was cheaper but housing more expensive. Perth social scene isn't bad but be prepared for the $15 pint of beer. Perth has a better climate. Beaches are a toss up. Personally I preferred Sydney as there is at least facilities, bars, restaurants and things there. A lot of Perth have very little. But here, by living in Mandurah we can afford to live by the beach which we could never have done in Sydney

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Don't dwell on the fact that you loved Brizzy or else it may take the edge off Perth. You'll have a job and good friends, and with that as a starter, I don't think you'll have any problems there.


I know many who have come to Brizzy simply because they loved it. Most of them had to "think outside the box" (apart for the nurses) and find jobs that didn't match their skills..................so....................if employment is a priority (and it should be), amd you value your friendship, go where you can do the work that you want to and where you have friends. That said, those who have thought outside the box here, haven't regretted it, and in some instances are earning more than they would if they stuck to their trade/profession and have found new friends.

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We now live in Perth but lived in Sydney before that. They are very different places. Sydney is more like London with lots going on and a huge array of bars and restaurants and lots of things happening in the arts scene. But fast pace of life. Perth has a lots less but a much more chilled out vibe. Day to day living in Sydney was cheaper but housing more expensive. Perth social scene isn't bad but be prepared for the $15 pint of beer. Perth has a better climate. Beaches are a toss up. Personally I preferred Sydney as there is at least facilities, bars, restaurants and things there. A lot of Perth have very little. But here, by living in Mandurah we can afford to live by the beach which we could never have done in Sydney


$15 a pint ain't normal tho, $10 is average, I pay $7.50 for Guinness in the local and some other stuff is less than $7.


I agree that you will find one for $15 if you look but that is still well over average price.

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thanks docboat, totally agree, which is why i would like to see the positive, as i have said before i know australia is right, and you have a sence of how you will feel once over there, but still have niggling doubts as to whether you will really feel that way? i came over for a month, and did not feel the distance that i was on the other side of the world at all, just a question of time on a plane! my daughter recently went with school to spain on a coach by road and it took her 28hrs!! i kept saying we could be in australia sooner, and i also felt i was more intouch with people by facebook etc.... than i was when at home as you dont get to see people/family all the time as they are getting on with there own lives, but being somewhere different makes people interested and you talk more!! so i feel that i wont feel the same sence of home sickness. dont get me wrong i am very close to my family, but we dont live in each others pockets and are all supportive of one another. But am i deluding myself? i am unsure? was it only because i knew i was going back in the back of my mind that i felt that way? i feel that because i fell in love with australia, where i saw, that i could cope with anything for that, what i am afraid of is going to perth and it feeling very different from the australia i saw as it is at the opposite side. This is such a big move, and yes i know that i wont know for sure until i am there, but there are educated decisions and uneducated decisions, just trying to amour myself up with as much information as possible to i can go into this with as positive a surity that i am doing the right thing for me and my family as possible.


If i was heading to brisbane i would have no qualms, as been there and love it, but it is mainly my husband who thinks perth would be the best place for us, due to jobs and friend etc.... and i understand completely his thinking, just like to do my research inorder to feel good and excitied by the decision, even though in reality it is already made!


i am the same when do anything just wanting to see all the positive reviews and 5 stars to make me feel excited and that this is reight, but you are right everyone who feels that way is just off living it!

I understand exactly what you mean I have to read everything and research things and then even with good reviews still feel hesitate but I always say go with your instinct it is usually right

Sue (also from manchester hoping to go to perth)

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