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Everything posted by garrychandi

  1. Yes, they sent invitations yesterday
  2. Just buy an OVHC now and submit the certificate to avoid any delays. All of the OVHC providers let you choose the start date and won't charge until then. In my case i had couple of month left on my student visa, so i put the start date on my OVHC the day my student visa was expiring. Insurance company will email you certificate straightaway which you have to submit to immiaccount
  3. Which university did you go to ? If i am not wrong most of the European universities comes under Washington accords. The list is of the universities they accept top of Washington accord universities
  4. If you are engineering graduate, there is very cheap option for you called Recognised graduate visa subclass 476. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/skilled-recognition-graduate-476 It will grant you unlimited work rights and you can start working for this company straight away after you apply
  5. No mate, When you fill your EOI form, they will ask for skill assessment reference number and date you got your skill assesment
  6. Hey mate, yes you can. When i moved from U.K i opened my account with HSBC while i was still in London. Not sure HSBC still offer this. Here is the link to Westpac (part of big four). https://www.westpac.com.au/personal-banking/bank-accounts/moving-to-australia/
  7. Your time starts when you lodged and paid for your application. Some people wait for case officer to ask for medicals, but that add waiting time to your application. According to current trends i don't think you have to wait 7/8 months if you front load everything. People are getting grants in around 3 months mark.
  8. NSW hasn't sent any invitation since 15 nov. They told one of my friend that there will be around this month. Looking at the historical data i assume it will be next week and most likely either on thurs or fri
  9. You are correct, its a temporary visa. I checked with University of Sydney and been told i have to pay full fee if i am on 489 visa. Students are only eligible for domestic and CSP places if they hold permanent visa. And another example is 489 visa holders are not eligible for medicare
  10. Nah nothing so far mate, yes sue i will. what is your points breakdown and when did you apply? my details are as follow Edu-15 Aus Edu-5 Age - 30 PTE- 10 SS-5 EOI effect date 22 oct Invitation date - 15 nov Lodgement- 23 nov
  11. Yes mate, I applied on 23 november with 65 points NSW Chef
  12. I was looking into it last year, i think you can only withdraw your super fund if you are temporary resident and leaving Australia. You also get taxed as well, if i remember correctly it was 35 %, ATO website has all the information regarding this EDIT: This apply to if you are withdrawing before preservation age
  13. I agree with you, Most likely they will remove the 190 visa. I remember reading it somewhere in news that they are thinking of visa, where people have to live in particular region for at least 5 years
  14. This is the assesment im going to do (vetassess). Im just hoping that this will cover everything and that i dont need to do a year as a assistent like what marisawright has said Electrician and plumbers are licensed occupation so they have to do apprenticeship to fill the gaps in their knowledge(eg Australian wiring rules etc). Your occupation is not licensed so you can work unsupervised. If you already worked in your home country then there is not any requirement to do your training again.
  15. If your qualifications are not from Australia, then Vetassess will give you Cert 3 for your occupation which will definitely help you getting the job
  16. Hey mate, i didn't claim any points for the experience. My migration agent just submitted my resume detailing all of my jobs
  17. Amazing, they are moving pretty fast now a days. Did you claim any points for experience?
  18. I applied as a chef Nov 23rd NSW
  19. Yep, thats what i said. Apart from 27th rest of them are public holidays
  20. They are only closed on Public holidays. People got grants today as well.
  21. Hey if you are looking to move here permanently than you should go to university here to study accounting. After study you will get 2 year post study visa, in which you can get work experience and have enough points to apply for permanent residency. If you are coming for short term and will be going back to UK then do the CIMA. As it is online course, you can study as much as you want and yes you won't be qualify for student visa. On another note, Its pretty expensive to study here as international student.For university degree you are looking at at least £50000. I am not sure if you can get student finance to study oversees
  22. They are moving pretty fast as well. People are getting CO contact in just 70 days for 190 visa. Couple of guys got grant in 45 days.
  23. Unlike Uk Home office, over here they don't shut for the whole period. They obviously won't be working on public holidays, apart from that it's business as usual. My friend got 190 grant today (on Saturday). Few will go on holidays for sure
  24. Lodged 190 visa NSW on Nov 23rd.Submitted PCC from United Kingdom, India and Australia. Will be doing medical in next week or so.
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