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Everything posted by s713

  1. Yeah I'd swerve Hillarys if you're just there for a day. It's OK but I wouldn't go out of my way for it. Cottesloe, King's Park and Freo are much better.
  2. It probably is. However, that lengthy analysis is also probably useless. Been reading stuff like that for 20 years and nothing changes. Pity these great soothsayers weren't about in 2008.
  3. Like most things in Perth, when work finishes on something it is already outdated. They have been working on the airport and surrounding roads for years, they still are. And by the time they finish, they'll have to start again. The absolute lack of foresight/future planning here beggars belief; the time, effort and money wasted must be enormous. Why not just do it right in the first place?
  4. There's a 'British' chippy in Currambine that does haddock and it's great. It also does cod, which is rubbish. That said, I have recently been back to the UK and the cod there was bland in the extreme too so I think the problem lies with cod in general. To be fair, Australia is well stocked for decent fish, I'd say in general it's better. The chips on the other hand, are usually disgraceful.
  5. Hey Paul1, I don't know what that Whitfords Brewery is, would be keen to hear more. I literally can't stomach Hillarys anymore, 10 times a year for 10 years does that to a person.
  6. Most immigrants aren't alcoholics, ice addicts or raised on Hungry Jack's. That could skew the results.
  7. I like the Northern beaches for a walk but I'd never go swimming anywhere other than the Lagoon, far too choppy for my liking.
  8. Tough one to answer. There are about 250 suburbs in Perth, all with pros and cons, some reasonably priced others prohibitive, some near the coast some inland. We live where we live because of family. If we'd had free rein, I think I would have secured a centrally located rental/holiday let and done a lot of driving and research, advice of others doesn't really cut it in this circumstance.
  9. s713


    I quite like rain these days (after years of moaning about it in Manchester). I hate wind and cold (pointless) but rain is all good in my book.
  10. There's load of places on Beaufort Street, googlemap your way up that. The Brisbane, Queens and Scotto (pubs) are walking distance from the footy ground, we do those. And you can easily cut through to Northbridge.
  11. The absence of friends and family is the biggest thing for me. We've made friends here but it's not the same. And my folks are late 60s now and I feel guilty about missing the last 10 years of their lives (and panic about missing any more). Australia has lots of things going for it, it's a beautiful place. But I miss the take it for granted normal life day-to-day things in the UK like pubs, family, people, food etc. At first, they might be the things that you feel you won't miss, but often they come back calling with a vengeance.
  12. I think @Collie lives in Mt Lawley. Nice area, plenty of eats and drinks. (S)he will be able to tell you more.
  13. Hi All (hope this is the right section), There was a similar topic a few weeks back but unfortunately I can't find it. I'd like to ask, what do people think is a reasonable retirement income (annual) in the UK? For a comfortable life e.g. eating/drinking out, holidays etc. I realise this might be subjective but thought I'd ask. Thanks.
  14. I've watched 1 CL game since we moved here 10 years ago. Midweek games I don't bother with, time difference a nuisance. Also, the CL and FA Cup finals are later in the day UK these days which is a ballache as well.
  15. Yeah no-one's ever told me I'm an immigrant either, in 10 years. We have had no experiences like the OP but I know it goes on. We have extended family here and a couple of them have had neighborhood issues. And clearly, when it comes to issues like alcohol, drink-driving, speeding etc. it's clear that stuff is rife here, whether it's on your doorstop or not.
  16. Actually, just googled the Quinninup Tavern to reminisce some photos and the place burned down in July. Made me feel quite sad. http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/historic-quinninup-tavern-destroyed-by-fire-in-was-south-west/news-story/0f3967ac6a451af5699baf8d452fa827
  17. Me and the Mrs were in Quinninup Tavern once, the only people in there. They rang the bell for Happy Hour at 3pm and, whoosh, the whole town turned up. FREE BEER!!!! FOR AN HOUR!!!!
  18. Augusta, Walpole, Denmark, Albany, Esperance might be a good option. Or Bunbury, Busselton, Eagle Bay, Dunsborough, Yallingup etc. Both good.
  19. Mate is a recruitment consultant and he reckons 2018 is going to be a good one. I'm not as confident as him but I can't see things getting worse, put it that way.
  20. It's a tough one comparing stuff. Clearly, there's heaps more to do in London than Perth. But then, consider housing. We live overlooking a Lake, short drive to the Ocean etc. my mate paid similar for a 2 bed flat in Balham. No amount of things to do/places to go is going to sweeten that one, and he'd admit as much. Perth is a rip-off due to isolation and the fact that Aussie government-fuelled duopolies are allowed to fleece people. But, get over it.
  21. Beer prices are off the scale in Perth, ridiculous. Although, don't bring Wetherspoons into the discussion, those places are awful.
  22. There are a few factors at play here. Firstly, it depends on you. My wife & I lived all over the UK and we adapted to how people differ there. Conversely, her sister, who also lives here, never moved from the street that she was born in. Consequently, she thinks everyone here is a massive weirdo but then she has no real term of reference. I guess what I'm saying is, if you've strayed from what you knew in the UK and made it work, chances are you will in Perth. If you live in a UK city, there are people there from all over, and you get used to it. If you're from Coronation Street or something and are expecting the same here, you're in for a shock. Also, I find the residential and school situations a lot more transient here. You will likely be in a rental, some of your neighbours will be renting, your kids school friends will change as kids they know change school or move house, new people will move into your street all the time ... the whole thing is a lot less settled than life in the UK is IMO. Finally, I find a lot of Aussies quite different to Brits, personality-wise, so that doesn't lend itself to familiarity and friendship on occasions.
  23. The cheap fuel is largely counter-acted by the fact that you have to drive twice as far to get anywhere here. We've had our car 5 years and it's done 140k kms.
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