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Everything posted by wolvesaussie

  1. Regarding friends. have u looked at meet up. com here in melb there are loads of people new to the city on there and it's a great place to meet new people. It has been so valuable helping my girlfriend to settle.
  2. Random update, meet a Primary School teacher on the weekend who had moved to Melbourne 6 months ago. She is only on a working holiday visa so not applying for full time jobs but is getting regular relief work 3/4 days a week at the moment, turning down work at times as she wants to explore and have long weekends. Via ANZUK . (sounds like a nice job)
  3. I have met loads of whv over the last year they all seem to be having a great time
  4. Hmm maybe you will be ok then... i cant sleep on the train, but loads of people do and the vline train is far more comfortable than the Metro, its like an English Train with a Toilet which really helps after a few after work beers . I think if I slept all the way I would be happy
  5. Hi I was told by an accountant in a chat in a pub u could do that too and posted on here about it a while back. people jumped on it saying it wasn't true. I might ask again when I go see the accountant in a few weeks to do my return
  6. at the moment its not great as they are always doing track works but apparently once it is finished the service will be loads better. Trains normally leave on time but are delayed on the way by either slower metro trains or track works. You will get used to the made platform dash at Southern cross when the train never seems to come into or leave from the same platform
  7. mad dogs and English men go out in the midday sun
  8. Really even crossing city? I used to live greensbor and on paper it looks about 1 hour for both but the crossing melb and getting back to the vline at night is very frustrating. geelong is great I just need a geelong or cbd job
  9. why do u want to move to geelong?
  10. I have no kids so I am no expert however if u have loads of kids and childcare is expensive could u not get in a hot little french number to live in and look after them for a bit of pocket money a week?
  11. Didnt Melbourne just win worlds friendliest city award, to add to its worlds move liveable city award?
  12. I comute to richmond, I really would recommend Rippleside if you are comuting that far. It would be a killer to do it from Highton. I hate the commute, but at least I can wake up at 7 and be on the 7:28 train to Melbourne.. Having to go any distance to a train station would just make it unworkable I think.
  13. Rippleside is perfect, right by the bay, right by north geelong station and a new cafe openned last week . It has a lot of character
  14. 700 a day still seems pretty rosy to me .
  15. we shipped a brand new one still in the box. Only because it was a tandem and I had been watching ebay australia for ages and none were coming up and the new prices were all in the $1,000s. declared it but didnt have to pay anything. If its a normal bike though, I think u may as well just buy it here...
  16. It goes cold so fast tho not sure it be nice
  17. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-08-07/unemployment-surges-to-12-year-high-at-64-pc/5654926 Unemployment at a 12 year high but its not because the economy is losing jobs, its because there are too many new arrivals in Australia.
  18. I have often thought about getting a non-IT job.. I would love to be a tour guide or do something in the travel industry.... Many events or something... I think it is hard to make a complete switch to something different though
  19. Hey Cortz... my girlfriend and I lived in Wolverhampton and Birmingham, now in Geelong and I work in IT.. we might have a lot in common... look us up if you make the trip .. goodluck.. I am currently trying to find an IT job in Geelong, its difficult not that many come up. I am currently working in Melbourne.
  20. I am not sure how tough it is.. I am trying to find a new job, and its difficult but thats because I am trying to find one in a regional town and only about 1 decent one comes up a month. There "seems" to be loads advertised in Melbourne. Try ApplyDirect it has IT jobs advertised by companies not by Agencies, that way you know they are real jobs.
  21. This actually seems a really good law, it is nice to know that if I have children they wont be able to be taken from the country. Dont see how its unfair in anyway.
  22. Hi, quickly fishing for some opinions I am an experienced well rounded IT professional... My career has been 15 years experience... IT Service Desk (1 year) Web Designer (1 year) E-Government Development Officer (2 years) Analyst programmer (3 years) Project manager (1 year) systems analyst (3 years) solutions designer (4 years) (all in the UK) I applied for a wide range of jobs back in Australia from the UK and got one as a DBA. Wanted a job to go to wasnt too fussy about what I took. I have now been here working in Melbourne a year as a DBA and really enjoy the work. However I want to look for something either a bit more senior or closer to home which is now a regional Victorian city. Problem is jobs in (regional city) are thin on the ground I have got close twice in the last 6months to securing a job but just missed out. I applied for another job recently, I was called to say they werent interviewing me as I didnt have enough financial experience however they had had a restructure in the IT department and wanted to bring me in to speak about another job in IT Support. As yet I dont know any details about the job, maybe its the IT Support Manager, but maybe its an IT Support role. If it is an IT Support role it may be a step down from where I want to get back upto... but maybe it will be worth it to get into one of few large companies based this city.. Or will taking a job in IT support further hurt my chances of getting a senior IT job in the future, something like Business Analyst/Project Manager/Solutions Architect etc.
  23. I will be supportive, making sure she can fly back every year for 6 weeks (shes a teacher) will be number one purchase every year. And I have paid for her parents to come out to visit this year as well. Hopefully that will be enough, shes never been one to be around the family all the time... She has actually seen more of her parents first year in Australia than she did in the last two YEARS in the UK, even though we were only 15miles away. People are busy and lead their own lives... I just never understand this "pull" of family business.
  24. At what point in your relationships did you discuss Australia? I would say after 4 weeks of dating I made it clear to my girlfriend that I was heading back to Australia within 5 years and if we were to have a future together it would be in Australia. So basically me and Australia were/are a package deal. Shes been here a year now, settled in well made lots of new friends and so far touch wood is very happy here. But this ship is not for turning she knew what she signed up for I was very honest and upfront about it. if she didnt think she could live in Australia she should not have agreed to marry me .
  25. Ah great thanks i have spent over an hour on hold to them trying to find out the answer to that
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