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Everything posted by annagilda

  1. They are surprisingly difficult to come by these days.
  2. Thanks Cal, had a gander but it looks like there's no-one on the same visa type as me on there. x
  3. It's VERY hard core haha! It's the second bite I'm a little concerned about. Often with Anaphylaxis, its the second time your body receives the pathogen is the time when it goes pair shaped, not always though. However, my reaction was so small, I'm hoping I'm in the population that are ok. x
  4. Its an Ant native to Tasmania that is responsible for more deaths than all the snakes, spiders sharks etc... put together. Quite a reasonable number of people are allergic to the sting and quite a few people die each year.
  5. I'd say Jack Jumpers should be in there somewhere, absolutely awful little buggers. I had my first bite the other weekend. Thankfully got off pretty lightly. I think I've inherited my granddads system of not giving a f**k about that type of stuff. I just went OW and then had a little look at my hand and went on with my day. I read they cause an incredible amount of anaphylaxis though.
  6. Hi Gang, how are you all going? Hope all is well. :-) I was just wondering if anyone might be able to shine a light on the potential timeframe for the 489 visa process? Applied on the 23rd of August, sponsored by Tasmania as a Podiatrist with 75 points. Case officer assigned on the 30th and requested documents. Medical completed Mid September. The health requirement changed a couple of weeks ago to: Health clearance provided, no further action required. I'm just wondering on potential timescales? I looked on the immigration website and they were unable to provide any suggested timescales, due to the low volume of 489 visa applications, so I was just wondering if anyone had any prior experience? I am onshore, I was on a WHV until the 27th of September and am on a Bridging visa B while the process happens. I'm currently working for the Tasmanian Health Service in my nominated role. I'm quite happy to hang on for the process to run its course, but it would just be really nice to have a rough guide as to potentially how long I might need to wait. Thanks so much. Anna. :-)
  7. Just had my health assessment changed to this. "Health clearance provided – no action required" I have a pre existing medical condition which I declared and I had to have extra tests done and whatnot about 3 months ago, does this mean I appear to have met the health requirement? Thanks a million you legends. x
  8. Oh thats not great, sending all the best to Kate, hope you're fighting fit and back on here to keep us all in check ASAP. :-) X
  9. I'm in Launceston, but work all over the north and north west coast, I stick to Telstra, as despite the cost, it's the only one I can rely on. (Except when they had an outage last week.)
  10. I'd be tempted to come out on the 417, do your expression of interest and application for 189 while onshore, that way, you get put on a bridging visa and I believe may be able to work for the same employer while a decision is made. However, the conditions of your 417 would still apply until it expired or the 189 is granted, so you may need to check if they would let you continue to work for the same emplyer for longer than 6 months.
  11. No'p, not true. You have to either have left the country or be on a different visa when you're WHV ends. Mine ends on Wednesday, but I've applied for a further skilled visa, so I have bridging visa to tide me over, while they decide. No such thing as a 28 day grace period.
  12. Hi lovely gang. Hope you're well. I have a quick question with regards to bridging visas. I'm on a Bridging visa A currently, while a decision is made on my substantive 489. I'd really like to go home for Christmas if at all possible, but I don't want to do anything that may jeopardise my application for my 489. I'm wondering if I were to apply for a bridging visa B in a few weeks, do you think it would be ok? I read on the immi website, that they may place restrictions on my ability to work if I apply for a bridging B. I currently work for the Tasmanian Health Service and I can't not be able to work. So, if that's the case, I won't go home and I'll just stick it out until I have a decision on my 489. Thanks a million.
  13. Hi Kate! Thanks a million! Hope you are well. :-) Thanks everyone, I've got an initial agreement with them and now just waiting for my IELTS. (I'm a Dutch Citizen, so need to take it, even though English is my first language.) I tried contacting George Lombard a couple of times, but I haven't heard back at all. Seeing as I'm on a WHV with an expiration date, time is of the essence, so I think I'm leaning towards Go-matilda at this stage. :-) Thanks for all the replies, it means a lot.
  14. Hello gang, just wondering if anyone has used Go Matilda as their agent? I know they have a pretty good rep here on the site, I've been in touch with them and they seem fairly confident I could get a PR visa, based on my skills, points etc... I have the skills assessment and what not already, it's just my pre existing medical conditions, but I talked it through with them and things have been fine for years, so they seem pretty confident. they say they don't take people on, unless they think that they can get a visa for them, but there are a few iffy reviews on other sites. it's a lot of money too, which I'm happy to pay, as long as they are legit. Would just like your thoughts, thanks a million. :-)
  15. Thanks so much! That's very helpful.
  16. Hello gang! Hope all is well, I was wondering if I might be able to pick your brains. I'm currently on a WHV (417) which is due to expire at the end of September. I'm currently living in Tasmania and working for the Tasmanian Health Department as a Podiatrist. I'm having an absolute ball and quite fancy sticking around. There appears to be work opportunities opening up on a fairly regular basis, but due to the finite nature of my current visa, I don't seem to be too successful. I've gone through the positive skills assessment to get to this point. I've got current AHPRA and am doing the job. My job is also on the SOL and CSOL I have had a look at the points calculator and if I were to sit the IELTS and score 7 or above, I would have plenty of points to apply. My questions are: Which IELTS do I need to sit, the Academic one or the standard? I've read quite a lot of conflicting advice on the web over the weekend, Also, I have Spina Bifida and use a wheelchair. Everything is completely stable, all my expected treatment was completed years ago, but I'm just worried about the medical side of things. I've contacted a registered migration agent, to see what they say but just waiting back to hear what my chances are. Ideally, if it's a go, I'd like to try and get the ball rolling, because I know they change the SOL and CSOL on the 1st of July each year, (although I know we have a chronic shortage of Podiatrists here.) Any advice would be awesome. Thanks a million. :-) Oh, just a thought. Could I apply for a 190 while onshore?? Thanks!
  17. HDR my visa grant letter this morning. Yay!! So, no problem, if you didn't enter Australia within the 12 months from the date of the first grant, you are essentially still classed as applying for your first visa. Because you never entered Australia on a WHV. I let my first one expire and my new application took about a week to be granted. i guess they checked it a bit more closely just to make sure I really hadn't entered on a WHV before, which I fully understand and appreciate. Good luck!
  18. Aaah, yeah I did see that section. Yeah, was just being dimb. Yeah, you're probably right, but I thought I better be honest with them. Figured I better put it on there because I do intend to work in that field.
  19. What do you mean by an Authorised person? Wouldn't he be applying independently? That's cool to know. Mine might take a while. I've heard if you re-apply, they look at your application more closely. I also declared that I intend to work in healthcare/hospital settings, so I might be asked to go for a medical.
  20. Yep. Pretty sure thats the case. As long as you still meet all of the criteria. I've just done the same after applying for one 4-5 years ago and then changing my mind and going off to uni. I haven't had my latest application returned yet but I'll let you know when I do. Good luck!
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