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Everything posted by wrussell

  1. If anyone suggests that you undertake a medical examination and then lodge a (free) Freedom of Information request (form 424A) for the file, don't blame me.
  2. And you will see the the DIBP, even if they know, will not let you have your medical assessment until they have gouged a visa application charge out of you. Is this is a job for snooperman, the Ombudsperon, AKA the Paper Tiger who as a rule does SFA about immigration complaints unless they are all over the newspapers.
  3. If you pay me a small fortune I will send you this link: http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/health-requirements/my-health-declarations.htm
  4. The ministers delegate MUST accept the opinion of the MOC as conclusive. If it is adverse a waiver might be available, depending on the class of visa, else you are up that well known creek. Legally it is a question of the likely cost if the condition follows its usual course. You might ask your ophthalmologist to prepare a report that addresses the legal issues in the format required: REQUIRED FORMAT OF SPECIALIST MEDICAL REPORT To meet the legal requirements, the medical specialist’s must: 1) State that he or she has been provided with a copy of the Schedule 4 criterion. [Appendix B] 2) Describe your medical condition exactly. 3) Detail the medical treatment and medications that you have received. 4) Describe the treatment and medication that you are now receiving. 5) Describe the ‘usual course’ of your condition. If there is a wide range of possibilities, summarise them. 6) Describe your specific prognosis in terms of: (a) The likely progress of your condition (b) The expected cost and treatment, if any, if your condition follows the likely course. 7) CONCLUSION Will your condition result in a cost to the Australian government of $35 000 over five years with 65% certainty? 8) CONCLUSION Are you likely to require medical treatment within the next five years (with 50% certainty) and what is the likely cost? 9) CONCLUSION Are you likely to require medical treatment beyond this five-year period (with 50% certainty) and what is the likely cost? Please note that for each of the Conclusions it is important for your medical specialist to use this precise wording, because this is the actual legal test. The important word is likely.The test is not whether the events might take place, but, in the specialist’s opinion, whether they are likely. It is entirely a matter for your treating specialist to decide which tests are indicated. Appendix B [h=4]SCHEDULE 4 - PUBLIC INTEREST CRITERIA AND RELATED PROVISIONS[/h] (1) The applicant: (a) is free from tuberculosis; and (b) is free from a disease or condition that is, or may result in the applicant being, a threat to public health in Australia or a danger to the Australian community; and TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS © subject to subclause (2), is not a person who has a disease or condition to which the following subparagraphs apply: (i) the disease or condition is such that a person who has it would be likely to: (A) require health care or community services; or (B) meet the medical criteria for the provision of a community service; during the period of the applicant’s proposed stay in Australia; (ii) provision of the health care or community services relating to the disease or condition would be likely to: (A) result in a significant cost to the Australian community in the areas of health care and community services; or (B) prejudice the access of an Australian citizen or permanent resident to health care or community services; regardless of whether the health care or community services will actually be used in connection with the applicant; and (d) if the applicant is a person from whom a Medical Officer of the Commonwealth has requested a signed undertaking to present himself or herself to a health authority in the State or Territory of intended residence in Australia for a follow-up medical assessment, the applicant has provided such an undertaking. (2) The Minister may waive the requirements of paragraph (1) © if. (a) the applicant satisfies all other criteria for the grant of the visa applied for; and (b) the Minister is satisfied that the granting of the visa would be unlikely to result in: (i) undue cost to the Australian community; or (ii) undue prejudice to the access to health care or community services of an Australian citizen or permanent resident. Please do not take this a considered professional advice. I am only guessing what the medical condition in question might be and I am unable to advise about the usual outcome. The health criteria and policy are far more complex than this brief outline might indicate. May I suggest that you instruct your RMA to make relevant enquiries and advise you about steps you can take to minimise your costs?
  5. [h=2]Significant health care and community service costs[/h] Significant costs are assessed: for temporary visas applicants, by taking into account their length of stay in Australia for permanent visa applicants, over a five year period or three years for those aged 75 or older. Exception: If you have a permanent or ongoing condition and the course of the disease is reasonably predictable, the MOC will determine the estimated costs over the period of your remaining life expectancy. This means that if you have a serious health condition you may meet the health requirement for a temporary visa, however, you may not meet the health requirement if you then apply for a permanent visa. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** My Note: If a visa applicant (or a family member) had an untreatable medical condition that in the usual course of events would make them eligible for 'community services' which includes a disability support pension, it is possible that an adverse medical assessment would follow.
  6. The Australian medical authorities assess the likely cost of treatment/medications over the period of the visa. For permanent visas this is the lifetime cost. I have AMD and I pay $450 every 5 weeks for interocular injections.
  7. Your overall IELTS is irrelevant, you need 6 on every sub test to satisfy the core requirement and at least 7 on every sub test to be awarded points. To be granted a 485 you must have satisfied the Australian Study Requirement. Study at a regional campus (as defined) is worth an extra 5 points. Do you have a full VETASSESS skills assessment or a '485' (qualifications only) skills assessment? If you are working as an 'assistant' You might have trouble claiming points for work experience. Please do not take any of this this as professional advice. I suggest that you consult a RMA to develop a strategy.
  8. There is insufficient information for anyone to advise you. What skills assessment did you undertake for your 485? When was your 485 granted? When did you sit IELTS and what were your band scores? How old are you? Which course or courses did you complete in Australia and where? May I suggest that you put the full facts of your case to a registered migration agent for advice about strategy?
  9. Insufficient data. Run your case past a registered migration agent.
  10. An applicant can still be in strife if a de facto relationship was not declared.
  11. From what you have posted it looks as if you have not breached your entry conditions. If all you have done is fail to notify the DIAC about your changed circumstances the breach might not be dealt with too harshly, depending on the circumstances. May I suggest that you consult a registered migration agent who has experience in managing this type issue before you commit to a course of action?
  12. May I suggest that your support worker should consult a registered migration agent for an assessment?
  13. A dependant or partner cannot simply be removed from an application to avoid the consequences of failing the 'character test', they must satisfy the public interest (medical and police clearance) criteria even if not applying to migrate. The relevant criterion is 'one fails - all fail'. You could leave a partner off a 457, but then you would have dug a grave for future applications. Providing false information on an incoming passenger card is equated to providing a fraudulent document to a relevant authority.
  14. Don't. Use form 1023. The offence you mention would probably not be fatal, but the fact that you (apparently) tried to conceal it by giving the minister information that was false or misleading in a material particular might be. Do yourself a favour and seek professional advice.
  15. A CEP listing is an opinion (usually taken as conclusive) about of the comparability of an academic qualification cf. an Australian qualification and does not address the issue of whether a qualification is 'relevant' for any given purpose.
  16. The minister is about to impose grotesque increases in the visa application charges for partner visas. May I suggest you consult a registered migration agent to get on track ASAP? If you want me to have a look at your case feel free to pm me
  17. An A does not take effect until the current substantive visa expires or is cancelled.
  18. That is what I though might have been intended and people have done this. In your circumstances there is probably a policy reason for a subclass 101 processing delay.
  19. Do NOT do it. You will kill your 175 visas with no assurance of any further visa being granted. May I suggest that you should most certainly consult a registered migration agent?
  20. You have other options. May I suggest you consult a registered migration agent?
  21. <p><p>It is not entirely clear from your post, what you are trying to find out. If you want me to have a quick look at you case, send an email to: <a href="mailto:" rel="">visa@pinoyau.com</a></p></p>

  22. <p>If you send an email to <a href="mailto:" rel="">visa@pinoyau.com</a> I will undertake a free preliminary assessment of your case.</p>

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