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newjez last won the day on September 26 2022

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About newjez

  • Birthday 13/04/1966

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  1. Alltrails.com doesn't look that bad. Haven't used it but searched for walks in South West wa and it came up with quite a few. There are a few others, but until you test them in anger you won't know how good they are. I'm planning on doing some walking when I'm in Oz later this year so I can report back then.
  2. If you are at the end of a ten mile walk and you find cows in the field you need to cross to get home what do you do? I have been in that situation with cows and calves on the path and I decided to take another route. But sometimes you might not have that option. Farmers do tend to move their stock around, and you sometimes find cows unexpectedly. On the south downs you get the Scottish cows with the really big horns, but they are gentle giants.
  3. More people are killed by cows than sharks, but both are very minor. Sometimes paths do go straight across the field. It's usually pretty obvious where the path goes. But I use footpathmap.co.uk as it is free (you can pay) and it has a GPS so you can keep to the paths. I was hoping to find a site like that in Australia.
  4. Farmers aren't allowed to keep dairy bulls in fields crossed by footpaths. For some reason dairy bulls are much more aggressive than beef bulls. You have to make a judgement call with cows, and a lot depends on whether you have a dog. I often cross fields with cattle walking or on my bike. Sometimes coming close to them and I've never had a problem.
  5. Have you considered south east Asia as a base? If you're son managed to get it into Australia, (possibly after UK degree) then you would be in a position to visit him regularly. I'm not up on South East Asia, but I have heard of it being popular as a retirement destination. Or possibly NZ.
  6. You can buy seeds online in the UK for your "seed collection". Apparently you're not allowed to grow them they're not cheap.
  7. Thanks for the replies. Timing isn't too much of an issue as they won't be traveling for a while. But it does mean I wouldn't get them back before I leave. So I might need to rethink that.
  8. This is going to sound weird, but go skydiving. Jumping out of an aeroplane will change your life. You won't be the same person when you land. It will change your life much more than moving to Australia.
  9. I am planning a trip to Perth, and I wondered whether I could get the kids passports renewed when I was there. Plus get the first Australian passport for my youngest. The kids won't be with me, but I figured it might be easier in Perth rather than go up to Australia house in London. They always make me drag the kids up there and it's a real pain. I figured I could do it by post from Perth, or even go into the immigration office. Probably easier by post. Might even be cheaper.
  10. I never had grand parents as they were in the UK when I was growing up in Australia. I do feel like I missed out.
  11. newjez


    from my understanding there are actually a lot of rules, as they are in Union, but the advantage rule is played alot, so it appears there are less rules than there are. Keeps the game flowing.
  12. newjez


    Not only subject to finance approval, but name the bank that you want to approve it.
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