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Here's the question from my 5 yr old girl


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Hi All again.

My little one said to me please will you ask your friends on the computer if i'm ok taking my teddies because i can't choose my favourite.


So guess i'm asking would there be any problems at the airports with a range of fluffy teddies in suit case or hand luggage, silly i no but bless she did ask


Thank you in advance:embarrassed:

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Bless, I would've thought you'd be fine as long as none of them are stuffed with straw, or with beans (unlikely unless they're really old or bought from random places - I once saw a guy from a south american country have a problem because his teddy was stuffed with actual dried beans)

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No problem bring your cuddly toys the more the merrier. Very important in providing security in strange surroundings. Make sure you bring all the important ones on the plane and not the shipment.


Good Luck

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They'll get through no problem at all - we brought over lots of teddies :) Some of them were just for our dog Satch - and they weren't new by any means!


You might need to put just a couple in the container to keep an eye on your other stuff though - then it's really exciting to unpack them at the other end!!!

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How sweet! My 5 year old daughter brought some cuddly toys in our luggage. Her favourite ended up in the shipping and they'll be reunited next week hopefully! She's acquired some new friends at some garage sales in the meantime! My 3-year old boy has been sleeping with his favourite Meerkat soft toy that we brought with us since we arrived. So she must bring her favourite(s).

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I wouldnt be too sanguine about it - it really depends on what their guts are made of - if they are new squishy poly fibre stuffed ones then no worries but if you are trying to bring them in with something less sterile in their guts then they may well be executed (well, treated anyway). Best bet is to check their innards and if there is a doubt then dont take them.


We had a much travelled Australian Tigger whose innards were what appeared to be crushed nut shells - after being hassled at customs with a wooden doll at one stage, Tigger has had his passport confiscated and is now no longer allowed to leave the country! He had been a much travelled Tigger in days gone by - before x ray scanning of incoming luggage!

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Guest Sam2000

My 2 girls brought all theirs ( mainly in the container) plus tell your daughter there is build a bear workshop which I'm sure she'll be making a trip to while waiting for her other toys to arrive.

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Watch out for those sort that you put in the microwave to heat up as well = they have wheat or cherry stones in and would be an issue. (We have a polar bear of such sort that is being left with Auntie :) )


And if they say about cutting any of them open at customs, ignore them, they are joking - apparently customs around the world think it is hilarous to joke about such matters (about to be fair, it might be the fact that a lone female travelling with a teddy in her luggage is fair game. Me bursting into tears at the suggesting probably wasn't what they were expecting lol)

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Just remember the golden rule - Declare, declare declare! (The TV programs about customs are TV of reality, not reality TV - there's a big difference)


We feel like ticking every 'yes' box there is and just giving them all of our bags and having a seat whilst they knock themselves out - after 20 odd hours in the air I'm sure we'll forget something that we keep going 'mustn't forget to tell them we have xyz' so it may be easier that way :biglaugh:

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How cute! :cute:


My little one brought the most important teddy in the hand luggage, the next important in the big luggage on the plane and another big box in the container. No probs at all!


On the plane (emirates) she got another teddy from the staff :cute:




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We feel like ticking every 'yes' box there is and just giving them all of our bags and having a seat whilst they knock themselves out - after 20 odd hours in the air I'm sure we'll forget something that we keep going 'mustn't forget to tell them we have xyz' so it may be easier that way :biglaugh:


I think that declaring that you have a criminal conviction and TB might cause more problems then you might expect

custom declaration.jpg

custom declaration.jpg

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My daughter brought two boxes of them, which all arrived safely this week, and were individually welcomed to Australia by her as we unpacked them!!!!!


Children do worry about some lovely things.....

S x

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This is good news :smile:


I have a very old old teddy bear that looks very sorry that I have had since I was born. He is a well loved bear although his 'growler' is no longer working. I guess he will have to be irradiated at customs but he has survived several stints in the freezer after I had a cold or cough and was fine. A few gamma rays will not do him any harm. :wink::cute:


Millie x

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This is good news :smile:


I have a very old old teddy bear that looks very sorry that I have had since I was born. He is a well loved bear although his 'growler' is no longer working. I guess he will have to be irradiated at customs but he has survived several stints in the freezer after I had a cold or cough and was fine. A few gamma rays will not do him any harm. :wink::cute:


Millie x


Well, budget for the $200+ for making a false declaration if you fail to declare him and then another $200 - $300 for his heat/gamma ray treatment and you should be fine:laugh: best to do a laparotomy to see what his guts are made of first. I have one very ancient one stuffed with straw - a definite no no.

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Well, budget for the $200+ for making a false declaration if you fail to declare him and then another $200 - $300 for his heat/gamma ray treatment and you should be fine:laugh: best to do a laparotomy to see what his guts are made of first. I have one very ancient one stuffed with straw - a definite no no.


My sister got charged $60 for having hers irradiated but I suppose it varies. If it has to be $300 then ok. His guts are good to go because they are slightly spilling :wink:


Millie x

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