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What have you done today to get yourself to OZ?


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Thanks for the advice, i was expecting at least 6! best get ebaying...good job they have free listing this weekend.


From getting my CO (July 2011 see my signature) it took just under 3 months, I even delayed it by a month by waiting to get my medicals done. So unless things have changed drastically or your application has complications I would start to arrange meds and PCC in the next couple of weeks!

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Money was taken from DIAC fr spouse visa.


I also spent a couple if hours browsing and emailing real estate agents in sydney.


Had a beer with a travelling rellie, who td ne his dad is something high up in mining... And should be a good link for getting hubby work!!

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Be painting the last 2 days (is this ever going to end?) I'm starting to get this anxious feeling that I'm not going to be ready in time for the Estate Agent on the 6th of Feb it is so bad this morning that when my Son woke me up at 4:30 for a drink and a tuck back into bed I couldn't go back to sleep, all I could think about was what I needed to finish. So I got up, managed to contain my excitement for breakfast of 4 slices of Pizza and a Browse of PIO. So what has today go install for me, Yip you guessed it more painting!

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Spending the weekend entertaining / visiting old and close friends one last time before we go. Trying to palm of the remaining few items of furniture and household goods onto people so that I've not got to waste petrol on a trip to the Tip :-S That may include unsuspecting passers by !!

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Spending the weekend entertaining / visiting old and close friends one last time before we go. Trying to palm of the remaining few items of furniture and household goods onto people so that I've not got to waste petrol on a trip to the Tip :-S That may include unsuspecting passers by !!


Put them on Freecycle /. Freegle http://www.freecycle.org/group/uk or http://ilovefreegle.org/groups/ people will break your doors down for it

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Had Anglo Pacific in for a shipping quote and tempting fate by applying for a few jobs, keep tellin myself wait until you get the visa!!!


You will be fine, I felt exactly the same, OH was constantly talking about the flight he was going to take + the removals / rentals et. and all I could say was ´wait until the visa come´s through´, it will, you will be fine, x x :hug:

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Just put some more curtains in the washing machine, three more pairs to go, and one set to repair and then my curtain task will be done, cleaned the windows yesterday, a job I loathe, do them again next week just before I leave.


May even be able to get some of the curtains dried out doors as the weather is lovely today, so fingers crossed, otherwise they are just strewn all over doors and anything else tall enough to take them.


This afternoon we are meeting a friend in Banus to say our final good bye, probably will never see them again, the same applies for Banus too.

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Positive day today, sold mountain bike and few odds and ends.

Collected a wad of $ to get started. Going to see my mam for possibly the last time next weekend

9 days left in the UK! Cases packed and ready, decorating tomorrow and making sure house is up to scratch.

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Heartbreakingly taking the cats to new home today. Want to curl up in a ball and just sob and sob and sob forever. The hardest bit of moving, hands down.


Off to have another cry.


Oh no poor you! :hug::hug: I really feel for you. We are taking our young cat but leaving our old boy as he wouldn't make it - that will be very hard. Don't know what else to say really as I know I am dreading it too! x

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Off to the solicitors to get the last dregs of paperwork certified !! Finally i think thats the worst part collecting all the documents for Vettasses..

Now can someone please give me an idea of how to get my Husband to start studying the IELTS?? We need 8s for more points towards the better visa thing is i just cant motivate him to study and i cannot do it for him!!



i have a pdf copy of some ielts test papers and some mp3s of the listening questions that go with the tests. PM me if you want them.

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Guest tandcmum

Had a bit of an unexpected weekend off work in the middle of my 10 day stretch due to being assaulted by a patient on Friday morning and sustaining a lovely head injury, not really felt up to doing much Oz prep wise, but have taken the time on the sofa to do research into houses, schools, things to do, flights, and done online shops at woolies, looked where all the fruit and veg markets are etc.

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Oh no poor you! :hug::hug: I really feel for you. We are taking our young cat but leaving our old boy as he wouldn't make it - that will be very hard. Don't know what else to say really as I know I am dreading it too! x


We have a lovely 15 year old half persian boy to say goodbye to as well, it will be a sad day when it comes.

P.S Let us know what Sentosa Island is like when you get there !!

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Thanks for the kind words peeps - it is probably the worst thing ever ever ever in my life, have done a sobbing blog entry on it and made husband cry - whoops!


tandcmum - hugs to you, just think, soon it won't be part of everyday life anymore (I know I know, its the same everywhere, but one can dream, eh?)


Today the overlocker went, my bras seem to be doing well on ebay, and need to list yet more things on there (I dread the ebay seller fees this month! :o) Unfortunately didn't do a car boot as it was fully booked :( Never mind, there's still one week left for car booting (before the 4x4 goes....)


We are sitting in an ever increasingly empty house - tis good!! :)

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