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Recession Proof Jobs.

Guest guest37336

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Guest guest37336

I know the recession has affected some more than others, but had an interesting chat with a friend of a friend the other day whilst having a coffee in the town.


He was a recruitment consultant but is now a self employed cleaner. We had a good old chin wag and he was explaining to me the why's and wherefore's of what he 'thought' were the jobs that 'may' be a little more recession proof than some others.


His list went like this:




Household cleaners, (self employed)


Dog walkers.


Leaflet distribution.


Personal trainers.


House sitting for pets.





Strange old list, and I fully admit that the majority of these jobs may never make the money some expect, but you never know, it could be worth giving it a go if your stuck for something.


I have done the leaflet distribution, and in all honesty not a lot of money, somewhere like £70-£200 pound a week, (bloody hard work though) all weathers and thankless, but helped at the time, and kept me fit,:yes:.


But funnily enough all of them (exception of one, personal trainer) relate to the fact the vast majority of them require no 'specific' qualifications, learn as you go to a degree, experience , etc.


So lets have some useful tips on jobs (big and small) where it may help to bring the pennies in, even if you will never become a millionaire that is.


Cheers Tony.:wink:

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Guest guest37336

Betting shop manager

Off license proprieter (alternative to the pubs that have been closing at an alarming rate over the past few years!)


Hi Paisley.


I see a pattern forming here,:yes:.


Cheers Tony.

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people will always pay money for the big three:


Making Babies

Making Relationships

Making themselves 'skinny' (I'm guessing in another culture you could flip that to 'plump' - it depends what the cultural 'ideal' is seen to be).


Anything related to those, even in a downturn people will still spend money on - in a downturn though I guess people will find cheaper ways to do it - so loosing weight - lots of people have been paying to join online slimming clubs rather than expensive gym memberships etc...

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Guest guest30085

Recession Proof Job?


Undertaker . . . . .


As morbid as this is, they will never be short of work :(

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Guest tandcmum

many years ago i would have said Nurses, that may possibly still be the case in Oz but in the UK it certainly isn't anymore

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I don't think any job is safe under the Tories, my wife is a nurse and up and down the country hospitals have been finishing nurses and i am a prison officer and there has been alot of job losses and this job no longer exhists as a new job, in place is something called officer 2's on half the pay, doing the same job, it is the only way the public sector prisons can compete with the private sector, who pay rubbish wages and provide little or no pensions and more prisons are going to be privatised shortly, its the sign of the times in financially strapped Britain.


Jobs that are really safe? I can't think of any.

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To add a little bit more the Pixie's list. Recently there was a licenced brothel being advertised in the paper, the owner was pimping it (intended) as the most recession-proof industry there is.

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So far in the recession we have just had/having, the price of oil has remained above $70 a barrel, sometimes even more. this has kept my job and my wifes going and in some cases it has gone pretty well. my wife has had some good payrises(one of only 3 in her company to get one) and a couple of good bonuses. i even got a 4% rise last year. this wasnt the case in 1998 when the oil price dropped to $10 a barrel and i was made redundant half way through my apprenticeship.


usually during a recession, there are still plenty of people working, there just isnt the security to pay out money. but i do notice that people will still pay out money for some things. interestingly as above, i notice that in my area there are 2 dog walking companies who are doing very well!


i have also noticed that a lot more people are investing in their houses rather than moving, (an assumption on my part its instead of moving). my dad is a painter and decorator an has had no shortage of work the last few years. lots of other painter and decorators in the town with shiney new vans etc! also Landscapers doing well. i can count from my window 5 houses who have had their gardens and driveways, front and back redone. in the area there are new garden walls, extensions, renovations, all sorts!


the only thing i can think of that is recession proof, is the ability to turn your hand to anything and be willing to do whatever you have to do to make money.

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son in law works for an international mining and construction engineering firm he said on one Queensland project alone they have one and a half million man hours of engineering, thats before construction starts.

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a lot of big projects though in total. the LNG project off WA that Chevron is doing is worth $49Billion. one off Queesland quoted at $10Billion. i hope it keeps people employed for a long time to come. i dont subscribe to the philosphy that we are stripping the earth of its resources! if you dont use them, they arent resources. if they are usefull, use them. like the Canadian oil sands. the soil and sand that goes back is cleaner than was there in the first place, so whats wrong with that? its being replanted!

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Guest ozinpom

Ironically the actual dealers and bankers that caused this dreadful sorry mess are still working and collecting the fat pay packets and the bonuses that started it all.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Ironically the actual dealers and bankers that caused this dreadful sorry mess are still working and collecting the fat pay packets and the bonuses that started it all.



This is what annoys me about these austerity cuts we the uk public have to suffer, yes i am willing to tighten my belt along with millions of others, but its not having a pay rise for years and having our pensions diluted, when the bankers are carrying on has normal and then the billions of pounds sent overseas, is scandalous, but its the sign of the times and with the Eurozone in crisis, with country after country being bailed out or close to it, its time the uk looked after its own people.

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I don't think any job is safe under the Tories, my wife is a nurse and up and down the country hospitals have been finishing nurses and i am a prison officer and there has been alot of job losses and this job no longer exhists as a new job, in place is something called officer 2's on half the pay, doing the same job, it is the only way the public sector prisons can compete with the private sector, who pay rubbish wages and provide little or no pensions and more prisons are going to be privatised shortly, its the sign of the times in financially strapped Britain.


Jobs that are really safe? I can't think of any.


Hey hoff, I used to work as admin in the private prison sector - I won't name the prison or the company here! Conditions were terrible, and they had these assistant prison officer posts - sounds like the officer 2 setup - same work, same training, less pay - but then full-on prison officers' pay was rubbish too. One of the admin was delighted to move up to an assistant officer post for just an extra couple of grand. Shocking.


Jobs are far, far from safe in my current occupation (NHS data analyst), and we have all this awful planning for the future stuff going on. I've loved my job since I started nearly 5 years ago but am glad to be getting out. Just wish I could cash my pension in, for all it'll be worth in 36 years or whenever I get to claim it! Probably up its value better in an Aus savings account!

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Hey hoff, I used to work as admin in the private prison sector - I won't name the prison or the company here! Conditions were terrible, and they had these assistant prison officer posts - sounds like the officer 2 setup - same work, same training, less pay - but then full-on prison officers' pay was rubbish too. One of the admin was delighted to move up to an assistant officer post for just an extra couple of grand. Shocking.


Jobs are far, far from safe in my current occupation (NHS data analyst), and we have all this awful planning for the future stuff going on. I've loved my job since I started nearly 5 years ago but am glad to be getting out. Just wish I could cash my pension in, for all it'll be worth in 36 years or whenever I get to claim it! Probably up its value better in an Aus savings account!



The only good thing with all these redundencies in our jobs is that we have both applied twice for it, hoping to get some extra cash to emigrate with, but because we have well over twenty years in service each, they went for those with less years, they have also reduced the payments, from 2 years to 1 year for nurses and prison officers down to 18 months from 2 years.


Who would have ever thought that nurses could ever be made redundant?:mad:

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Oh, I would kill for redundancy right now! But it's not an option at this time as analysts can be redeployed - bah. I took redundancy from my last job which was great as I wanted to move to Scotland anyway, just gave me the push!


So I'll just put me notice in and contribute to that 'natural wastage' they badly need!


I know, nurses redundant, jeez. Sorry, but they should be getting rid of us calculator-pushers first!

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