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The 'Apple Mac Lovers' Thread

Guest guest37336

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Guest guest37336

OK, I am a technophobe and have barely an understanding of computers etc. But I can honestly say without the aid of Mac products over the years' I would be COMPLETELY dumb when it comes to this subject.


I have written several articles on my Mac, several books, and designed several websites, I am not saying I could not have done this on a windows machine, and I admit I am somewhat biased.


But this thread is for those of you who love their Mac machines/mobiles/displays etc. Come on, lets put up some sexy pictures of Macs in all their glory, and some advice about Mac products. I know there are loads of Mac users/experts out there, and I would appreciate some sexy conversation and pics,:goofy:.


PS. I owe this thread to Dawny,:notworthy::notworthy:, as she got the old juices flowing again about my Macs,:jiggy:.


Cheers Tony.



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well I've only been a mac user for 3 months and the difference began when I opened the box, simply beautiful, well packaged... Started it up and it set up internet connection all with such ease... I've found no problems with it has yet to 'crash'. It deals with large photo files and modifying with such speed. I have moved from PC and it converted files over with a click of the button. My files are compatible with my PC friends or work colleagues.


Not wanting to boast but I got the 27 inch version, I had to sit half way across the room when I first got it. I can open up several applications and work simultaneously on them. They are simply brilliant machines now I've made the switch I m not sure I could go back, WELL worth the investment.


My ipad 2 is coming soon...

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Guest Guest31881

A genuine question from a PC user,


I have never used a Mac but i did think about changing when i brought this PC I am using now...

My questions are.


Do you have any compatability problems with things like "Microsoft office programs" word, excel, etc, I receive and send a lot of documents using these programs


Do you find any web sites, that are not compatible with the Mac.

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Guest guest37336
A genuine question from a PC user,


I have never used a Mac but i did think about changing when i brought this PC I am using now...

My questions are.


Do you have any compatability problems with things like "Microsoft office programs" word, excel, etc, I receive and send a lot of documents using these programs


Do you find any web sites, that are not compatible with the Mac.


Hi Colin.


Numpty here. I can honestly say that I have never had any problems with the web compatable issue.


I also many moon ago tried to run several windows programmes on my Mac, a few cliches, but this was over twenty years ago, so hopefully things have got better.


Far more experts on here mate, I dare say they will be able to answer you.


Cheers Tony.:wink:

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Hubby won't allow a PC in the house, the mere thought makes him go cold.


We all use macs and no problems, we have microsoft word, but even with the mac word processing software everything can be opened by PC users. Only issue we have is some people still use very old word software so can't open docx documents - so we just re-save them as .docs.


Yes some software is only for PCs but there is usually a mac equivalent.


My current rant is that DVLA do not make the theory practice software for driving test for Mac!!


none of us have ever been infected... ever and we have been using macs for many, many years now.

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none of us have ever been infected... ever and we have been using macs for many, many years now.


Give it time, give it time...

the popularity of the mac in recent years has made a more worthwhile target.

Indeed, the latest Mac defender issues are a prime example of this.


Saying that, i don't own a 'MAC' per say, i have created a hackintosh though, which does the job for me... refuse to pay the exorbitant prices, its all intel inside anyway....

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Guest annerichard

Hi all,


Save the lemming, I think you have found your match on the numpty level! LOL


I have just bought an Apple Mac, however I can not seem to use the Icons (smilies) on here so what am I doing wrong?? It comes up with the words rather than the face!





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Guest guest37336
Hi all,


Save the lemming, I think you have found your match on the numpty level! LOL


I have just bought an Apple Mac, however I can not seem to use the Icons (smilies) on here so what am I doing wrong?? It comes up with the words rather than the face!






Hi Anne.


Always nice to meet a fellow numpty. I wish I could help matey, but doh, no chance. Hopefully one of the techie folks will help out.


As I said Anne, sorry I can't help, but embrace the numptiness that is ours,:yes:.


PS. Shhhhhhhhhh, I only put this thread up so I could find out who has the latest Mac equipment, and then by hook or crook I will find out where they live and it will all be MINE,:huh:.


Cheers Tony.:wink:

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I like the way you can download and install windows xp, so you can play all your old windows games disc's especially when you lot are picking on me, and i can jump easily from one page to another so i can keep an eye on you :wink:!:biglaugh::biglaugh:

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Hi all,


Save the lemming, I think you have found your match on the numpty level! LOL


I have just bought an Apple Mac, however I can not seem to use the Icons (smilies) on here so what am I doing wrong?? It comes up with the words rather than the face!






You might need to download/install the Adobe Flash add on to Safari. Apple and Adobe aren't the best of friends so Flash readers aren't installed in the Safari software on purchase.

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We are both long standing Apple users in this house. Nothing but.


Before that we both ran Linux and haven't been near Windows for about a decade.

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Here is a question for you, thanks to my darling son, he has done something, pressed something who knows what lol

but in the top right hand corner you have your hard drive icon, normally you can click on this and it opens up all your contents, i.e downloads, pictures etc, well mine doesn't do this now :no: i have to click on it, go to the bar at the top click on file and click open, then when i have done this, i have to repeat the whole process regardless of what folder i need to open, any ideas how to get it back :biggrin:

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