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Guest Vannessa

Hi, this is my first post, you could just say i am dipping my toe in the idea of moving to Oz, i have no idea as yet regarding Visas etc were in the very early stages. My husband has been invited for an interview for a job in Sydney, its something we always talked about from the early stages of our relationship and never thought would become possible until now! We have a 2 year old Son and like most have heard the myths that its a better life and education over there for him, is this true? I like to think as parents we always try to make the best decisions for our children, is moving him half way across the world doing that? sorry if this is a little deep for this forum i just needed to talk to someone who has has these thoughts and been through this or is going through this at the moment. Any comments are helpful.


Thanks xxxHi, this is my first post, you could just say i am dipping my toe in the idea of moving to Oz, i have no idea as yet regarding Visas etc were in the very early stages. My husband has been invited for an interview for a job in Sydney, its something we always talked about from the early stages of our relationship and never thought would become possible until now! We have a 2 year old Son and like most have heard the myths that its a better life and education over there for him, is this true? I like to think as parents we always try to make the best decisions for our children, is moving him half way across the world doing that? sorry if this is a little deep for this forum i just needed to talk to someone who has has these thoughts and been through this or is going through this at the moment. Any comments are helpful.


Thanks xxx

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Hi, this is my first post, you could just say i am dipping my toe in the idea of moving to Oz, i have no idea as yet regarding Visas etc were in the very early stages. My husband has been invited for an interview for a job in Sydney, its something we always talked about from the early stages of our relationship and never thought would become possible until now! We have a 2 year old Son and like most have heard the myths that its a better life and education over there for him, is this true? I like to think as parents we always try to make the best decisions for our children, is moving him half way across the world doing that? sorry if this is a little deep for this forum i just needed to talk to someone who has has these thoughts and been through this or is going through this at the moment. Any comments are helpful.


HI Vannessa


First off, welcome to PIO - this is the place to get things off your chest and voice some of those thoughts that you are having. You will find loads of people on this forum who are more than willing to share their experiences, knowledge, fears and encouragement all through what is, without doubt, a slightly terrifying process.


It seems like you have happened upon the thread that is aimed at Parents (of children already resident in Australia) who are applying for Visas to enable them to go live near their family. It sounds like you and your husband are probably going to be looking for a different type of Visa - a work/skills Visa - so you may find more relevant information for your circumstances on a different thread to this one. Suggest you click on Forum, where you will find the main Migration Issues threads, and search through them, or if you know the Visa type you will be considering, you could also try a search and just type in the Visa number and see what pops up.


Many of us on this particular thread have children and grandchildren in Australia and I guess it goes without saying that as we are all trying to get Visas to go and live there, we all think that Australia is the place to be. I would definitely recommend it and hope to be living there in just a few months time.


So hope this helps - and good luck with everything. Gill

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I tried to register on the CPV tracker yesterday and duly waited for the email to arrive which allows me to activate my registration but am still waiting. Don't know if I have done something wrong?


In the meantime if Steve reads this, could you please update our details (DaveandLinda) with the date of our medicals: 29th March.


As we are going for the 173 initially we are waiting for the email asking us to pay the second VAC. We know our medicals arrived in Sydney on 4th April and our PCs and forms 80 arrived in Perth on the same day. We had reckoned on about 2 weeks before we hear anything. What do you think? Hubby is very impatient and thinks I should contact the PVC. I told him it's too soon. If everyone kept contacting them it distracts from the all important job of allocating visas!

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Another step closer


Our daughter has her interview re AoS bond tomorrow and we've now opened an account with Moneycorp ready to part with the $14000! Also started the 'paperwork' for a migrant bank account ready to transfer some dosh over when/if the rate improves.


Three weeks till our medical so its back to thumb twiddling again:biggrin:


At least the garage, shed and loft are now empty! Planning a few days holiday away and when I return will start to get removal estimates - thanks for all the recent advice and recommendations

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Hi, this is my first post, you could just say i am dipping my toe in the idea of moving to Oz, i have no idea as yet regarding Visas etc were in the very early stages. My husband has been invited for an interview for a job in Sydney, its something we always talked about from the early stages of our relationship and never thought would become possible until now! We have a 2 year old Son and like most have heard the myths that its a better life and education over there for him, is this true? I like to think as parents we always try to make the best decisions for our children, is moving him half way across the world doing that? sorry if this is a little deep for this forum i just needed to talk to someone who has has these thoughts and been through this or is going through this at the moment. Any comments are helpful.



Thanks xxx


Hi Vannessa


Welcome :biggrin:


My daughter SIL and 2 grand daughters (aged 3yrs and 10 months at the time) emigrated to Oz in August 2007, they have never looked back hence the reason we are looking into the move there now :yes:


I couldnt understand why they wanted to move but after 2 days on our first visit there I could understand totally, the little one's were thriving everyone we met was laid back, the weather was lovely and I feel Oz is very family orientated, clean beaches, clean parks what more could they want :cool:


It sounds as though you would be looking for the same visa my family went on a sponsored 457 as my SIL had a job to go to there (but dont hold me to it :goofy:)


My family applied for and got permanant residency after 2 years and they never want to come back to the UK :no: my daughter and 2 little one's were here in Nov 2010 for my sons wedding and I asked her outright "if anything (god forbid) happened to her hubby would she and the kids come back to the UK" her answer was "not in a million years the only thing I miss about the UK is you and nothing else" :cute: that answered it all for me. The girls are now age 6 and 4 and she has just presented us with our first grandson (and the last apparantly :swoon:) and we are set for the long journey on Sunday to spend 8 weeks there.


This all sounds really nice but I won't lie to you, they did have some rough times but because they were commited to having a better life they got through them. My daughter said she coped by getting out and meeting people and having the little ones she could do that, she joined play groups, nurseries, play groups etc went out every day to parks and beaches and believe it or not the majority of their friends are poms :wideeyed: but very nice ones I have to say. I do know she joined this forum and got a lot of advice, so do your homework, find out everything you can but most of all if you feel you want to do it be committed to making it work for you :yes:


Good luck with it all :wink:



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Another step closer


Our daughter has her interview re AoS bond tomorrow and we've now opened an account with Moneycorp ready to part with the $14000! Also started the 'paperwork' for a migrant bank account ready to transfer some dosh over when/if the rate improves.


Three weeks till our medical so its back to thumb twiddling again:biggrin:


At least the garage, shed and loft are now empty! Planning a few days holiday away and when I return will start to get removal estimates - thanks for all the recent advice and recommendations


How frustrating for you to have to wait so long for the medicals. Times do seem to be getting longer - just as the waiting time for a CO is getting shorter! The waiting is awful.

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Hi Steve

Could you update the tracker please. We are going for medicals on 11 May. One less thing to worry about. Wish we could get a CO instead of an admin guy checking the file.:arghh:


Pete and Marg

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I tried to register on the CPV tracker yesterday and duly waited for the email to arrive which allows me to activate my registration but am still waiting. Don't know if I have done something wrong?


In the meantime if Steve reads this, could you please update our details (DaveandLinda) with the date of our medicals: 29th March.


As we are going for the 173 initially we are waiting for the email asking us to pay the second VAC. We know our medicals arrived in Sydney on 4th April and our PCs and forms 80 arrived in Perth on the same day. We had reckoned on about 2 weeks before we hear anything. What do you think? Hubby is very impatient and thinks I should contact the PVC. I told him it's too soon. If everyone kept contacting them it distracts from the all important job of allocating visas!




I would make the enquiry. They tend to check files infrequently to see if the medical record has been updated, and your reminder could bring that forward.


The email may have gone into junk mail. I've activated your record (username Linday) but I am completely confused as to why you want to be on there twice! Probably because I've not read something properly. It happens. So you have one record for a 143 and one for a 173. Let me know what you want to do and I'll fix it!


All the best



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Thanks Linday, nice to know the wait list is coming down! Everything I've read online seemed to just show it go up and up!

I can leave & re-enter on this visa, but because of the 8503 -no further entry condition, wasnt sure if I could even apply for a CPV (even out of the country) while this visa is still current. It expires in November. I wonder if I could nip over to NZ sooner rather than later and apply for the CPV 'offshore', then come back? I'm going back to UK in November regardless but want to come back to Australia in the new year hopefully with my CPV underway and by the sound of it, hopefully a new 676 to tide me over.

What do you or anyone else think my chances are of applying for a CPV offshore now while still using my current 676 with the 8503-no further stay condition?

Thanks carrie



We're in the same situation and many more people I bet, so hopfully we can all help.

We're of the understanding you can apply (lodge) for your CPV while your here in OZ but will have to be outside OZ (offshore) to get it validated, so that would be around two years later. Our girls are coming up to the two years "settling in" period in OZ so we hope to apply for the CPV soon.

:goofy:The 676 Visa is another story, we're coming to the end of our stay with the 8503-no further stay condition stamped into the visa so will be leaving OZ.

We know we have to leave OZ to apply for a second 676 Visa, but can this be applied for Offshore in for example - NZ? Or do we have to go back to the UK for the application ?? We have friends in NZ who we could use for a residental address if we are allowed to apply off shore rather than back in the UK.

Maybe someone can advise us both ???

Hope we've helped - we've had a wonderful time with our family and definitley could'nt have stayed in the UK and missed our grand-children plus we hope we've helped in their move.

Steph and Sue

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Guest mombie58@hotmail.com

hello everyone

I thought that it was time to update our trials and tribulations during this process of CPV's etc.

We have had our official refusal of our CPV on medical grounds. We have been offered an application to the Migration Review Board - the cost would be approximately $1400 and we must put in the application within 70 days of the final refusal of our original application.It will take aqt least a year to get to the Board apparently and we have not decided - you will see why.........


We had planned to go to Oz this month to help my daughter Heather and her husband with the preparations for the arrival of the new baby boy in June. Heather has had a few problems one of which is tht the baby has two holes in his heart (I don't think that she has told the play group yet Phoebe). Heather herself has had two open heart surgeries so was under the care ofa a cardiologist anyway. Now, she and the baby are under the care of an eminent fetal cardiologist in Brisbane.

So we applied for an EA676 on line - planned to go for six months to help.

Then we received the e676 for me.

Moments later we received the denial for Catherine - we have had to jump through hoops to try to rectify this - they requested bank statements from us all and itineries, medical insurance etc.


This all happened over a week ago and our flights are booked for next wednesday so we are very upset.We have heard no word from them except the automated response to our e mails with statements etc.

Of all the things that I thought could happen with our flights etc - this was not one of them.

I am worrried to death about heather and desperately sorry for catherine as she is so upset too.

It goes without saying that I am a basketcase!

I am however happy that things seem to be moving faster for the rest of you and eagerly read about more and more getting the CPV.

I'd also like to say that our CO is still being amazing - I spent some time on the phone with her - both of us in tears and she actually emailed hobart on our behalf - so far nothing has worked but please think of us and cross everything crossable!!!!!!!!!!!!

take care everyone

audie and catherine

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Well thank you for the update Audie, but good grief you're not getting the breaks are you? I admire your tenacity but you could certainly have done without this, sorry these additional challenges. :sad:


Our best wishes for some sort of positive outcome to all this.





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hello everyone

I thought that it was time to update our trials and tribulations during this process of CPV's etc.

We have had our official refusal of our CPV on medical grounds. We have been offered an application to the Migration Review Board - the cost would be approximately $1400 and we must put in the application within 70 days of the final refusal of our original application.It will take aqt least a year to get to the Board apparently and we have not decided - you will see why.........


We had planned to go to Oz this month to help my daughter Heather and her husband with the preparations for the arrival of the new baby boy in June. Heather has had a few problems one of which is tht the baby has two holes in his heart (I don't think that she has told the play group yet Phoebe). Heather herself has had two open heart surgeries so was under the care ofa a cardiologist anyway. Now, she and the baby are under the care of an eminent fetal cardiologist in Brisbane.

So we applied for an EA676 on line - planned to go for six months to help.

Then we received the e676 for me.

Moments later we received the denial for Catherine - we have had to jump through hoops to try to rectify this - they requested bank statements from us all and itineries, medical insurance etc.


This all happened over a week ago and our flights are booked for next wednesday so we are very upset.We have heard no word from them except the automated response to our e mails with statements etc.

Of all the things that I thought could happen with our flights etc - this was not one of them.

I am worrried to death about heather and desperately sorry for catherine as she is so upset too.

It goes without saying that I am a basketcase!

I am however happy that things seem to be moving faster for the rest of you and eagerly read about more and more getting the CPV.

I'd also like to say that our CO is still being amazing - I spent some time on the phone with her - both of us in tears and she actually emailed hobart on our behalf - so far nothing has worked but please think of us and cross everything crossable!!!!!!!!!!!!

take care everyone

audie and catherine


I am astonished at the heartlessness of the system for you Audie! Fingers crossed that it works out and I am so pleased that at least the CO seems to be working hard for you. It makes my worries over the exchange rate seem very trivial


Thinking of you...


Best wishes


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I would make the enquiry. They tend to check files infrequently to see if the medical record has been updated, and your reminder could bring that forward.


The email may have gone into junk mail. I've activated your record (username Linday) but I am completely confused as to why you want to be on there twice! Probably because I've not read something properly. It happens. So you have one record for a 143 and one for a 173. Let me know what you want to do and I'll fix it!


All the best




Hi Steve


Sorry if I confused you! Our original record is correct as DaveandLinda - 173 - except I think you have put in the date of the medicals as 29th April instead of 29th March.


Also don't think we want to be on twice so could you please remove the Linday record awaiting acknowledgement please! Thanks.

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Dear Audie - We are so sorry that things are not working out for you as planned - you seem to have been treated appalingly. I admire your tenacity and do hope you will have a favourable outcome soon. Thank goodness you have a good CO who seems to be battling hard on your behalf. We are all thinking of you and Catherine.

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Hi Vannessa


Welcome :biggrin:



This all sounds really nice but I won't lie to you, they did have some rough times but because they were commited to having a better life they got through them. My daughter said she coped by getting out and meeting people and having the little ones she could do that, she joined play groups, nurseries, play groups etc went out every day to parks and beaches and believe it or not the majority of their friends are poms :wideeyed: but very nice ones I have to say. I do know she joined this forum and got a lot of advice, so do your homework, find out everything you can but most of all if you feel you want to do it be committed to making it work for you :yes:


Good luck with it all :wink:




HI Vannessa - Just to add to what Phoebe says, our daughter went to Oz to be with the love of her life and left behind a lots of extremely close friends and of course, us her only family but she too got herself out and about and made a very deliberate effort to meet people and make friends. Until she was able to do paid work, she volunteered at the Salvos (Sally Army) and met other Poms there and then since having children has joined several local playgroups and indeed has been active in forming a new playgroup and being a Committee Member. Most of their friends are Poms - a lot connected to her partners job at Fords, but they also have also formed very close friendships with Kiwi and Aussie friends too - you have to make the effort but there is no such thing as a shy Australian! Once we get there we are determined to get ourselves out and about, we plan to learn bowls and join the local club for starters.


Like all things, you get out, what you put in but having children will make that easier.


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Dear Audie and Catherine


My heart goes out to you both - the rest of us thinK we have worries, but our applications all seem to be going through without anything like the hurdles you are encountering. It certainly puts some things into perspective. Being so far from your daughter and being so worried about her as well as being given the run-around by Immigration is unimaginable and I hope and pray that something will soon turn around for you both. I wish your family the very best and will continue to follow your story and keep everything crossed for you.

With best wishes Gill

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nothing has worked but please think of us and cross everything crossable!!!!!!!!!!!!

take care everyone

audie and catherine

We have both been thinking of you and wondering how the process had gone so thank you for posting this update. We feel so much for you both and your daughter and family in Oz. We do hope that this latest blow can be overcome and you and Catherine will both be able to travel out to see Heather and family very soon. Sue and Mike

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Hi Steve


Sorry if I confused you! Our original record is correct as DaveandLinda - 173 - except I think you have put in the date of the medicals as 29th April instead of 29th March.


Also don't think we want to be on twice so could you please remove the Linday record awaiting acknowledgement please! Thanks.




Thank you.


Best wishes



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Guest fungi

I feel so sorry for you .why not bring everyone HOME where they will be safe and welcome. It is all ways hard in a foreign country.

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Hi Audie and Catherine

I think we all are gutted by the way you are being treated which is reflected in the comments and good wishes earlier in this thread. We would like to add our sympathies and truly hope the situation resolves itself so you can travel to Australia. Thanks for the update, we do wonder about how you are doing.


peter and margaret

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Dear Audie and Catherine,

Hope all works out for you gays in the end, life at times just seems so unfair, our grand daughter had to go in to ICU last year we both flew out and have tried since to find some sympathy from the authorities to allow us to stay in OZ. But as everyone finds out you just seem to hit as brick wall. The 30+ hour flight when you have no idea whats happening and what your going to be faced with when you arrive is a nightmare.



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Please help, 143 or 173 which do I go for?? We are changing our visa option from a 103 to either of the above. I think start with a 173 first !!! then get into OZ be able to work and recoup some money.

Apply for the 143 after a couple of years and just carry on!!!!


What do you think!! is it a similar waiting time for the process any disadvantages?? any comments would be very much appreciated.



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Please help, 143 or 173 which do I go for?? We are changing our visa option from a 103 to either of the above. I think start with a 173 first !!! then get into OZ be able to work and recoup some money.

Apply for the 143 after a couple of years and just carry on!!!!


What do you think!! is it a similar waiting time for the process any disadvantages?? any comments would be very much appreciated.




Hi Dave


I originally wanted to go for the 173 to give us more time to pay the 2nd VAC and basically if we didnt settle we wouldn't have shelled out so much :swoon: but my hubby decided it would be better to go straight for the 143 the reason being on the 143 our PR would start straight away so 2 years down the line we could (if needs be) get some assistance from Oz, and 10 years down the line we would qualify for the Oz pension although it is means tested :shocked: if we went for the 173 we would have the waiting time on that (anywhere up to 2 years) to add on to the wait so for example if we went for the 173 then the 143 1 year down the line we would have 11 years to wait for the Oz pension :twitcy:


We went for the 143, however, now the CO's are being allocated more quickly than they were and we don't think we are in a finaancial position to pay the 2nd VAC when we expect to get a CO.........so we are now stuck with the dilema of changing from the 143 to the 173 or cancelling this visa and starting again but in either case we loose our place in the queue and have to pay the 1st VAC again so please look carefully into it.


Personally for us it is just the immediate finances that is the problem so I suppose it all depends what financial position you are in :yes:


I hope this helps a little good luck :wink:



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hello everyone

I thought that it was time to update our trials and tribulations during this process of CPV's etc.

We have had our official refusal of our CPV on medical grounds. We have been offered an application to the Migration Review Board - the cost would be approximately $1400 and we must put in the application within 70 days of the final refusal of our original application.It will take aqt least a year to get to the Board apparently and we have not decided - you will see why.........


We had planned to go to Oz this month to help my daughter Heather and her husband with the preparations for the arrival of the new baby boy in June. Heather has had a few problems one of which is tht the baby has two holes in his heart (I don't think that she has told the play group yet Phoebe). Heather herself has had two open heart surgeries so was under the care ofa a cardiologist anyway. Now, she and the baby are under the care of an eminent fetal cardiologist in Brisbane.

So we applied for an EA676 on line - planned to go for six months to help.

Then we received the e676 for me.

Moments later we received the denial for Catherine - we have had to jump through hoops to try to rectify this - they requested bank statements from us all and itineries, medical insurance etc.


This all happened over a week ago and our flights are booked for next wednesday so we are very upset.We have heard no word from them except the automated response to our e mails with statements etc.

Of all the things that I thought could happen with our flights etc - this was not one of them.

I am worrried to death about heather and desperately sorry for catherine as she is so upset too.

It goes without saying that I am a basketcase!

I am however happy that things seem to be moving faster for the rest of you and eagerly read about more and more getting the CPV.

I'd also like to say that our CO is still being amazing - I spent some time on the phone with her - both of us in tears and she actually emailed hobart on our behalf - so far nothing has worked but please think of us and cross everything crossable!!!!!!!!!!!!

take care everyone

audie and catherine


I'm so sorry to hear this. How awful for you. I will be thinking of you and hoping everything eventually works out. Fingers crossed!:hug:

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Please help, 143 or 173 which do I go for?? We are changing our visa option from a 103 to either of the above. I think start with a 173 first !!! then get into OZ be able to work and recoup some money.

Apply for the 143 after a couple of years and just carry on!!!!


What do you think!! is it a similar waiting time for the process any disadvantages?? any comments would be very much appreciated.




Hi Dave


We went for the 173, purely for financial reasons, in that we didn't want to have to rely on selling the house in order to pay the 2nd VAC. We thought hard about going for the 143 straight away, but didn't want to make a huge hole in our savings straight away. As it turns out we have been unable to sell our house in the current climate and so have decided to rent it out. We will see how we go in Oz and may apply for the 143 sooner rather than later if we find there are too many disadvantages to being on the 173. The waiting time is the same as the 143.


I am not too sure if there are many disdavantages although I understand you can only purchase a new property if you don't have a permanent visa. I guess we will find out!

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