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Guest guest36187

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Hi Linday,

That seems like a terribly long time to wait for a case officer. I wonder can you make a case for yourself, do they take any other conditions into consideration. eg We will have 100% of our family in Oz. I have Australian nursing registration and intend to work when I get there, and we are handing over a very large sum of money to get there!



Don't think so! Frustrating though it may seem, a lot of people do go to Oz, and then change their minds, hence the need for the sponsor to show a settled status. Also from your point of view, you could write off a serious amount of money if they don't settle. I wonder if there's an alternative visa you can use to fill in the time however especially in view of the nursing registration?





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We need a new vacumn when we get to Aus, looking on web sites here and in Aus they are much dearer in Aus, so if we take a new cleaner, will we have to pay tax on it, but if we take one that has been used, will we have to pay for it to be fumigated on inport as we have been told they do not like cleaners being taken in, like Christmas decorations!!! any experiences of this

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We need a new vacumn when we get to Aus, looking on web sites here and in Aus they are much dearer in Aus, so if we take a new cleaner, will we have to pay tax on it, but if we take one that has been used, will we have to pay for it to be fumigated on inport as we have been told they do not like cleaners being taken in, like Christmas decorations!!! any experiences of this


We took a brand new food processor still in it original packaging and did not have to pay any tax. We also took two old vacuum cleaners without any problems. I had given them a thorough clean however.

If you do buy new I would remove the packaging just to be on the safe side.



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We need a new vacumn when we get to Aus, looking on web sites here and in Aus they are much dearer in Aus, so if we take a new cleaner, will we have to pay tax on it, but if we take one that has been used, will we have to pay for it to be fumigated on inport as we have been told they do not like cleaners being taken in, like Christmas decorations!!! any experiences of this


We bought a new Dyson to bring with us and also a swing seat from Greenfingers. We unpacked both but it was obvious they were both brand new items so when it came to the manifest and the question about ownership we decided to be completely up front and declare both items. They both came through with no additional charges. We also brought an older vacuum cleaner with us which we cleaned thoroughly and also changed the filters. That was okay too. On a lighter note, we learnt the hard way that not thoroughly checking a new item was a mistake. When we came to erect the swing seat we found that we had a duplicate of two vital pieces rather than one and a second mirror image. Luckily our son in law knew someone who could help and they removed a fastening point and rewelded it to the right place.


Incidentally, we had plenty of Christmas decorations and all those boxes were inspected along with a box of shoes and boots and our gardening gear. I just think if you clean everything thoroughly including the bottoms of your shoes etc it should be okay.


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Morning all


On the subject of vacuum cleaners - I have a very old Dyson and a 1 year old one - hubby has now decided he wants to take the old one for using in the garage - any tips on how to clean them? The old cleaner drum is removable and can be washed but how has anyone dealt with the tubes and pipes? The new one is more complicated because it opens at the bottom and the top part is the cyclone thingys and I don't think I can wash it out. Any advice would be really appreciated.


Got our medicals next week and our s-i-l has sorted out the appointment with Centrelink for the AOS - sent some money over last week when there was a small rise in the FX rate so everything good at the moment - off to sort out some more stuff for boot sale/Ebay!

Best wishes to everyone.


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Hi Linday,

That seems like a terribly long time to wait for a case officer. I wonder can you make a case for yourself, do they take any other conditions into consideration. eg We will have 100% of our family in Oz. I have Australian nursing registration and intend to work when I get there, and we are handing over a very large sum of money to get there!



Our Aussie born granddaughter had to have a heart transplant at 7mths of age, and since our daughter is our only child and she and her other half have no other family in Australia, we thought our circumstances might get a sympathetic hearing from Immigration. Our application was supported by letters from the Royal Children's Hospital (Melbourne), Cardiologist, Social Services, our daughter's local vicar but all to no avail - even though we were paying they would not advance our application in any way! We now have our CO so things are up and running but it has been a very frustrating 14 months waiting - like everyone else you feel like you are in limbo and cannot get on with anything. The Immigration Department is very rigid with the rules and the only person who can overturn them is the Minister. G

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Yes know how you feel, last year our grand daughter was admitted to ICU in Melbourne with a serious chest infection, it got to the hospital asking about Organ donations!!!! We rushed from UK not knowing what to expect. Thankfully she pulled through and is fine.

We have been in the queue since Sep 07 still over 6000 people in front of us, my wife has written to everyone including the PM. All have given us the same reply as you, NO WAY.

We are now looking at swapping to CPV failing that we spend the next 5 years or so bouncing backwards and forwards. We have been in Australia for the last 6 months living down the peninsular but we are flying home in April hoping to return in August. Any way your not on your own Good Luck


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I didnt realise that :eek: but until we talk to planning etc we dont know if that is the way to go, still, it's worht knowing so thanks :wink:


Is DIAC on the immi site :confused:




Hi Phoebe


I was just going by this bit which is in the declaration on the application form:


I will inform the department of any changes to my personal

circumstances (including change of address) while my application is



being considered.

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Hi Phoebe


I was just going by this bit which is in the declaration on the application form:



I will inform the department of any changes to my personal

circumstances (including change of address) while my application is



being considered.



I don't think it will apply then as wouldnt be doing it until we were in Oz, it's just something to look into for the moment. :yes:


Sorry maybe I mislead you :cute: but not on purpose :twitcy:



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No worries :biglaugh: I'm sure it will be useful to someone.


I was only expecting about £25 per week but seems I'm due for the full amount, that was the pleasant surprise :yes:


Ok our pensions wont keep us but the way I'm looking at it is once we are due to our pensions me in 5 years and hubby in 10 :swoon: at least we would have the option of only working part time :biggrin: We would only be taking a small amount of money with us as we have to pay for the 2nd VAC partly from the house.


We have been looking at a lot of kit home companies and going to make appointments with a couple to have a look at them, obviously it involves having a piece of land to put it on but we think it will be the only way to own outright as we do now and negate the need to rent (in the long term) :wink:


We are hoping to see a planning officer while we are there to talk that through (my list is getting longer by the day) :goofy:. I will post anything I get that might be useful when I come back. Has anyone else gone this route :wideeyed:




Hi Phoebe

Look on the web for Lasoo.com. They send out copies of offers in catalogue form for "shops" all over Oz. Every now and again a company selling "sheds":shocked: post a catalogue. Our daughter and s-i-l laughed whenI asked them to try and get more details but in the back of the catalogue they do kit homes. 3,4,5 bedroom homes from, I think, about aus$40K. :wideeyed:



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Hi Phoebe

Look on the web for Lasoo.com. They send out copies of offers in catalogue form for "shops" all over Oz. Every now and again a company selling "sheds":shocked: post a catalogue. Our daughter and s-i-l laughed whenI asked them to try and get more details but in the back of the catalogue they do kit homes. 3,4,5 bedroom homes from, I think, about aus$40K. :wideeyed:





That sounds interesting thanks :jiggy:


Hubby is a joiner by trade we both built our 'flat pack' conservatory (and did a d*m good job if I say so myself :wink:


Do you get them sent to UK or Oz :wideeyed:



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Hi Katie and Phoebe

Seems we are all in the same boat with offspring here and in Aus. You guys are just braver than me/us!!

Maybe after the 10 weeks over there at the end of the year, it will give us the push to go or settle?!

Like you Katie I am working my last week at work next week, so will have more flexibility from there on. (Not that I will get any pension, as I stayed at home with the children, then only paid the 'married womans stamp' when I did work and then spent the last few years looking after my aged Mum) I decided that money wasn't the main concern after my big brother who lives in the US had another major heart attack and it was the final reminder that NOW is the only time we have. Tomorrow we don't know about!!!


Good luck to both of you, I hope one day to be following in your footsteps........and Katie, once you actually hand in your notice, there is a huge sense of relief, enjoy it!!


Cheers ladies, Pam


Hi Pam,


Well I've done the deed & I do feel relieved. Talk about stressed out !! Felt sick, couldn't eat breakfast, just wanted to get it over & done with asap. I'm finishing on Thursday 21st April, just before the Easter break & will then go to my younger daughter, Amy for a few weeks, looking forward to having a bit of a rest. Amy has just split from her partner of 3 years at the weekend & is staying with me for a for days on a spur of the moment visit !! which contributed to my state this morning. She is seriously thinking of coming to OZ as well which would be fab. She back packed there about 5 years ago. I may postpone my flight which I'd originally booked for 2nd June as she feels like she's loosing everyone - never easy is it ?


rant over now



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Hi Phoebe

Look on the web for Lasoo.com. They send out copies of offers in catalogue form for "shops" all over Oz. Every now and again a company selling "sheds":shocked: post a catalogue. Our daughter and s-i-l laughed whenI asked them to try and get more details but in the back of the catalogue they do kit homes. 3,4,5 bedroom homes from, I think, about aus$40K. :wideeyed:




I read your post to Phoebe with much interest! I had a look on the website and found the link (company is called Wide Span Sheds) the kit homes look fantastic. Will have to get the daughter and son in law on the lookout for land. All the sites I found didnt really say how much the asking price is but I`m sure it all a possibility.

Thanks so much for the info!

Regards, Val

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Guest mombie58@hotmail.com

This is a small, small world! I have just spoken to my daughter Heather in Queensland - she said that she had been to play group with her 14 month old daughter Kalani and met an English girl called Emma who is due in a couple of weeks and her mother and father are arriving on the 20th april for 2 months. Heather and Emma really hit it off and when she told me I knew it was .........................who? - Phoebe's daughter! - again, what a small, small world!!!

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This is a small, small world! I have just spoken to my daughter Heather in Queensland - she said that she had been to play group with her 14 month old daughter Kalani and met an English girl called Emma who is due in a couple of weeks and her mother and father are arriving on the 20th april for 2 months. Heather and Emma really hit it off and when she told me I knew it was .........................who? - Phoebe's daughter! - again, what a small, small world!!!



How fantastic :biggrin:


Last time we flew out we were talking to a couple on the plane who said they didnt know if there daughter would be at the airport as she was due that day. When we came out Emma said I've been talking to an English girl who was waiting for her parents off the same flight and she's due today :cute:


Deffinatly is a small world :jiggy:



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I read your post to Phoebe with much interest! I had a look on the website and found the link (company is called Wide Span Sheds) the kit homes look fantastic. Will have to get the daughter and son in law on the lookout for land. All the sites I found didnt really say how much the asking price is but I`m sure it all a possibility.

Thanks so much for the info!

Regards, Val

Hi Val and Phoebe

Thought I would just watch "waking the dead", :idea:then find all the proper info! :smile:Corr, no spots on you lot :jiggy:Val's beat me to it. Link is Lasoo.com.au for anyone else that may need it. It also gives a good idea on prices for nearly anything you may need, just subscribe for the newsletter and you will get an e mail about once a week.

Nice to see so many getting CO's at the moment



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Hi Pam,


Well I've done the deed & I do feel relieved. Talk about stressed out !! Felt sick, couldn't eat breakfast, just wanted to get it over & done with asap.





Oh Katie, well done!

I had ummed and arred for so long about when to leave, I even emailed my practice manager to forewarn her what was coming, before I actually saw her to give in my notice. Wimp, I know.......

I just have 2 days more to work and then that is it. Freedom to go wherever, whenever just not the extra cash to pay for it.

I have sort of decided to start using savings.

I remember telling my Mum when she was living with us to spend her money, I just hope my girls agree with that philosophy for me???????


How fantastic that Amy may be coming with you, although sad that her relationship has ended.


Will be thinking of you over the Easter weekend and imagining you walking round with a big grin on your face.




Cheers Pam

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My son checked his E Mails this morning (2am) to be exact and there it was our E Mail saying we have a CASE OFFICER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe it after waiting just over a year it's here at last and now everything needs to be done within twenty eight days!

The earliest I can book medicals at Manchester is 31st of March and I need to get police checks.........so much to do and now after a year it seems so little time.


Cheers Cakey



What an exciting time - 4 visas and a CO! :biggrin: At this rate we won't be far behind:twitcy: we're just 2 steps behind the action now on the tracker!!!!!

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WOW congrats to you :jiggy:




A bit premature but thanks - for 2 steps read about 2 MONTHS, (on the tracker till we get our CO) but hey, its still coming a lot quicker than we thought. I can remember moaning "gosh, 2 years! that'll take ages to come round" ......... seems like only yesterday!

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Guest guest43653

Hi Steve

:smile: At last the count down can start.

I have just been told we have had acknowledgement for our CPV 173 visa dated 2011-03-10 i think i have changed it on the tracker but if you could just check i would be grateful.


Well done to everyone getting CO's and Visa's i am just pleased to have acknowledgement.



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Hi Steve

:smile: At last the count down can start.

I have just been told we have had acknowledgement for our CPV 173 visa dated 2011-03-10 i think i have changed it on the tracker but if you could just check i would be grateful.


Well done to everyone getting CO's and Visa's i am just pleased to have acknowledgement.




Well done - the time really will pass quickly. I didn't believe it but its true!

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Hello Guys.

I am a fairly old member of PIO but was worried for my file which was finalised last week eventually after 2.5 years of waiting.

I just have a small question.My parents came here on a tourist visa for 1 year (With No further Stay Condition) attached.As i got my PR, so I am aiming to file my dad's CPV 173 visa.As he got a no further stay condition, so we cannot lodge an onshore application.

My question is CAN SOMEONE LODGE AN OFFSHORE VISA (WHILE HE IS ONSHORE WITH NO FURTHER STAY CONDITION)? As 173 is an offshore visa so will we have to wait till they get back home or can we lodge it here?



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Thanks for that but has anybody heard of someone being refused the visa?




Yes, unfortunately: Audie, whose dependent daughter has medical/disablement issues, I believe. Last time I heard, she was pondering an appeal to the Minister for Immigration.




PS: I've been offline for a bit – somehow the email alerts stopped coming. Nice to be back in a relatively freewheeling forum (compared to BE!).


Congrats to all who have been making fast progress; by this reckoning, our application will be top of the queue in a very few months.

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