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Hope all is still ok @Skeelsy


We have had a full bank holiday weekend here in Perth, and have been cruising around the area, looking at different places we might want to settle in, and had 2 viewings today North of Perth, around the Joondalup area. The estate agent pictures sure are different to the actual places though! Coldest day in Perth in the last five years today too! Typical :wink:


Hello Alan,

We were also looking for an investment property north of Perth last weekend. Make sure you negotiate (if you are buying) and don't get carried away by comments that the agent makes.


Cheers and good luck

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Hello Alan,

We were also looking for an investment property north of Perth last weekend. Make sure you negotiate (if you are buying) and don't get carried away by comments that the agent makes.


Cheers and good luck


Cheers for the advice @Bear2015.... initially looking to rent, and I'm in sales, so anyone dealing with me, always gets a smooth pleasant ride when I'm buying!:laugh: I would also advise negotiating if renting, we were told yesterday by an English rental agent, that the rental market in the Joondalup area is dead on its feet at the moment, music to my ears!

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The weather is glorious in Cornwall and I'm still sorting stuff out for the move, the paperwork is relentless! The removal company start this Friday and finish next Tuesday. The goodbyes have started and I'm finding it really hard. it's exciting and scary at the same time. Cornwall is pulling at my heartstrings and I don't want to leave, oh my there go the tears again.... Just have to get through this. Is it just me? I can't believe this is so hard. I know it will be worth it in the end but hadn't realised how difficult this would be.



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The weather is glorious in Cornwall and I'm still sorting stuff out for the move, the paperwork is relentless! The removal company start this Friday and finish next Tuesday. The goodbyes have started and I'm finding it really hard. it's exciting and scary at the same time. Cornwall is pulling at my heartstrings and I don't want to leave, oh my there go the tears again.... Just have to get through this. Is it just me? I can't believe this is so hard. I know it will be worth it in the end but hadn't realised how difficult this would be.




It is that hard, we did all this over the last couple of weeks so cry those tears, let them roll, then once on the plane, have a drink or three, relax, and start your new life. I mean here we are less than a week in, living the dream having just got our Flybuys discount cards, purchased our Entertainment discount book........... what more can you want from life? :wink: Bring it on Perth!!

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It is that hard, we did all this over the last couple of weeks so cry those tears, let them roll, then once on the plane, have a drink or three, relax, and start your new life. I mean here we are less than a week in, living the dream having just got our Flybuys discount cards, purchased our Entertainment discount book........... what more can you want from life? :wink: Bring it on Perth!!

Hi Alan

Thanks Alan, that,s very reassuring to hear, was having a bit of a wobbly this morning! What's a Flybuys discount card?


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Hi Alan

Thanks Alan, that,s very reassuring to hear, was having a bit of a wobbly this morning! What's a Flybuys discount card?



To be honest I'm not sure, our son says get one, I believe its a loyalty card, similar to a Tesco card. But when in Rome and all that!!

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The weather is glorious in Cornwall and I'm still sorting stuff out for the move, the paperwork is relentless! The removal company start this Friday and finish next Tuesday. The goodbyes have started and I'm finding it really hard. it's exciting and scary at the same time. Cornwall is pulling at my heartstrings and I don't want to leave, oh my there go the tears again.... Just have to get through this. Is it just me? I can't believe this is so hard. I know it will be worth it in the end but hadn't realised how difficult this would be.




Hiya Julie, hang in there! Sorry you are going through a teary time. I can understand you'd feel that way, so let the tears flow if you need to - and goodbyes can be so tough (and some people have a way of making it harder for us too). But also, focus on what's ahead, how much you've wanted this, the adventures around the corner, the dreams you have and why you are doing it. Cornwall will always be there if you need to return for any reason. I reckon a high percentage have the feelings you have now, and are probably usually surprised by them. We focus for so long on getting these visas, it almost becomes a way of life and then it's almost there and suddenly there is the concept of a life afterwards to get on with :-) Good luck with the packing (and the paperwork) - I'm a fair way behind you on the BIG move.

A G&T may go down well soon....

All the best


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just want to say Hi, I have been reading on here for a few weeks and feel for you all in the "waiting room " as you call it. I was lucky enough to arrive just over 12 mths ago when there was only an 18mth wait.

I feel for you Julie as I think we all have gone through what you are going through, wanting to leave but also not wanting to leave. You start to look at your own little bit of the Uk through different eyes, change at our age is such a huge thing. It does get better once you are here and you still have wobbles, it has taken my hubby 6 mths to begin to adjust and he would still jump on a plane back tomorrow.

I remember Steely from the other site, and so pleased to read you are now here.

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Hiya Julie, hang in there! Sorry you are going through a teary time. I can understand you'd feel that way, so let the tears flow if you need to - and goodbyes can be so tough (and some people have a way of making it harder for us too). But also, focus on what's ahead, how much you've wanted this, the adventures around the corner, the dreams you have and why you are doing it. Cornwall will always be there if you need to return for any reason. I reckon a high percentage have the feelings you have now, and are probably usually surprised by them. We focus for so long on getting these visas, it almost becomes a way of life and then it's almost there and suddenly there is the concept of a life afterwards to get on with :-) Good luck with the packing (and the paperwork) - I'm a fair way behind you on the BIG move.

A G&T may go down well soon....

All the best


Hi Amanda

You are quite right, going for a G and T shortly. All this has taken my mind off the dreaded wait for the visa. I don't think I'll even look at the processing date until we arrive in Oz at the beginning of July.



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Hi Julie. Still makes me well up remembering last few days in uk. My husband was terrified we would be homesick and how would we cope and our then 16 year old son ignored me and sulked as I was so wicked dragging him away from his friends. We never felt a pang of pain when arrived and now my son worships us for making him come and even wrote and produced a rap song dedicated to me in his 'I wanna be a rap star stage'. We call Engerland the 'the old country' now and we will always be English but hopefully soon 1/2 Australian. I have not been back since we came out 3 years ago and am planning trip in September and am curious as to how I will feel.


My Allan won't leave the house without his flybuy card - you can load you reward money onto it as well and spend them as you want - we got $200 at Xmas using saved points - remember to check inplaces such as optician as got points on $1000 worth of glasses last week. Entertainment book is a must and last year got 'virtual' on-line version - it's nice to have hard copy to browse through. And if you couldn't find linen section try looking for sign for 'Manchester' as that's what they call linen!! I heard myself saying I must get gas at the servo this arvo when I duck out to see the grandkids so believe I am worthy of visa now.


Our interaction with 'case officer team' is fraught and distressing to say the least. They are making us prove our son is still dependent despite being assured in writing at lodgement that he would be assessed as he was at point of lodgement when they processed. We have spent 3 solid days producing 100+ page evidence to show his dependency and had to complete copious forms , one which Harri had to complete and he was in floods of tears as one question was 'if unsuccessful gaining visa where will you go'. He was totally distraught thinking he will be rejected. We also have had to get a police check for him in uk despite him not residing there since he turned 16 and all the info we read said he had to have lived in a country for a year since turning 16 before police check needed. He had Australian check done. We have emailed 3 times over different points and received no response to date.


I am am thinking of seeing if it's possible to engage a migration agent now as I thought we were capable of dealing with application but seems goalposts are moveable and we aren't experienced enough to deal with things. I so thought when we got case officer we would be jumping for joy instead it's a nightmare and my bouts of floods of tears may well have contributed to water levels during storm at weekend. Kim

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Hi Julie. Still makes me well up remembering last few days in uk. My husband was terrified we would be homesick and how would we cope and our then 16 year old son ignored me and sulked as I was so wicked dragging him away from his friends. We never felt a pang of pain when arrived and now my son worships us for making him come and even wrote and produced a rap song dedicated to me in his 'I wanna be a rap star stage'. We call Engerland the 'the old country' now and we will always be English but hopefully soon 1/2 Australian. I have not been back since we came out 3 years ago and am planning trip in September and am curious as to how I will feel.


My Allan won't leave the house without his flybuy card - you can load you reward money onto it as well and spend them as you want - we got $200 at Xmas using saved points - remember to check inplaces such as optician as got points on $1000 worth of glasses last week. Entertainment book is a must and last year got 'virtual' on-line version - it's nice to have hard copy to browse through. And if you couldn't find linen section try looking for sign for 'Manchester' as that's what they call linen!! I heard myself saying I must get gas at the servo this arvo when I duck out to see the grandkids so believe I am worthy of visa now.


Our interaction with 'case officer team' is fraught and distressing to say the least. They are making us prove our son is still dependent despite being assured in writing at lodgement that he would be assessed as he was at point of lodgement when they processed. We have spent 3 solid days producing 100+ page evidence to show his dependency and had to complete copious forms , one which Harri had to complete and he was in floods of tears as one question was 'if unsuccessful gaining visa where will you go'. He was totally distraught thinking he will be rejected. We also have had to get a police check for him in uk despite him not residing there since he turned 16 and all the info we read said he had to have lived in a country for a year since turning 16 before police check needed. He had Australian check done. We have emailed 3 times over different points and received no response to date.


I am am thinking of seeing if it's possible to engage a migration agent now as I thought we were capable of dealing with application but seems goalposts are moveable and we aren't experienced enough to deal with things. I so thought when we got case officer we would be jumping for joy instead it's a nightmare and my bouts of floods of tears may well have contributed to water levels during storm at weekend. Kim


Hang on in there Kim.

Keep strong and I am sure you will manage to get it sorted. I remember clearly how stressful it all is but now with your added complications it must be pushing you very near the edge. Keep positive and fingers crossed for you all.


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@Dolphin 1962. Thanks. Have to say the edge was right under my feet and the copious glasses of medicinal wine isn't helping with my balance. However, we just had a call from an Australian gentleman who we have met since arriving here who gave Our son some volunteer work on his farm so Harri could experience some 'outback living'. He was citizen of the year in his local town and awarded last year for his services to Australia. He had spoken to Harri and heard about out dramas and called to say he wanted to apologise on behalf of Australian people as to how badly he felt we have been treated with time delay and now this. He felt the parent visa was an avenue of bringing people here who helped the economy and supported migrants with essential skills to remain in Australia. He represents what Australia is whilst Immi doesn't and this will soon be over - hopefully.


how are you settling in. Been cold over there. My sister lives in Serpentine and said had fire going in evenings now. I am over visiting at end of Sept and would be lovely to meet up. How's your family settling in? Kim

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@Dolphin 1962. Thanks. Have to say the edge was right under my feet and the copious glasses of medicinal wine isn't helping with my balance. However, we just had a call from an Australian gentleman who we have met since arriving here who gave Our son some volunteer work on his farm so Harri could experience some 'outback living'. He was citizen of the year in his local town and awarded last year for his services to Australia. He had spoken to Harri and heard about out dramas and called to say he wanted to apologise on behalf of Australian people as to how badly he felt we have been treated with time delay and now this. He felt the parent visa was an avenue of bringing people here who helped the economy and supported migrants with essential skills to remain in Australia. He represents what Australia is whilst Immi doesn't and this will soon be over - hopefully.


how are you settling in. Been cold over there. My sister lives in Serpentine and said had fire going in evenings now. I am over visiting at end of Sept and would be lovely to meet up. How's your family settling in? Kim


Hi Kim

I must say we have had a lot of ups and downs since moving over probably fair to say more downs than ups but I am hoping (fingers crossed) that we have moved into the more ups than downs stage!. My 13 year old son is finding it very hard to settle and still wants to go back. He misses his friends dreadfully and has struggled to make new ones but this last fortnight seems to have made some friends so am hoping he is now on an up! Have really struggled to get work but Clive (my husband) started work last week and had his first pay today so we can now eat!!! I am still looking for work here in Perth there are at least 300 applicants for most jobs so it is very hard to get your foot through the door but I have managed to get as far as interviews twice so am sure I will get something it just takes time. Clive and I love living here but getting used to the Australian way of doing things is proving very frustrating! But living near the children and grandchildren is worth all the aggro and having family days out is so good. It has turned colder now but we don't find it too bad as we are not totally accclimatised yet but am starting to think about a heater esp for the bathroom as it is freezing when you get out of the shower. Would love to meet up with you when you visit in September so let me know when you are over and we can arrange to get together.


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Ha ha I found cold bathrooms big issue - great in summer but awful in winter. We got a wall mounted fan heater off eBay that I turn on when I go in there and warms up in minutes then can turn off when finished so not too expensive to run. Glad your son appears to be turning corner at school. Harri made some lovely friends here - all have long hair, make or female and never wear shoes but are polite and considerate. In Sydney any groups of kids over half a dozen seen on the streets will be dispersed by police which I initially thought bit over top but actually curbs that meandering gang mentality and the youngsters tend to meet up at home or off radar in the bush around here. Harri loves it as they find their own space to do what they enjoy as kids do. We found offering our house for regular meet ups helped Harri and parents took turns so only every 6 weeks or so. I will pm nearer sept Kim

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just want to say Hi, I have been reading on here for a few weeks and feel for you all in the "waiting room " as you call it. I was lucky enough to arrive just over 12 mths ago when there was only an 18mth wait.

I feel for you Julie as I think we all have gone through what you are going through, wanting to leave but also not wanting to leave. You start to look at your own little bit of the Uk through different eyes, change at our age is such a huge thing. It does get better once you are here and you still have wobbles, it has taken my hubby 6 mths to begin to adjust and he would still jump on a plane back tomorrow.

I remember Steely from the other site, and so pleased to read you are now here.



Im also dropping in to say hi ... And to say that homesickness does fade after a while ... I've experienced it several times in my life the worst time being (get ready to laugh) when my family moved from a terraced house in Liverpool to a country village outside Chester ... All of sixty miles! I was only twelve and the lifestyle change hit so hard. That's it really though isn't it, change of lifestyle and environment is what freaks us all out. I don't think it matters really what the distance is, you still can't be nipping out to your local or dropping in the the tennis club or whatever floats your boat. It's the having to start all over again and it's hard.


Personally I can't wait - but then that's because I'm back in north wales with a visa but with our departure planned for a year away at least ... Still need to sort out house sale and my conscience about leaving my mum, even though my sister is taking over responsibility. Current plan is to have a caravan and come back once a year for a couple of months. I'm looking round every day at the scenery and thinking how much I'll miss it. I don't know, sometimes it all seems so difficult...


good on luck with the visa problems Kim - it all sounds horrendous and hope it all works out for your son.


got to go - I'm off to take my mum out for a walk. Well a push anyway :-)

Edited by Fisher1
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Hi Julie. Still makes me well up remembering last few days in uk. My husband was terrified we would be homesick and how would we cope and our then 16 year old son ignored me and sulked as I was so wicked dragging him away from his friends. We never felt a pang of pain when arrived and now my son worships us for making him come and even wrote and produced a rap song dedicated to me in his 'I wanna be a rap star stage'. We call Engerland the 'the old country' now and we will always be English but hopefully soon 1/2 Australian. I have not been back since we came out 3 years ago and am planning trip in September and am curious as to how I will feel.


My Allan won't leave the house without his flybuy card - you can load you reward money onto it as well and spend them as you want - we got $200 at Xmas using saved points - remember to check inplaces such as optician as got points on $1000 worth of glasses last week. Entertainment book is a must and last year got 'virtual' on-line version - it's nice to have hard copy to browse through. And if you couldn't find linen section try looking for sign for 'Manchester' as that's what they call linen!! I heard myself saying I must get gas at the servo this arvo when I duck out to see the grandkids so believe I am worthy of visa now.


Our interaction with 'case officer team' is fraught and distressing to say the least. They are making us prove our son is still dependent despite being assured in writing at lodgement that he would be assessed as he was at point of lodgement when they processed. We have spent 3 solid days producing 100+ page evidence to show his dependency and had to complete copious forms , one which Harri had to complete and he was in floods of tears as one question was 'if unsuccessful gaining visa where will you go'. He was totally distraught thinking he will be rejected. We also have had to get a police check for him in uk despite him not residing there since he turned 16 and all the info we read said he had to have lived in a country for a year since turning 16 before police check needed. He had Australian check done. We have emailed 3 times over different points and received no response to date.


I am am thinking of seeing if it's possible to engage a migration agent now as I thought we were capable of dealing with application but seems goalposts are moveable and we aren't experienced enough to deal with things. I so thought when we got case officer we would be jumping for joy instead it's a nightmare and my bouts of floods of tears may well have contributed to water levels during storm at weekend. Kim

Hi Kim


Thanks for your lovely comments. I think we all lose sight of the actual move in the frustration of waiting for our visas. I hope your problems are resolved pretty quickly, it sounds horrendous and certainly the last thing you need. Keep us all posted.



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Hi Everyone,

My CPV was delivered on Tuesday. Yesterday, I got an email to notify me that my credit card had insufficient funds and I realised I gave the them wrong credit card information. So I redid that page with the credit card information, scanned and email back. 5 minutes later my card was charged and I received acknowledgement and my receipt :D

Let the waiting begin!

(By the way, how do you guys give information about your CPV timeline in your signature? I can't figure it out..Thanks)

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Hi Everyone,

My CPV was delivered on Tuesday. Yesterday, I got an email to notify me that my credit card had insufficient funds and I realised I gave the them wrong credit card information. So I redid that page with the credit card information, scanned and email back. 5 minutes later my card was charged and I received acknowledgement and my receipt :D

Let the waiting begin!

(By the way, how do you guys give information about your CPV timeline in your signature? I can't figure it out..Thanks)


To do the signature thing, go to settings, my settings, edit signature :smile:


Welcome to the waiting room daiz33 :smile:

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Oh, I haven't been getting notifications of new posts for ages, come here and find pages!


Good luck to anybody getting the wobbles. (:hug: ). I can't wait to get them! However, I'm facing an op in the not too distant future (although no date yet) so my wobbles will be delayed somewhat, the frustration level on the other hand ....


When you are asked for medicals, how long do you have to get them done? If they start processing again in July, and they ask for medicals I'd rather wait until I am mobile and fully recovered which could be several months from now. Don't really want to turn up on crutches - not the best impression to give I'm sure.

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Well, the removal men phoned yesterday and asked if they could come half a day early! Wow it,s now 2.18 the following day and half the contents have gone to store and I'm surrounded by boxes and wrapped furniture waiting to go on Monday. Three very nice staff members from Chudley International who work referrals from Anglo Pacific. So far so good, just some more sorting to do over the weekend.

processing date stuck this week (I didn,t even think I would have time to look). Ah well que sera sera. Roll on legal completion next Wednesday, although getting out of the house early is a nuisance it will be a big relief to have it all done and dusted. The cobwebs in the house that I hadn't noticed until now we're a shock, at least they are not from red backs!



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Well, the removal men phoned yesterday and asked if they could come half a day early! Wow it,s now 2.18 the following day and half the contents have gone to store and I'm surrounded by boxes and wrapped furniture waiting to go on Monday. Three very nice staff members from Chudley International who work referrals from Anglo Pacific. So far so good, just some more sorting to do over the weekend.

processing date stuck this week (I didn,t even think I would have time to look). Ah well que sera sera. Roll on legal completion next Wednesday, although getting out of the house early is a nuisance it will be a big relief to have it all done and dusted. The cobwebs in the house that I hadn't noticed until now we're a shock, at least they are not from red backs!




Great news Julie, better early than late and cleaning up after them will hopefully take your mind off things, things are happening not long now, also if you have any bottles of wine, gin etc left you have a good excuse to drink it!

Hope all goes well for you I will miss seeing your cheery face on here.

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Great news Julie, better early than late and cleaning up after them will hopefully take your mind off things, things are happening not long now, also if you have any bottles of wine, gin etc left you have a good excuse to drink it!

Hope all goes well for you I will miss seeing your cheery face on here.


despite the house move and the flight to Oz later this month I am sorry to say that I'm still in the waiting room (just on the Australian side!) so you will still be hearing from me.



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all waiting in the waiting room watch Eddie the Eagle film, it will give you not only a feel good feeling but it can happen patience is a virtue.

The weather has been better today here, we actually saw the sun this morning, winter reminds me of my teenage years with no central heating

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Hi Everyone,

I was just wondering:

1) if everyone here had to wait pretty close to two years before getting their applications processed

2) if everyone who got an acknowledgement letter got a case officer? (Emails I got have a name and position number)



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