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Guest guest36187

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Good luck with it, I hope you have plenty of support in what must have been a very difficult year for you, we would have liked to have applied earlier but we had one elderly parent to think of, we now just want to get on with it before we get any older! We too will have to work hard at making new friends and will need to be a drive away from our family there as Sydney is just too expensive and busy. It is not knowing when they will issue a visa that is difficult to live with, for selling the house, booking holidays, etc., and sorting the pension is difficult since uk gov changed the rules.

We must all try and think positive!

Many thanks for the encouragement! Have you any idea at all on your timescale and the time between getting a final decision and actually making the move? I don't know when to look at putting the house up for sale. I don't want to sell up early and have to move early into rental here because there is always a doubt about whether all will work out anyway, particularly given how strict they are on medial health! My husband had cancer which just came quickly from nowhere so, since none of us know "what is round the corner" an actual move is so dependent on that final decision. Would hate to give up my home here then find that in the end I wasn't accepted anyway! Sorry, I take on board the "think positive" but I'm also trying to be realistic.

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Hello all,

Haven't been on pomsinoz for quite a while as have been a bit busy since we left UK! After a couple of relaxing days in Singapore (much needed), we arrived in Brisbane. We then set about doing all the necessary things - got Aussie driving licences (very easy and efficient) which enabled us to buy a car the next day. Note that car insurance is a lot more expensive here! On the Monday we registered for Medicare, which again was simple and very efficient. Registered for tax on line, then Medibank a couple of days later. Then we started house hunting and saw a house within a couple of days. Made an offer which was accepted and 28 days later we moved in!!! Still feeling a bit shell-shocked as to the speed of it all - UK could learn a lot - but we love the house. Love the area but it will take time to make friends and get to know the area. This will probably be the most difficult. We have now joined the local library and have been sussing out various gyms, clubs etc.

All in all, it was a good decision to move here and to be near the family. Lovely to be near them, but most important, not in their pockets. We are still waiting for our goods to arrive - it arrived in Brisbane last week, so just waiting for clearance from customs and quarantine. Hopefully all will be delivered next week!

Hope everyone is well and getting closer to getting visas



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Hello all,

Haven't been on pomsinoz for quite a while as have been a bit busy since we left UK! After a couple of relaxing days in Singapore (much needed), we arrived in Brisbane. We then set about doing all the necessary things - got Aussie driving licences (very easy and efficient) which enabled us to buy a car the next day. Note that car insurance is a lot more expensive here! On the Monday we registered for Medicare, which again was simple and very efficient. Registered for tax on line, then Medibank a couple of days later. Then we started house hunting and saw a house within a couple of days. Made an offer which was accepted and 28 days later we moved in!!! Still feeling a bit shell-shocked as to the speed of it all - UK could learn a lot - but we love the house. Love the area but it will take time to make friends and get to know the area. This will probably be the most difficult. We have now joined the local library and have been sussing out various gyms, clubs etc.

All in all, it was a good decision to move here and to be near the family. Lovely to be near them, but most important, not in their pockets. We are still waiting for our goods to arrive - it arrived in Brisbane last week, so just waiting for clearance from customs and quarantine. Hopefully all will be delivered next week!

Hope everyone is well and getting closer to getting visas




That is really interesting and informative. After all the worry about getting the visa it's a worry to sort out all the things when you finally arrive. It's good to know you found it quick and easy. Thanks.

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Hello all,

Haven't been on pomsinoz for quite a while as have been a bit busy since we left UK! After a couple of relaxing days in Singapore (much needed), we arrived in Brisbane. We then set about doing all the necessary things - got Aussie driving licences (very easy and efficient) which enabled us to buy a car the next day. Note that car insurance is a lot more expensive here! On the Monday we registered for Medicare, which again was simple and very efficient. Registered for tax on line, then Medibank a couple of days later. Then we started house hunting and saw a house within a couple of days. Made an offer which was accepted and 28 days later we moved in!!! Still feeling a bit shell-shocked as to the speed of it all - UK could learn a lot - but we love the house. Love the area but it will take time to make friends and get to know the area. This will probably be the most difficult. We have now joined the local library and have been sussing out various gyms, clubs etc.

All in all, it was a good decision to move here and to be near the family. Lovely to be near them, but most important, not in their pockets. We are still waiting for our goods to arrive - it arrived in Brisbane last week, so just waiting for clearance from customs and quarantine. Hopefully all will be delivered next week!

Hope everyone is well and getting closer to getting visas




Well done, Petina - a whirlwind move after all the waiting! What area of Brisbane are you in (your profile still says Hampshire UK, guess you haven't had time to change that yet, haha)?

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Well done, Petina - a whirlwind move after all the waiting! What area of Brisbane are you in (your profile still says Hampshire UK, guess you haven't had time to change that yet, haha)?


Hi Catlady! We have moved to Wellington Point - half an hour away from Brisbane. Will change my profile right now!!

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We were advised by our agent 'not to do anything irretrievable before our visa was issued'. We are now just past the 22 month mark and still waiting so I think that was the right course to take. Moving into a rental would have been more stress and less comfortable. Here's hoping it won't be long to go now and we can get the house on the market!


it is so disappointing seeing how long they take. Let us know when you get a case officer etc. it should be any day now for you. We put our house up for sale as I was very unsure if it would sell as it had been flooded previously and we weren't sure if anyone would buy it. But it just shows if someone falls in love with it they can look past the negatives. We even got our full asking price so we're very happy. Good luck when you put yours up for sale


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Hello all,

Haven't been on pomsinoz for quite a while as have been a bit busy since we left UK! After a couple of relaxing days in Singapore (much needed), we arrived in Brisbane. We then set about doing all the necessary things - got Aussie driving licences (very easy and efficient) which enabled us to buy a car the next day. Note that car insurance is a lot more expensive here! On the Monday we registered for Medicare, which again was simple and very efficient. Registered for tax on line, then Medibank a couple of days later. Then we started house hunting and saw a house within a couple of days. Made an offer which was accepted and 28 days later we moved in!!! Still feeling a bit shell-shocked as to the speed of it all - UK could learn a lot - but we love the house. Love the area but it will take time to make friends and get to know the area. This will probably be the most difficult. We have now joined the local library and have been sussing out various gyms, clubs etc.

All in all, it was a good decision to move here and to be near the family. Lovely to be near them, but most important, not in their pockets. We are still waiting for our goods to arrive - it arrived in Brisbane last week, so just waiting for clearance from customs and quarantine. Hopefully all will be delivered next week!

Hope everyone is well and getting closer to getting visas



Thanks for all that really useful information and good to know that it just suddenly comes together without masses of problems, delays and administrative issues once you have finally arrived. Best of luck with all the settling in. I will also be going to Brisbane but have yet to lodge my visa. I'm flying out on Friday and spending Christmas there so will lodge my CPv application while I am there as I didn't want to risk it in the post from the uk. It will be interesting to hear how you get on with clubs, activities and making new friends as that aspect has been worrying me a bit. I have however found out that there is an over 50s club in Adelaide street with a whole range of interesting activities which take place every weekday morning. Will probably call in and check it out when I am over.

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We were advised by our agent 'not to do anything irretrievable before our visa was issued'. We are now just past the 22 month mark and still waiting so I think that was the right course to take. Moving into a rental would have been more stress and less comfortable. Here's hoping it won't be long to go now and we can get the house on the market!


Yes, I can identify with wanting to avoid the interim stress of a rental property. Once medicals are done are you actually told that all is ok or not? Do you have to actually wait for the final word before it is safe to go ahead and sell up?


Also a question: does allocation of a temporary ie173 CPV take just as long to process as a permanent 143 CPV?


Anyway, hope you don't have to wait much longer until you can actually sell up and move. Will keep an interested eye on your developments. Good luck!

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Hi. Maisie. Can see you are about 7 weeks ahead of me so interested to hear when you get to case officer. We are going for 173 and didn't get any meds dates with our acknowledgement and as have no AOS this time around so am wondering if we will get 'pre-call' like HarleyPhil did last month as he is 143. Kim

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Hi. Maisie. Can see you are about 7 weeks ahead of me so interested to hear when you get to case officer. We are going for 173 and didn't get any meds dates with our acknowledgement and as have no AOS this time around so am wondering if we will get 'pre-call' like HarleyPhil did last month as he is 143. Kim


Hi there, I'll definitely post when I hear anything and it can't come quick enough, my bum is going to sleep sat on these chairs in the waiting room



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Hi all, we are waiting to be assessed for the queue for the 103 visa. I have been looking on the Immi site and it seems to be stuck on 1st June 2014 for weeks now. Has anyone else who has applied for the 103 and has been tracking progress any guidance as to whether this is usual? I know the visa was closed for a while about that time last year so wondered if they have suspended assessing for a while which could account for this :-(

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Many thanks for your reply Joyron. It's fabulous to be able to get ready responses to questions and I am starting to really appreciate this forum. Like you I will be spending my waiting time de cluttering and sorting out, which isn't an easy job. Hope you don't have to wait too long for your assessment to start. Will keep an interested eye on how and when things proceed for you.

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Guest Phalarope83

We have finally been asked for the second VAC, 23 months and 3 weeks after application was lodged. :wink: Hopefully visa will be granted within the next couple of weeks and then we can actually make arrangements to ship the dog, book our tickets etc. The only thing keeping us sane has been this forum so don't despair, your turn WILL come! The only fly in the ointment is our house which we will probably have to leave on the market. Hopefully it will sell quickly!

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We have finally been asked for the second VAC, 23 months and 3 weeks after application was lodged. :wink: Hopefully visa will be granted within the next couple of weeks and then we can actually make arrangements to ship the dog, book our tickets etc. The only thing keeping us sane has been this forum so don't despair, your turn WILL come! The only fly in the ointment is our house which we will probably have to leave on the market. Hopefully it will sell quickly!


Hi so glad it has finally happened for you. Just wondered when you got your case officer?


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Guest Phalarope83

The honest answer is I don't know when we were allocated a case officer! We are working with an emigration agent and we received a request from her to complete form 80 and an Oz police check 4 weeks ago. I think that's probably when she knew who our allocated case officer was, but I still don't know. By the way, if you've not seen the form 80 yet get ready for another hair pulling exercise! The information they want to know not only goes back to junior school, all work details since the first job but then asks if you've any military, intelligence, police or explosives training!!! Apparently it's aimed at asylum seekers and similar but there's only one form for the likes of us, 173 and 143 applicants. Bet you cant wait to see it. The only good thing about it for us was that we knew it was nearly the end of the wait.

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