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Guest juliemtaylor

and they decided to return to sunny Liverpool - shame they didn't go back when it was raining and cold - especially when they went to the Lake District!!! He didn't suss out jobs much either - shame the baby will be born in UK not Oz!


Julie x

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Guest Fulwood

I saw about 2 minutes of this but quickly switched it off - We fly out in 7 days and although we've given it 100% thought and commitment, I didn't want someone to try and convince me I'm doing the wrong thing!!!

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Loved todays programme, seeing as though I am still her in a wet, cold Liverpool. God only knows why they wanted to come back here, lol. Mind you they werent really moving back to Liverpool, they were moving to St Helens which is not part of Liverpool.


Enjoyed it though!!!





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No place like home - to move back to Liverpool from Perth.


Just watched the one with the Brummie couple deciding on uk or Melbourne - All the filming was done local to me Solihull town centre, Hall green dog track & vile pk ....tough road ahead for them either way

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Guest steandvic

Didnt get to watch the programme today as the itv1 player wont allow viewing from Australia. ITV are due to send us a copy this week, we had to wait until it had been aired. It was inevitable that the programme would attract opinions from people on this web site, but i dont think it is the intention of the program to persuade people NOT to move away.

If you have made up your mind then good luck, we have enjoyed our 5 years in Perth but its time to head back. The baby WAS born in OZ, and bringing her up without family for the first 9 months has only convinced us that we're doing the right thing in going back.

Perth is not the garden of eden that many people think it is when they're sat in their lounge in the UK with the central heating on and the rain lashing against the windows (Im not criticising it, only a fool would say its anything but beautiful to look at). It does have great sunshine and many wide open spaces and we have had some amazing experiences here during the first 4 years. If your prepared to trade everything else that is important (friends, family, culture, cheap travel, and the feeling of being home) then go for it, you wont look back. For us, it took 4 years to realise that sunshine isnt everything and we really miss home, christmas with family, lifelong friends around for a birthday drink, nipping over to europe, and the beauty of britain. There is no eutopia, maybe people are looking for it by moving to the other side of the planet, i think i was, but atleast the experience has made me realise that the grass is not always greener. We should be back for October, and we cant wait, we are both nurses with good track records, and i have already been offered a job which is lucky in the current climate. Glad to have been away for the airing of the program, its got high cringe factor, but we're grateful to have been given the opportunity.

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Just watched it


Another flyingfox! More meetings in the pub!!!!


Interesting in 4 years in Australia they have made enough to come home and buy a £250,000 house cash not bad! It doesn't say how much they went to Australia with but they sold their house in the UK for £145,000 so in 4 years they have made £105,000 and are able to come back and step up on the property ladder,could of they done the same in the UK in those same 4 years? I think it goes to show that if you put your head down and bum up you can make a good life in a short time.

Watching them in Liverpool his Mum was really pushing Vickie to move back and then again in the pub with his mates he told his mate that his Mum was pushing her......


I wonder how much the weather played a part 2 weeks of sunshine Britain does look wonderful in the Summer

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Guest steandvic

by the way, since the programme was made (1 year ago) the housing market has also crashed here in OZ, so the figures quoted in the programme are WAY of the mark. Dont be fooled that you can come here and make a tonne of money by 'getting your head down'. good luck though

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by the way, since the programme was made (1 year ago) the housing market has also crashed here in OZ, so the figures quoted in the programme are WAY of the mark. Dont be fooled that you can come here and make a tonne of money by 'getting your head down'. good luck though


I know you can! But good luck with your move back to the UK and I hope you settle how much of that is staged? ie walking on the beach etc?

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EVERY person i know from lpool/merseyside who has emigrated to oz have ALL gone to perth,7 cpls i know/knew and they have all gone to perth! its got me baffled:radar:,not that im saying theres anything wrong with perth( i dont know it tbh ),just nobody i know has gone brissie,sydney etc etc,just thinking out loud btw:yes:,thats all

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