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SUMMARY: Spouse Visa Processing times OFFSHORE-UK. Please add your Stats.

Guest sr1992

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You get the 100 after two years in Australia anyway no?

Yeah, you do. I'm not sure if it'll prove advantageous when looking for work but other than that I can't think of any other reason to celebrate having it. Everyone who stays will get it in the end anyway.

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Ah right, I see. So basically it voids the 2 year wait for social security payments? Christ I must be unorganised, I didn't even realise there was a wait for medicare!



There is no wait for medicare on the 309 part of the visa. You just cant claim benefits, ie dole, tax credits, family credit and so on.

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We were 3 months short of the 3 year mark for knowing each other when we submitted the application. Obviously that has been surpassed now - do they look at that bit when granting the visa or go by the application submission date does anyone know???



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We were 3 months short of the 3 year mark for knowing each other when we submitted the application. Obviously that has been surpassed now - do they look at that bit when granting the visa or go by the application submission date does anyone know???



When you say 'knowing' each other, does that mean the two of you were in a relationship? We had to provide evidence dating back, thankfully our eldest is almost 5 now so he acted as living proof as well.

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You should definitely inform them that you are applying for a tourist visa otherwise you risk overriding your spousal visa.


I've already got the tourist visa, I checked my immi account and the partner visa is still processing so it hasn't been cancelled. I just find it incredible that it's been over a month since I applied and I've still not got a CO assigned to my application. It looks like the 10-14 month mark is true.

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There is no wait for medicare on the 309 part of the visa. You just cant claim benefits, ie dole, tax credits, family credit and so on.

I never even considered to look into claiming benefits as so many people have previously told me we wouldn't be entitled.


Great news that we can. I mean, obviously I would never emigrate with the intention of sitting on my backside bleeding the system dry (never been out of work in my life) but recieving payments while looking for a job would certainly help in regards to making our savings last that bit longer, which could ultimately prove vital in making the move a success.

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I never even considered to look into claiming benefits as so many people have previously told me we wouldn't be entitled.


Great news that we can. I mean, obviously I would never emigrate with the intention of sitting on my backside bleeding the system dry (never been out of work in my life) but recieving payments while looking for a job would certainly help in regards to making our savings last that bit longer, which could ultimately prove vital in making the move a success.


Remember its only medicare on the 309. If you get the 100 straight off then all the other benefits kick in.

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Remember its only medicare on the 309. If you get the 100 straight off then all the other benefits kick in.

Yeah I got the 100 straight away, I just thought you had to wait regardless of what visa you were granted.


Hard to get too excited about being allowed to receive money from a pot without having ever paid into it but I'm sure it'll be a big help while we get ourselves sorted.

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Go on here and just have a look, http://www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/themes/families?from=theme-bar

my best friend in Aussie she works as a assistant manager at a movie place, and earns $50grand mark, they get there wages topped up by the government by $20 grand and kids get help with school stuff too, all of this you will be able to claim if got kids, and as for schooling helps loads having the 100 straight away ,as they kids will be classed as Aussie so no big fees

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I've already got the tourist visa, I checked my immi account and the partner visa is still processing so it hasn't been cancelled. I just find it incredible that it's been over a month since I applied and I've still not got a CO assigned to my application. It looks like the 10-14 month mark is true.


We didn't find out who our CO was for about 2 months but that was because we never got the original email. So after 2 months I emailed them and asked what was happening and they were like we can see that you have been assigned a case office already but from the sounds of your email you didn't know this. Then we got all our initial correspondence sent though. So maybe if you haven't heard after a couple of months, give them an email ? can't hurt!

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No stress though, cause it all becomes available after two years.


There is more to it than just the benefits angle.

Once you have PR you are a permanent resident. More jobs are open to you, more options with banking and credit cards, just for starters.


Most importantly though, if you go onto the 2 year temp visa first you have much less security visa-wise - if your relationship fails and you split up before the 2 year mark then you are likely to have to leave Australia as the PR part of the visa is dependent on the relationship continuing. If you go straight to PR it doesn't matter if your relationship fails, you have a permanent visa and can stay independently.

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Good to know, not holding out for the 100 straight up. Would be nice. But it's all out of our hands. It's all up to the Gods now.


Not really :) If you meet the criteria, as in the required length of time you have been together (include evidence to support this) or have a child together (and a set amount of time together also) you go straight to PR. This is assuming you are from a low risk country like the UK. High risk iirc gets TR first.


They don't juut hand out PR randomly or anything :)


We sent in supporting evidence covering each of the 5 years we had been married and some from before hand also to show the entire timerframe we had lived together. Not masses, just a couple of bank statements or utility bills from each year.

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Unfortunately we started a relationship at the beginning of June 2012 and submitted the partner visa in March 2015.......so now it's been 3 years and 2 months but not sure if they look at that or the lodged time???




If your relationships started in June 2012, when did it become a de facto relationship rather just dating as boyfriend and girlfriend? The dating time doesn't help that I recall. When did you move in together? Start sharing bills, car insurance, car, buying a house or renting a house together? That is the stuff they will be looking at.

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September 2012 so will be three years next month......but if they are granting visa around dec/jan mark then that will be over 3 years....?????

They take the length of the relationship up to the date that you applied for your visa. So, unfortunately, you would have been a few months short of the 3 years.


Do you have any children together? If so, that reduces the requirement to 2 years.

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September 2012 so will be three years next month......but if they are granting visa around dec/jan mark then that will be over 3 years....?????


The time after lodging doesn't count. Only from de facto up till point of visa application lodged.

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You guys aren't gonna believe this....


Messages my CO as suggested and just got a reply saying that iur visas were GRANTED on 4/08/2015!!!


Wow. I'm elated.


Mind, I definitey didn't receive any email - gone back through spam, junk and bin and nothing.


Worth sending a message if any of you are in the same position.



Big congratulations to u :) all the best for the future x

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