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NURSES - Moving to Australia

Guest JoanneHattersley

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I have a question on registration......i have applied for and now received a letter from AHPRA to say i have been successful and am now eligible for registration. All i need to do is present myself to AHPRA office with passport and meet ID and criminal history requirements. When i read the details of this on AHPRA site, it says i need to have job offer to complete process? My problem is...i initially intended to be in Oz for good August just gone, but have had to postpone for almost 2 years, so will now be arriving for good 2013. We are going out to validate next Feb, and my letter says i have to go to AHPRA office by march 2012 or will lose right to register and have to restart process all over again and they will destroy all my documentation. Can i still complete registration process without job offer, so i have registration which i can just renew as you would in Uk, then i will have my registration in place for when we move for good 2013. Has anyone completed registration process without job offer? Thanks Tania.


Hi Tania,


I have just finalised my registration with AHPRA in July and didn't have a job offer in place, or any intention of working immediately. I would get my registration completed as soon as possible, they change the goalposts all the time and it may be even more difficult to register in 2013.


Do you know anyone in Australia whose address you could use, set up your oz bank account and have that and some other mail sent there so you have id with an address?


Good luck


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You can sort your registration easily by signing up with a Nursing Agency coz that would count as an employer. Even if you don't actually do any work for them for a while your still technically employed by them and you never know what doors this may open to you for the future.


Thank you Cjmre76.

I'll look into that..


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I have finally received my 'in principle' letter from AHPRA! woo hoo! It took a total of 4 months (plus the 3 months it took to get all the paperwork sorted before sent my application!) with lots of phone calls and emails chasing it up but I am finally there! :biggrin:


My next hurdle is to find employment and the dreaded visa process!


Good luck to all of you still awaiting your registration and my best advice is to continuously chase it up, you will get there in the end!



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Guest Rosie Gallagher
ANy questions on registrations?


Can any one advise on how to speed up AHPRA (Sydney)? I'm awaiting my registration, the ONLY thing delaying our visa grant, and they just seem to always say..".it's processing" when I call them. They have my letter of offer, and my skills assessment from ANMC and my application has been lodged since July 22nd (now October 29th)...I think I'm losing my mind!!!!!!!!!! lol...I have current NMC registration so I can't see what could be taking so long...any advice or info?

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Hey, I'm afraid the Sydney office is supposed to be the busiest one and so I think you will be in for a long wait!


However, I ended up ringing every two weeks without fail, and you need to ask to speak to someone within the registration dept as the people who answer the phone initially do not have a clue what's going on, they simply pass on your request to the registration dept. I found whenever I spoke to somone directly my application definitely moved along a bit quicker!


Good luck and hope you hear soon!



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Hi everyone,


I have read and read today, now I am totally confused. I have recently qualified as a nurse and have been advised to get my qualification converted and be put on the nursing register. However, I am totally confused as to how to do this and this IELTS test thing? Surely being born bred and educated in the UK is enough?


I have emailed the Australian Health board, but still have not heard anything. Can anyone please point me in the right direction and I do apologise to those who feel I am being spoon fed, but my brain has gone to mush and so confused right now.


Many thanks,


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Guest lisabreeze
Hi everyone,


I have read and read today, now I am totally confused. I have recently qualified as a nurse and have been advised to get my qualification converted and be put on the nursing register. However, I am totally confused as to how to do this and this IELTS test thing? Surely being born bred and educated in the UK is enough?


I have emailed the Australian Health board, but still have not heard anything. Can anyone please point me in the right direction and I do apologise to those who feel I am being spoon fed, but my brain has gone to mush and so confused right now.


Many thanks,



I googled IELTS and found a local college who carry out the exam. I could not book mine on line as you have to take your passport with you as proof. I had to 3 weeks before i could sit my test. I managed to download practice material online and bought a book and cd to test myself. To nurse in Oz i was told you need a pass mark of 7. I got an 8 so i was very pleased.


Id try a test run as doing English reading and writing under exam conditions can be daunting! Good luck!

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Guest lisabreeze

ARGH!! I've still not got my reg.....they have had the paperwork since 22 Aug. I ahve emailed several times to be told that someone will be in touch in due course.......still waiting. I tried to call at 11pm last night and the voice message stated office was not open and opend between 9-5............it would have been after this in Aus...................


Is this happening to others? My new job starts on 16 Jan and i leave current work 16 Dec. Not booked flights as can't get visa until they have my registration! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

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Hi Michelle,

think the Anmc changed its name to AMNAC, so that may help with the seArch. Not sure about length of time being qualified, as I have been qualified for a while now,

Askmaway or pm if you have any other questions, I am not so good at looking on this thread, but did get loads of good advice from people at your stage too,

Donna x

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Guest rachie27

I am being sponsored on a 457 by SCGH and was suppose to start on 5th December but still no AHPRA they are prioritising me as i have a job offer just had to email them the job offer letter but have come back asking for more information. luckly my friend is a Justice of peace so my docs have cost me a bottle of wine :wink:. i am going to curior them over at a cost of £52 only takes 2 days much better for a deadline.


As for IELTS i failed my first attempt ( my grandad passed away 2 days before taking it ) my results L8, W7, S8.5, R6.5 I was gutted. i spoke to AHPRA and they said as of 17th September this year you no longer need it if you are from UK, Ireland, Canada, SA, etc as long as you have studies in English for more than 5 years. I thought my GCSE's cert would be enough but oh no i had to get a letter from my high school to say i was taught and assessed in English.


Hope this information might help someone or apologises if i have just repeated what you already know



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Hi everyone,


I'm really struggling to find out what information I need to get together for my Skills Assessment. I have all the paperwork, but I only have a few months work experience in the last 5 years. I have enough to maintain my registration in the UK - what is the minimum they're looking for in Australia?


Also, what information will my employer be asked to provide? Just a reference? Or will they be asked to assess my skills?


I feel like I'm looking in all the wrong places - struggling to find the info I need.


Thanks in advance.

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Hi everyone,


I'm really struggling to find out what information I need to get together for my Skills Assessment. I have all the paperwork, but I only have a few months work experience in the last 5 years. I have enough to maintain my registration in the UK - what is the minimum they're looking for in Australia?


Also, what information will my employer be asked to provide? Just a reference? Or will they be asked to assess my skills?


I feel like I'm looking in all the wrong places - struggling to find the info I need.


Thanks in advance.

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Hi everyone,


I have read and read today, now I am totally confused. I have recently qualified as a nurse and have been advised to get my qualification converted and be put on the nursing register. However, I am totally confused as to how to do this and this IELTS test thing? Surely being born bred and educated in the UK is enough?


I have emailed the Australian Health board, but still have not heard anything. Can anyone please point me in the right direction and I do apologise to those who feel I am being spoon fed, but my brain has gone to mush and so confused right now.


Many thanks,


You need the IELTS test period........ good luck!

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Hey Michelle,


IF you have attended an English school for secondary education and university you DONT need to do the IELTS!


I have just recently received my registration and I didnt do the test, I just provided a letter from both my secondary school and university to state that I was taught and assessed in English, I also sent certified copies of my GCSE results to back this up. This was sufficient for AHPRA.


Also in September they relaxed the rules even more so, stating that if your are English you can prove you were taught and assessed in English the IELTS isnt necessary.


Dont waste the time and money doing the test!

Hope this helps!

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Guest moldec1999
Hi everyone,


I have read and read today, now I am totally confused. I have recently qualified as a nurse and have been advised to get my qualification converted and be put on the nursing register. However, I am totally confused as to how to do this and this IELTS test thing? Surely being born bred and educated in the UK is enough?


I have emailed the Australian Health board, but still have not heard anything. Can anyone please point me in the right direction and I do apologise to those who feel I am being spoon fed, but my brain has gone to mush and so confused right now.


Many thanks,



If you have proof that you sat secondary school exams and were taught through english and studied nursing through english then thats enough for AHPRA ....good luck. If however you need the extra points if applying for visa then you need english test!:wacko:

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I want to keep my UK NMC Nursing Registration going at least for the first couple of years just in case.


Does anybody do this ?? And do you still have to pay full price or is there a non practicing fee. I can't see this in their website on initial glance so if anyone has done it please let me know.




Chris :-)

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ANy questions on registrations?


I have a question that i have posted on here several times, but not managed to get an answer....

I have my letter from AHPRA to say everything has been passed as satisfactory and that i am now eligible for registration. All i need to do is present myself at their office and show my ID and meet criminal history requirements. Then you go to website and it also says you have to have letter with job offer. Now i am going over in feb to validate, but have to return to UK till July 2013, when we will move over for good.(this should have been this year, hence me doing registration so early).

If i do not complete in Feb (it is only valid to complete till march), they say i will lose right to register and will destroy all documents and i will have to start whole process over again, which i just cannot face doing!

Does anyone know from experience if you have to have a job offer to complete registration, as some on here say they haven't and some say yes you do?? Thanks. Tania:sad:

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Hi All,


Just a bit confused about the fees for the Nursing registration, it has three sections - application, registration & assessment fee. I've looked at the fee schedule on the AHPRA site but this doesn't really shed any light on it (not too surprisingly).


Any help with this would be much appreciated, Cheers.

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Can you not sign up with a nursing agency who will technically be employing you either full or part time and take that letter along with you when you go to validate. You don't necessarily need to do a shift whist your there the first time ;-). + it will be good telephone interview experience.






I have a question that i have posted on here several times, but not managed to get an answer....

I have my letter from AHPRA to say everything has been passed as satisfactory and that i am now eligible for registration. All i need to do is present myself at their office and show my ID and meet criminal history requirements. Then you go to website and it also says you have to have letter with job offer. Now i am going over in feb to validate, but have to return to UK till July 2013, when we will move over for good.(this should have been this year, hence me doing registration so early).

If i do not complete in Feb (it is only valid to complete till march), they say i will lose right to register and will destroy all documents and i will have to start whole process over again, which i just cannot face doing!

Does anyone know from experience if you have to have a job offer to complete registration, as some on here say they haven't and some say yes you do?? Thanks. Tania:sad:

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