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2nd thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!

the hutchies

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Well after lots of false hopes with the selling of our house we have taken it off the market today!!! have we done the right thing??? i don't know!!! it has been on the market since June 07... had lots of viewings...same old feedback got one to sell blah blah blah...and had a sale fall through on us after 4months...but we have someone who is keen to rent from us long term with a view to buy..they are willing to wait until June when we are hoping to go to OZ but now i'm thinking where the bloody hell do we start??? is the building trade suffering over there like it is here??? how do we start getting the ball rolling my head is in a mess...do we apply for a job for my hubby before we get there and to cap it all we are still unsure where we are actually heading for:arghh:



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we havnt had any luck with selling our house,only been up 3 months though so still hoping, 1 thing im bearing in mind though is the improved first time buyer grant in oz,from what ive read on here it drops down again in june 09, june 09 is the date we have to validate by as well,so im thinking of dropping the price here in order to get it back in oz with the grant, bit mercenary maybe but if we can do this we kill two birds with one stone,if we cant sell its going to have to be a holiday before june,which is about 5 thou we havnt really got and could be used towards a house deposit when we do eventually move over, definately still going though one way or another

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I know how you both feel. We took our house off at the end of November and we can't go to Oz without selling beacuse of the visa we are going on.


Hopefully with the intrest rate cuts things will start to improve next year.


Good Luck to you all and lets stay positive!




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If I were you I would forget about everything until the new year. A couple of weeks will clear your head ready to start again. That is what we did and it just gave us time to get ourselves together so we could think clearly again.



Best of luck



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Hi Lisa! Sorry to hear you're a bit down and things haven't gone well with the house! Like others have said... try to not worry until the New Year and enjoy the festive season while it lasts...! You could then put it up on the market again (with a different estate agent) and if by the end of May/early June you still have no buyer then take up the rental offer for definate. Don't give up on your dream!!!


Take care,


Dan xx :hug: :emoticon-signxmas:

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Guest brooksey
we havnt had any luck with selling our house,only been up 3 months though so still hoping, 1 thing im bearing in mind though is the improved first time buyer grant in oz,from what ive read on here it drops down again in june 09, june 09 is the date we have to validate by as well,so im thinking of dropping the price here in order to get it back in oz with the grant, bit mercenary maybe but if we can do this we kill two birds with one stone,if we cant sell its going to have to be a holiday before june,which is about 5 thou we havnt really got and could be used towards a house deposit when we do eventually move over, definately still going though one way or another

Have to look into it but i think your house has to be completed before June to get $21,000 and over hear you buy the land and then find a builder to build it. A few builders do build first like in UK but not many and they are usualy small duplexes.

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Have to look into it but i think your house has to be completed before June to get $21,000 and over hear you buy the land and then find a builder to build it. A few builders do build first like in UK but not many and they are usualy small duplexes.


First home owners grant


To be eligible for the federal government’s First Home Owners Grant scheme you must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident and you (and your spouse / partner) must have not previously owned a home in Australia. If there are 2 applicants, at least one applicant needs to be an Australian citizen or permanent resident to qualify.

The grant amount varies from state to state. In NSW, QLD, and the ACT it is currently $14,000 ($21,000 for new unlived in properties). In VIC, first home buyers receive and extra $3,000 and in some cases with a new property purchase even a higher amount is claimable. In VIC however stamp duty exemptions are not as favourable as some other states.

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Have to look into it but i think your house has to be completed before June to get $21,000 and over hear you buy the land and then find a builder to build it. A few builders do build first like in UK but not many and they are usualy small duplexes.

yes brooksey,i know its a bit more involved than just going over and being handed $21 k mate, as you say i need to find out about it in detail,ive also seen on here somewhere that as soon as you sign the contract that is enough to qualify,bit of a grey area mate,either way it boils down to us getting there asap,another thing im wondering is if i get a mortgage to buy land and build my own( im a bricky and half decent with joinery )does that qualify?as you say,i Will have to check it all out,especially what rules apply in s.a., dont really need a big house,only me and her

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another thing im wondering is if i get a mortgage to buy land and build my own( im a bricky and half decent with joinery )does that qualify?as you say,i Will have to check it all out,especially what rules apply in s.a., dont really need a big house,only me and her


Owner Builders



Can owner builders apply for the Grant?




Owner builders can apply for the Grant after the foundations have been laid. Owner builders must apply for the Grant within 12 months of the property being ready for occupation. There is no specific timeframe to complete construction of the home. Construction must not have commenced prior to 1 July 2000.







When will the Grant be paid to an owner builder?




Payment to an owner builder will be made following receipt of a Statutory Declaration that states that the home is complete and ready for occupation as a place of residence.







What is considered completion of construction for an owner builder?




Completion of construction is when the home is ready for occupation as a place of residence.







If I am owner builder, when do I have to occupy?




Where building work commences between 1 July 2000 and 31 December 2004, owner builders must occupy within 12 months of the date of completion of construction (ready for occupation).




Where building work commences on or after 1 January 2005, owner builders must occupy for a continuous period of at least 6 months commencing within 12 months of the date of completion of construction (ready for occupation)



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Hi Guys,

I'd put everything on the back burner until after xmas, try to relax and enjoy yourselves for the next couple of weeks (it could be your last xmas there), and back to worry mode in the new year.. you've come this far and I'm sure you'll managed to do what's needed


Love Ali

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Guest JoanneHattersley
Hi Guys,

I'd put everything on the back burner until after xmas, try to relax and enjoy yourselves for the next couple of weeks (it could be your last xmas there), and back to worry mode in the new year.. you've come this far and I'm sure you'll managed to do what's needed


Love Ali


Good advice Ali xx:winkxmas:

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Guest brooksey

Ive just bought a piece of land . Been to solicitors today and it's all mine on 24th dec. I'm a chippy who can lay bricks as good as bricklayers but not fast enough to earn money. Waiting till after Christmas to get a draughtsman (arcitect) involved and apply for my owner builders licence(Yet another licence and more money).

Just picked up info on rebate but not read it yet although it sounds like its just been answered.

Your only allowed to do work you have a licence for (i can only do the Carpentry)unless the work is less than $1100 but everyone seems to ignore that rule.

Also if you self build you have to put right any defects for 6 yrs & 6months. Bsa will only insure fully licenced builders, so unless your going to live in the house for that long you can in theory be called back(or be sued) to mend everything from subsidence to a cracked wall tile.

Thats QLD rules so don't know if everywhere is the same.

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Ive just bought a piece of land . Been to solicitors today and it's all mine on 24th dec. I'm a chippy who can lay bricks as good as bricklayers but not fast enough to earn money. Waiting till after Christmas to get a draughtsman (arcitect) involved and apply for my owner builders licence(Yet another licence and more money).

Just picked up info on rebate but not read it yet although it sounds like its just been answered.

Your only allowed to do work you have a licence for (i can only do the Carpentry)unless the work is less than $1100 but everyone seems to ignore that rule.

Also if you self build you have to put right any defects for 6 yrs & 6months. Bsa will only insure fully licenced builders, so unless your going to live in the house for that long you can in theory be called back(or be sued) to mend everything from subsidence to a cracked wall tile.

Thats QLD rules so don't know if everywhere is the same.


I think you will find brooksey the $1100 is per week So you can take on a job for $4400 over 4 weeks

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We are just in process of gettin as house and land package thro keystart govt thing they do you a mortgage with less deposit or 2% . You fil the grant thing in at the time of applying for the mortgage. With this keystart jobby if you have a small deposit you dont have to stump up for mortgage insurance which the banks want this was$16000 in our case



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Guest tony and sheena

Hi Lisa,


We had to take our house off the market too. We have decided to rent out until things pick up. It means we too have no money to go with and will still have to put towards the mortgage each month.

We had nearly given up on it too, we're only able to go now because Tony was made reundant and got a bit of a pay out, not much, but enough to book flights and get us on our way.

I wouldn't even have looked into emigrating if I'd known we'd be going with so little money, but our hearts are set on it now.


Is there no way you could borrow enough to get you there of a family member of friend, just until the house sells?


I'm sorry things have turned out that way, but you never know what's around the corner, don't give up!


Best wishes


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hi guys thanks for your replies


tony and sheena...the money is not the issue we have vans,cars and motorbikes to sell so we will be able to raise the money to go...it's the thought of leaving the house here that's worrying me we wanted to cut all ties if you know what i mean...and the logistics getting everything sorted so we can leave. we are planning to go in June which isn't that far away really is it:winkxmas:



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Guest brooksey

It's not a great position to be in. We were lucky enough to sell our house (with a large price reduction) before we left but it wasn't completed until 3 weeks after we had arrived. We were sh****g ourselves that it would fall through, but luckily we got our money just as the exchange rate peaked.

I hope it sells for you in the new year

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Hi we havent even thought about putting the house up they is no point with all the world in a credit crunch, So we have to validate our visa by next september so looks like we are off over for a holiday then we have five years to move over once validated ( subclass 175):emoticon-signxmas:

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Hi, We have been in Oz for 12 months now and put our house on the market 20months ago in the UK and still we have not sold or rented. We have been trying to rent now for months but we need to lower the rent even further to get people in. Our house was put on the market before we had our visa, in fact when we got our TRA skills assessment back-so a long time. We decided to come to Oz anyway and just hope it sells or rents but since then the economy has crashed and there is little hope of us selling it unless we walk away with nothing. We are paying for a mortgage at home and rent here but that is the decision we made.

I am itching for my own home but cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel, we are hoping it will rent in new year and hoping in 6months time we will look at maybe buying here-and getting on the property ladder while it is still a buyers market. Fingers crossed!!! Good luck all, Smith Tribe

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Guest brooksey
Hi we havent even thought about putting the house up they is no point with all the world in a credit crunch, So we have to validate our visa by next september so looks like we are off over for a holiday then we have five years to move over once validated ( subclass 175):emoticon-signxmas:



It might be different on your visa but i thought you had to have spent 2 of the 5 years in Australia to extend your visa

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