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Are you all Stupid wanting to move to Australia?


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Are you all stupid wanting to move to Australia, and mentally insane if you want to move to Perth!!!!!

Please take off your rose coloured specs and stay in the UK more to the point move to the south side of England!!!!

Australia started off full of all the unsavory types that the UK could get rid of! It’s full of crime you will get mugged if you dare go outside not that I would as if the bad people don’t get you the hot baking sun will give you skin cancer! (That’s in between all the rain that Australia gets).

Beaches are far better in the UK as is everything else Australia is not even a close 2nd. Don’t get me started on the spiders, snakes, sharks and anything else that can KILL YOU!!!

It has no history what so ever as the history only started just over 200 years ago when it was invaded by the British! (Please don’t tell this to the Aboriginal people)

Australia is full of yobs, drunks, drugies, gangs (barefooted too), glue sniffers, graffiti artists people that beat there kids and every other low life you could meet!!!

Consider yourself told, you have been warned not to move, England is the place to be, Australia is not for YOU!!!


Be glad you read this post, you have just had a close shave it could have been the worst mistake of your life.




PS All the positive post you read is done by the Australian government. People like Cal, Jo Shelli etc are all in concentration camps doing hard labour and the rest that make the move and are never heard from again? well lets just say R.I.P you get my drift

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Geoffrey im gutted ,,you promised you wouldnt tell ,i had everyone believing i lived on 2 acers and had a pool,now you've gone and blown it !!! Do you realise how long it took me to get hold of photos in here? ME N JO DID HOURS OF EXTRA SEWING TO GET THEM OFF THE GUARDS!

Cal x

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Guest Megss

I have no desire to move to perth. I am moving to the part of Australia that i want to because i love 'that part', i don't believe the whole country is perfect. I'm going on an adventure and if i want to come back to the UK i will.


You sound like a miserable person who's never going to be happy anyway.

I don't really see why you bother being on this site.

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Heh guys he is joking ,Geoffrey is an aussie itching to get back here,he is trying (in his way ,lol) to have some light hearted banter,(& have a friendly dig at his mates Earls &john no doubt)


Cal x

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Guys Geoffrey is just taking the pee, if you see some of his other threads there is some banter going on with Aldo, Earlswood etc..


He doesnt mean it:twitcy: I dont think:nah:

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Heh guys he is joking ,Geoffrey is an aussie itching to get back here,he is trying (in his way ,lol) to have some light hearted banter,(& have a friendly dig at his mates Earls &john no doubt)


Cal x



Beat me to it.x

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well i don`t fancy staying in ENGURLAND its full of yobs ,drunken lager louts/ladettes,barefooted new age layabouts ,and a rubbish football team.......almost forgot that supremely intelectual newspaper the "moon" or whatever.

seriously though, Australia is a great place to live and so are England , Scotland, Ireland an Wales etc..but of course they all have problems of one kind or another.

To suggest the south of England is the place to be sounds like something from spitting image ,said by a mad prime minister .

Get a life !

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Guest Jaynie

Too late Geoffrey..........I'm here and have been for a lovely long time, I too get annoyed by all the threads which end up with a battle of wills because of certain individuals who have said all those things you mentioned.


It's a shame really as most of us on here (including yourself) are here to help people in a nice way with their questions about migration and areas where we live, but we are constantly bombarded by some with stupid remarks like the ones you have said "It rains non stop in Perth" "Too much Graffitti" etc., It's fine to make these comments, but not on every blinkin thread as is the norm.


Then you get the people who have returned to the UK who still come on here to upset the balance..........Why??.... is the question I ask myself, they have given Australia a go, gone back to the UK and are still on a forum for people wanting to migrate and giving lots of negative views.


The other thing I find difficult to get anyone to answer when they complain constantly about living over here is this "Why did you come in the begining, there must have been something for you to want to come here and leave England in the first place"


I am happy over here as I know many other members are, we don't drag down the UK, all we do is speak of the positives of living over here.... This is the difference.....But the ones who continually cause disruption don't read it as this, they seem to think we are pulling down the UK, it's their perception of the way it is written.


I would hate to be in the middle of the immigration process and read some of the horrible things being said about Australia and spending all this money in trying to make a new life for themselves.


Please people, read between the lines, most of us on here are here to help you, not to put you off coming over.


Good luck with it all.:wubclub:

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Guest mandisfam
Geoffrey im gutted ,,you promised you wouldnt tell ,i had everyone believing i lived on 2 acers and had a pool,now you've gone and blown it !!! Do you realise how long it took me to get hold of photos in here? ME N JO DID HOURS OF EXTRA SEWING TO GET THEM OFF THE GUARDS!

Cal x


Just extra sewing for the photos then Cal...not what I heard about aussie guards.....they are all frustrated, moaning, ex convicts themselves....aren't they.....





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Guest windsor

Thanks Geoff, and I was coming to the meet up in Melbourne in October...... Flight tickets cancelled!! Got to ask for my job back now too!! And I was on my way in 3 weeks.......

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Guest Jaynie


Thanks Geoff, and I was coming to the meet up in Melbourne in October...... Flight tickets cancelled!! Got to ask for my job back now too!! And I was on my way in 3 weeks.......
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lol geoff, you made me laugh and everyone in my office looked up.......i had to pretend i was coughing, if they take away my internet access, i know who to blame!:biglaugh:

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Guest Pinhead
Are you all stupid wanting to move to Australia, and mentally insane if you want to move to Perth!!!!!

Please take off your rose coloured specs and stay in the UK more to the point move to the south side of England!!!!

Australia started off full of all the unsavory types that the UK could get rid of! It’s full of crime you will get mugged if you dare go outside not that I would as if the bad people don’t get you the hot baking sun will give you skin cancer! (That’s in between all the rain that Australia gets).

Beaches are far better in the UK as is everything else Australia is not even a close 2nd. Don’t get me started on the spiders, snakes, sharks and anything else that can KILL YOU!!!

It has no history what so ever as the history only started just over 200 years ago when it was invaded by the British! (Please don’t tell this to the Aboriginal people)

Australia is full of yobs, drunks, drugies, gangs (barefooted too), glue sniffers, graffiti artists people that beat there kids and every other low life you could meet!!!

Consider yourself told, you have been warned not to move, England is the place to be, Australia is not for YOU!!!


Be glad you read this post, you have just had a close shave it could have been the worst mistake of your life.




PS All the positive post you read is done by the Australian government. People like Cal, Jo Shelli etc are all in concentration camps doing hard labour and the rest that make the move and are never heard from again? well lets just say R.I.P you get my drift


Well done Geoffrey, I would click your chick but I need to spread some more love first.

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Are you all stupid wanting to move to Australia, and mentally insane if you want to move to Perth!!!!!

Please take off your rose coloured specs and stay in the UK more to the point move to the south side of England!!!!

Australia started off full of all the unsavory types that the UK could get rid of! It’s full of crime you will get mugged if you dare go outside not that I would as if the bad people don’t get you the hot baking sun will give you skin cancer! (That’s in between all the rain that Australia gets).

Beaches are far better in the UK as is everything else Australia is not even a close 2nd. Don’t get me started on the spiders, snakes, sharks and anything else that can KILL YOU!!!

It has no history what so ever as the history only started just over 200 years ago when it was invaded by the British! (Please don’t tell this to the Aboriginal people)

Australia is full of yobs, drunks, drugies, gangs (barefooted too), glue sniffers, graffiti artists people that beat there kids and every other low life you could meet!!!

Consider yourself told, you have been warned not to move, England is the place to be, Australia is not for YOU!!!


Be glad you read this post, you have just had a close shave it could have been the worst mistake of your life.




PS All the positive post you read is done by the Australian government. People like Cal, Jo Shelli etc are all in concentration camps doing hard labour and the rest that make the move and are never heard from again? well lets just say R.I.P you get my drift



i was wondering where tracy123 had got to ive not really seen many posts the past few days now i realise


someones bound and gagged him and taken over his identity on pio :shocked:






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Too late Geoffrey..........I'm here and have been for a lovely long time, I too get annoyed by all the threads which end up with a battle of wills because of certain individuals who have said all those things you mentioned.


It's a shame really as most of us on here (including yourself) are here to help people in a nice way with their questions about migration and areas where we live, but we are constantly bombarded by some with stupid remarks like the ones you have said "It rains non stop in Perth" "Too much Graffitti" etc., It's fine to make these comments, but not on every blinkin thread as is the norm.


Then you get the people who have returned to the UK who still come on here to upset the balance..........Why??.... is the question I ask myself, they have given Australia a go, gone back to the UK and are still on a forum for people wanting to migrate and giving lots of negative views.


The other thing I find difficult to get anyone to answer when they complain constantly about living over here is this "Why did you come in the begining, there must have been something for you to want to come here and leave England in the first place"


I am happy over here as I know many other members are, we don't drag down the UK, all we do is speak of the positives of living over here.... This is the difference.....But the ones who continually cause disruption don't read it as this, they seem to think we are pulling down the UK, it's their perception of the way it is written.


I would hate to be in the middle of the immigration process and read some of the horrible things being said about Australia and spending all this money in trying to make a new life for themselves.


Please people, read between the lines, most of us on here are here to help you, not to put you off coming over.


Good luck with it all.:wubclub:


Totally agree :spinny:

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Guest earlswood

Are you all stupid wanting to move to Australia, and mentally insane if you want to move to Perth!!!!!

Not stupid in wanting to move to Australia......but yes...insane if you want to stay permanent.


Please take off your rose coloured specs and stay in the UK more to the point move to the south side of England!!!!

Good point....The South of England gets only 30% of the rainfall that falls in the North...and no bloody sharks in the sea......good point Geoff.



Australia started off full of all the unsavory types that the UK could get rid of! It’s full of crime you will get mugged if you dare go outside not that I would as if the bad people don’t get you the hot baking sun will give you skin cancer! (That’s in between all the rain that Australia gets).

Yes Geoff....Australia has the highest rates of skin cancer in the world.....cover up folks....most homes in Perth have window bars and security cameras anyway...so that is one expensive you will not have.

Need the rain though even if Perth does have more annual rainfall then London.



Beaches are far better in the UK as is everything else Australia is not even a close 2nd. Don’t get me started on the spiders, snakes, sharks and anything else that can KILL YOU!!!

You forgot the bloody flies Geoff.....the bloody flies.....why so many bloody flies!




It has no history what so ever as the history only started just over 200 years ago when it was invaded by the British! (Please don’t tell this to the Aboriginal people)

True....but it has a lot of old graffetti from the 70s...and the abbos are to stoned most of the time to understand what you are on about anyways.


Australia is full of yobs, drunks, drugies, gangs (barefooted too), glue sniffers, graffiti artists people that beat there kids and every other low life you could meet!!!

Spot on.

Barefooted with bloody smelly feet to......




connsider yourself told, you have been warned not to move, England is the place to be, Australia is not for YOU!!!

Ahhhh come if you want....the aussies love taking the piss out of new arrivals as they strip off in the midday sun when everyone else is covered up....spot them a mile off..


Be glad you read this post, you have just had a close shave it could have been the worst mistake of your life.

Good post Geoff and you do not realise how close you are to describing where I live in Perth.....Bonza...

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Too late Geoffrey..........I'm here and have been for a lovely long time, I too get annoyed by all the threads which end up with a battle of wills because of certain individuals who have said all those things you mentioned.


It's a shame really as most of us on here (including yourself) are here to help people in a nice way with their questions about migration and areas where we live, but we are constantly bombarded by some with stupid remarks like the ones you have said "It rains non stop in Perth" "Too much Graffitti" etc., It's fine to make these comments, but not on every blinkin thread as is the norm.


Then you get the people who have returned to the UK who still come on here to upset the balance..........Why??.... is the question I ask myself, they have given Australia a go, gone back to the UK and are still on a forum for people wanting to migrate and giving lots of negative views.

WELL SAID JAYNIE, I myself are sick of these negative people,continuing dissing oz(go/come home)the place you chose to leave in the first place.go find something else to do with your'e frustration/anger,and leave the people who will put into their new life what is needed for it to work...Shellj.


The other thing I find difficult to get anyone to answer when they complain constantly about living over here is this "Why did you come in the begining, there must have been something for you to want to come here and leave England in the first place"


I am happy over here as I know many other members are, we don't drag down the UK, all we do is speak of the positives of living over here.... This is the difference.....But the ones who continually cause disruption don't read it as this, they seem to think we are pulling down the UK, it's their perception of the way it is written.


I would hate to be in the middle of the immigration process and read some of the horrible things being said about Australia and spending all this money in trying to make a new life for themselves.


Please people, read between the lines, most of us on here are here to help you, not to put you off coming over.


Good luck with it all.:wubclub:

WELL SAID JAYNIE, I myself are sick of these negative people,continuing dissing oz(go/come home)the place you chose to leave in the first place.go find something else to do with your'e frustration/anger,and leave the people who will put into their new life what is needed for it to work...Shellj.

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Just to remind you that all of you 'Insane enough' to come to dreadful perth which is full of flies and rains 24/7 for at least 350 days of the year .... I am trained in mental health and will administer you happy pills or injections (whichever you would like)... they've worked for me and I love it here ... I haven't got round to Earlswood yet ...



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