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A bit heavy handed?


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There was a bigger article on the news about this, I agree with peoples right to protest but I don’t agree when it breaches the law by breaking into abattoirs and breaking into farms and running amok.  A sensible protest will usually raise public awareness around the issue they are protesting about rather than just being perceived as a bunch of yobs trying to enforce their opinion on everyone else.

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I forsee someone getting seriously hurt before anything is properly done.

Protest sensibly by all means but they cant enter properties, damage land, fences and equipment, put animals at risk and just pick up and take animals without repercussion at some point. One business has already closed because of them, i think the poop will hit the fan pretty soon. I already read of a vigilante group forming to target them, shame the police didnt act more appropiately to prevent this.

 Cal x 

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Years ago our friends had a pig farm, and at that time there was a Life Sciences testing centre near by.

One night both were raided by activists, all sorts of animals were just released to roam aimlessly, it was close to the A1, our friends farm was also targeted and all the pigs and piglets pens opened, left to roam the streets, It was chaos, how could it be kinder to let all these animals roam ‘free’ Animals died!!! Our friends managed to find the pigs as most were still local, it was traumatic for both the animals and humans. Not sure what it achieved. 

We visited a ‘feedlot’ recently on a Probus trip. I had no idea before the visit what they were, It certainly made me feel very uncomfortable, seems far more natural to see cows in a field, but it’s all about profit these days. The majority on the trip were ex farmers and most had no problem with it, so the difference between me, basically a city girl and the ex farmers was interesting.

I am appalled by the activists tactics. I don’t eat red meat, but have no problem with anyone’s food choices. Having said that I went to a vegan cafe last week in Sydney and it was delicious, but why call something a prawn and make it look and taste the same when it isn’t a prawn!!! Call it what it is. Again it’s either a real sousage roll or a veggie roll. 

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11 minutes ago, ramot said:

Years ago our friends had a pig farm, and at that time there was a Life Sciences testing centre near by.

One night both were raided by activists, all sorts of animals were just released to roam aimlessly, it was close to the A1, our friends farm was also targeted and all the pigs and piglets pens opened, left to roam the streets, It was chaos, how could it be kinder to let all these animals roam ‘free’ Animals died!!! Our friends managed to find the pigs as most were still local, it was traumatic for both the animals and humans. Not sure what it achieved. 

We visited a ‘feedlot’ recently on a Probus trip. I had no idea before the visit what they were, It certainly made me feel very uncomfortable, seems far more natural to see cows in a field, but it’s all about profit these days. The majority on the trip were ex farmers and most had no problem with it, so the difference between me, basically a city girl and the ex farmers was interesting.

I am appalled by the activists tactics. I don’t eat red meat, but have no problem with anyone’s food choices. Having said that I went to a vegan cafe last week in Sydney and it was delicious, but why call something a prawn and make it look and taste the same when it isn’t a prawn!!! Call it what it is. Again it’s either a real sousage roll or a veggie roll. 

I don't eat meat but still eat fish.   I don't like factory farming at all.  It is simply cruel.  Those animals and hens have no life at all.  I visited a salmon farm recently and like you Ramot when you visited a "feedlot" it made me feel uncomfortable.  I was brought up on a farm - no factory farming there but I still wasn't keen on stuff that went on e.g. a cow having a calf each year to keep producing milk and the calf taken away after being born and a lot of other things I just didn't like but that's just me.  Meat and milk and eggs have to be produced for human consumption. I get all that.

The activists are too radical for my liking.

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Won't be long till the farmers find who the ringleaders are, follow them home and trample all over their veggie patch. See how they like it.

One of the downsides of social media is the ease of getting a bunch of radicals together and make it seem like they are doing the right thing. Remember the Arab spring and how well that turned out.

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I would happily support an increase in farming standards, and some things - like live exports - I don't support.  I don't like the idea of intensive farming, but we are overpopulated.

Bring on nuclear fission and basically free power - imagine how much fresh water we can make with free power 🙂

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