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Child over 18


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16 minutes ago, Shelley said:

Hi verystormy

I'm moving from the uk to Oz, sorry I never made that clear. Our kids leave school at 16. Emigration need me to prove he's dependant on me.


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The answer is still the same. If they have left school and have a job they aren't dependent on you.

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Then he's not dependent, he's just unemployed.

You can't claim he's dependent unless he's in full time education.

Sorry, he'd have to apply for his own visa, which he almost certainly won't get without a trade, experience or a place at college/university.

"dependent" in terms of visa is not the same as you feeling you owe it to your son to support him. He's an adult, either he's visa level dependent (in full time education) or he's not eligible as a dependent.

Edited by NorthernLights
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5 hours ago, Shelley said:

But he is dependant on me as he has no job as we r moving and has not had a job now for nearly a yr coz that's how long it's nearly took to get r visa.......... 457 btw

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He's not dependent on you then. He is an adult, and is just not working at present. He is able to get welfare support, dole, whatever. If you were not there to give him cash then the State would support him. 

He would only be dependent if he was in education and unable to work for that reason. Being between jobs because you are moving doesn't qualify him as a dependent. 

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7 hours ago, Shelley said:

But he is dependant on me as he has no job as we r moving and has not had a job now for nearly a yr coz that's how long it's nearly took to get r visa.......... 457 btw

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He's probably going to be better off in UK tbh. On a temporary visa even if he does go back into education it's going to cost you an arm and a leg because he's close to school leaving age so you'd be looking at international fees for TAFE. And, given that he's left school at 16 he won't have the yr 12 qualification that you need for pretty much everything in Australia. Can he not get an apprenticeship and stay with rellies perhaps while he makes his way into a trade? I hope he hasn't been out of work just because you've been waiting for a temporary visa.

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I agree with the others about him staying. 

It is well known that partners of 457 holders can have issues getting work and I think it would be worse for a young person as how many employers are going to pay for an apprenticeship only for him to leave when the visa expires, or possibly before. Then, when he returns to the UK, he would be classed as an international student if he wanted to go to college or university until he was back three years. 

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He wouldn't be classed as a dependant. As others have said, he capable of earning money and providing for himself. It's a great shame he's sat about for a year waiting on a temporary visa that he can't get when he could have been working gaining invaluable skills (and money). 

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6 hours ago, wrussell said:

Yes you can.

OP, @Shelley  wrussell is a migration agent and if he has said this, you may well be advised to seek out either his advice or that of another reputable agent (any on here would be a good starting point) and if need be be prepared to pay for their services if you really want to get your son to Aus and he really wants to go. 

Keep in mind that you are applying for a temp visa and there could be pitfalls in terms of what you or he would be entitled to in Aus in terms of of have to pay for further education etc. Also your son would be competing with local kids of his age with Aus education certificates and so on behind them and also with the benefit of them not being on a temp visa. 



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On 6/24/2017 at 02:01, Shelley said:

Hi all

Has anyone had to prove that their child over 18 is solely dependant on them for visa to be granted, I'm struggling to know how to prove this

Any advise plz

Dependency of children over 18 can be a complex issue and very much dependent on your specific situation. You would be well advised to obtain professional advice based on your circumstances. The basic information provided in your post is not sufficient to determine eligibility.

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  • 2 weeks later...
39 minutes ago, Heidi Bell-Langford said:

Hi All,

Can anyone recommend an immigration lawyer we are in QLD Sunshine coast and need help with proving our son is dependant.

Any help would be amazing.


@Heidi Bell-Langford, either of the agents who posted above ( @wrussell or @Raul Senise) would be able to assess your situation and let you know your best course of action, if any). 

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