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Snap General Election Called


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2 hours ago, winter1 said:

I know it is the guardian but I do not believe the richest 1% pay 30% of all tax. VAT and GST are also taxes.



First, you have quoted what is in effect a piece of left wing propoganda. Second, it doesn't dispute the fact. It simply says that as a proportion of income. Not total tax receipt. Totally different things. Fact is the richest 1% do pay about 30% of total income from tax to the treasury. 

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2 hours ago, VERYSTORMY said:

First, you have quoted what is in effect a piece of left wing propoganda. Second, it doesn't dispute the fact. It simply says that as a proportion of income. Not total tax receipt. Totally different things. Fact is the richest 1% do pay about 30% of total income from tax to the treasury. 

That's what I said it is from the Guardian however there is no such thing as right wing propaganda is there? The rich with all the resources are well able to look after themselves and influence the laws you only have to look at negative gearing. They have far greater disposable income. I am sure that I would rather live in a society that you can freely walk down the street safely without having to live in gated communities with access to good health care. Taxation has to be seen to be fair. I do not believe in Corbyn or in his ability to run the UK sensibly either, but the thought of a UK with a massive Tory majority is not an outcome I would like to see. Have the Tories promised to help the NHS from it's troubles. Beware I remember the days when Margaret Thatcher coasted to victory after the Falklands war. A war which was made necessary due to her own defence cuts that stopped the Royal Navy from the annual deployment of HMS Endurance to the South Atlantic. This made the Argentines think we no longer cared about the Islands. The UK has a serious choice to make but without a clear vision. 

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On 22/04/2017 at 7:10 PM, VERYSTORMY said:

The more labour speak the more they put the foot in it. Now, you are rich if you earn £70k. Which is what a lot of plumbers in London earn or what a couple who are both nurses earn. 

Where were they talking about increasing the tax of a couple's joint income if it went over 70k?

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1 hour ago, winter1 said:

That's what I said it is from the Guardian however there is no such thing as right wing propaganda is there? The rich with all the resources are well able to look after themselves and influence the laws you only have to look at negative gearing. They have far greater disposable income. I am sure that I would rather live in a society that you can freely walk down the street safely without having to live in gated communities with access to good health care. Taxation has to be seen to be fair. I do not believe in Corbyn or in his ability to run the UK sensibly either, but the thought of a UK with a massive Tory majority is not an outcome I would like to see. Have the Tories promised to help the NHS from it's troubles. Beware I remember the days when Margaret Thatcher coasted to victory after the Falklands war. A war which was made necessary due to her own defence cuts that stopped the Royal Navy from the annual deployment of HMS Endurance to the South Atlantic. This made the Argentines think we no longer cared about the Islands. The UK has a serious choice to make but without a clear vision. 

I guess the other way of looking at it would be to let the rich 1% pay less tax and move more of the tax burden onto the poor? Would this be a good idea? 

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1 hour ago, newjez said:

European elections are looking very interesting for may. Maybe this is why she called the election, because she knows she will have to sell out brexit, and she doesn't want knives in her back while doing so. Ukip must be turning in their graves.


May would be delighted if these two got in, she'll be able to have the hard Brexit she wants, and blame the Europeans, talk about having your cake and eating it.

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8 hours ago, amibovered said:

May would be delighted if these two got in, she'll be able to have the hard Brexit she wants, and blame the Europeans, talk about having your cake and eating it.

How do you know she wants a hard brexit? She was never known as having strong feelings on Europe. But she was frustrated with the EU as home secretary. I think she would just be happy with an EU like situation with some immigration control. Single market lite. If she wanted a hard brexit then easiest way is to not have the election, frustrate the process and crash out.

No. It is looking like it will be a disappointing brexit for 52% of the population.

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10 minutes ago, newjez said:

How do you know she wants a hard brexit? She was never known as having strong feelings on Europe. But she was frustrated with the EU as home secretary. I think she would just be happy with an EU like situation with some immigration control. Single market lite. If she wanted a hard brexit then easiest way is to not have the election, frustrate the process and crash out.

No. It is looking like it will be a disappointing brexit for 52% of the population.

How do you know what she wants? it's all just wishcasting on your part, by the way congratulations on knowing the motivation of 52% of the people that voted.

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1 hour ago, amibovered said:

How do you know what she wants? it's all just wishcasting on your part, by the way congratulations on knowing the motivation of 52% of the people that voted.

Um, because she's a politician? And most of what she says is on the public record?

Probably close to the mark.


And I wasn't guessing the motivations of the 52%. Just the fact that they ticked the leave box. That will be sufficient for them to be disappointed.



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31 minutes ago, newjez said:

Um, because she's a politician? And most of what she says is on the public record?

Probably close to the mark.


And I wasn't guessing the motivations of the 52%. Just the fact that they ticked the leave box. That will be sufficient for them to be disappointed.



So you are telling me the UK won't be leaving the EU, is that correct?

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Just watched May on a Tory party broadcast, is she PM or is she auditioning for a good fairy role in some pantomime.

Everything is going to be coming up roses with money trees sprouting in between with all the countries of the world lining up to do trade deals which would benefit the UK and we would have a special deal with the EU which would mean we would be able to spend, spend, spend  on the NHS and everyone would have a job and we could do away with welfare benefits.

Wtf is Corbyn doing, he should be out there ridiculing the woman instead he seems to have a terminal case of foot in mouthitis, just when the country needs an effective opposition he and the rest of 'em have gone walkabout..

The woman is promising a cap on fuel prices, which when it was mooted by Miliband brought the right wing press out in a frothing fit of indignation saying it was the first step to Marxism, funny how it's a vote winner for the Tories now from the same papers. 

She and her party didn't have a clue what to do after the brexit vote and delayed the whole thing and are going to face an uncompromising bureacracy after the french election.

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54 minutes ago, BacktoDemocracy said:

Just watched May on a Tory party broadcast, is she PM or is she auditioning for a good fairy role in some pantomime.

Everything is going to be coming up roses with money trees sprouting in between with all the countries of the world lining up to do trade deals which would benefit the UK and we would have a special deal with the EU which would mean we would be able to spend, spend, spend  on the NHS and everyone would have a job and we could do away with welfare benefits.

Wtf is Corbyn doing, he should be out there ridiculing the woman instead he seems to have a terminal case of foot in mouthitis, just when the country needs an effective opposition he and the rest of 'em have gone walkabout..

The woman is promising a cap on fuel prices, which when it was mooted by Miliband brought the right wing press out in a frothing fit of indignation saying it was the first step to Marxism, funny how it's a vote winner for the Tories now from the same papers. 

She and her party didn't have a clue what to do after the brexit vote and delayed the whole thing and are going to face an uncompromising bureacracy after the french election.

Well, one thing Tory governments do is create an environment where people can create money. What they are not very good at doing is sharing it out.

But I'm chuffed. I may even vote for them! Just joking. But they will be the party for growth, and I would not be surprised if we see three dollars to the pound in five years time. It would suit me. I'll sell up, by a half dozen houses in Perth and retire on the proceeds.

I'm loving this. It looks like everything I wanted is coming true. Just a shame so many will need to suffer to achieve it.

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8 hours ago, newjez said:

Well we are starting to get the truth about how this this whole farrago has been cocked up by a bunch of know nothing bunch of toffs and their shirt tail hangers on.

Their dislike of Europe completely blinded them to reality and they thought it was open season on insult a the EU instead of trying for a proper negotiated exit, well its now going to be a mess, Macron will ,I think, be president and he and Merkel will fight tooth and nail to keep the EU together as a trading block and to hell with any compromises to the UK. 

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19 hours ago, BacktoDemocracy said:

Well we are starting to get the truth about how this this whole farrago has been cocked up by a bunch of know nothing bunch of toffs and their shirt tail hangers on.

Their dislike of Europe completely blinded them to reality and they thought it was open season on insult a the EU instead of trying for a proper negotiated exit, well its now going to be a mess, Macron will ,I think, be president and he and Merkel will fight tooth and nail to keep the EU together as a trading block and to hell with any compromises to the UK. 

Shape of things to come I'm afraid


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28 minutes ago, BacktoDemocracy said:

Still the same but I got enough of a glimpse to get the gist, so India will be playing  desperate UK  off against desperate Australia, 'bogof' time for visa's all round..

India will be protecting it's industry.

The irony is that immigration wasn't the problem. It was the symptom. The UK was suffering from gold rush syndrome. As Europe recovers, this will resolve itself. We didn't need to go through all this, and focusing on immigration is not addressing the problem.

Still, there is time to do this sensibly

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