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Dying of boredom


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I couldn't stand Sydney. Not because I was bored, the elitism of Sydney girls (yes haven't met everyone, just the ones I came across). Who cares how big your rock is, how expensive your car is and what your OH does...sigh....

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Bordom was a big factor for us in Perth - of course the accusations fly that 'only boring people are bored'. We've been back in the UK over 3 years now, after 5 in Perth so I've had plenty of time to reflect.


For us, in our 40's and with a primary age child, I think it was a case of the things that we liked - mountain biking, snowboarding, going to see bands, particularly up and coming bands in small venues and rock musical festivals, travel etc. was all a lot harder to achieve. At our age, both working full-time and with parental responsibilities we just didn't have the time or inclination to take up Australian hobbies like surfing, boating, fishing etc. - we dabbled but were not in a position to but the effort in a gain any kind of skill.


If you are already into things that are big in Australia or are able to get into those things then I'm sure it isn't 'boring'. If you were a 20-somthing Aussie who had grown-up on the beach and surfed every weekend & went camping in the bush with your mates London would probably seem incredibly boring - horses for courses.


People can make a big difference too - are you missing friends?


So I guess it's a case of looking at why you are bored, what are you missing? Is it something you can replicate in Sydney or if not replicate then replace. Or would somewhere else in Australia suit you better or do you not have any particular reason to be in Australia, could you move back to London or on to somewhere else that suits you better?

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I was thinking about this last night. Take up something new. How about sea kayaking, Sydney's made for it with the harbour being a flooded valley, there are navigable inlets that go for miles and it's all pretty lovely. A boat and all the required get can be had for less than a grand, and unusually you don't even need a licence

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As with any new place, the first issue is finding out how to find out whats going on... Secondly, I think Australia is so much about the outdoors especially parks, water sports, biking, hiking, rugby, AFL, cricket, boating, 4x4 ing, exploring. Sydney has some amazing national parks on its doorstep, the Blue Mountains only an hour away and fantastic inland waterways. Theatre and the arts seems to be a bit more subdued, but if you do some research you will find something every night of the week, in addition to live music and a great outdoor pub scene etc.

I think also once you build up your group of friends here, that changes the circumstances. I probably am not the best person to comment here because I'm quite content with own company and can survive quite peacefully doing my own thing.


What kind of things do you miss from London?

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Have to say I find Sydney boring, too. Looks good but that is as far as it goes. Maybe the interesting things are all hidden? Melbourne doesn't look that good but it has so many things to do- and we are not all obsessed with money and appearances like the Sydneysiders.


Very blinkered view of sydney ,not all people are like that, plenty to do in sydney

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Ha ha ha ha ha


This is exactly the sort of event that got Perth people excited and made me want to poke my eyes out with a stick.


It's not 1985 anymore, time to move on!


Bruce Springstein is like Christmas, comes every year (well it seems like it) :laugh:

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I lived in Manly for a while - never found Sydney to be boring at all - Loved every minute of living there. When I go back I still love it.

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Ha ha ha ha ha


This is exactly the sort of event that got Perth people excited and made me want to poke my eyes out with a stick.


It's not 1985 anymore, time to move on!


Like I said - if this bores you then there is no hope.

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Many of us would rather perform self surgery on our nether regions with a rusty spoon than attend that.


Have you ever been?

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Melbourne is no better, its right though it is about who you spend your time with! Been here well over 20 years and feel like I know it very well and I am very bored as are my family, but daughter born here which makes it very difficult.

Seriously? Melbourne is the liveliest place in Oz if not the world - bloody fantastic. But if you don't like sporting events, music, comedy, great food, cultural festivals, theatre, arts, beaches in the summer, snow sports in the winter I can't think of anything that wouldn't bore you.

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Have you ever been?


I have, it was 1985, Leeds Roundhay Park. Actually wasn't that fabulous even then, was disappointed at the time as I had been very much looking forward to it.


I can't speak for Sydney, I went there once for a weekend (disliked it immensely but the Pope was in town so I blamed that) and once on business where my hotel had views over the harbour and I was entertained on expenses at a restaurant in the Rocks which I did rather enjoy) but Perth was most definitely stuck in the past - don't get me wrong I enjoyed going to see Kiss, Motley Crue, and so on and if Bruce Springsteen was playing I might even have gone (okay a bit unlikely but if other bands were playing or if it was free then it's possible, I've nothing against Bruce Springsteen) but to hold this up as an example of Sydney not being boring really is laughable and kind of proves the point made by the OP, whom I assume is under 30 and probably wasn't even born when Bruce Springsteen was at his peak.


Bowling for Soup wrote a song about sad people stuck in the past, Springsteen even gets a mention :):)


Springsteen, Madonna

Way before Nirvana

There was U2 and Blondie


And music still on MTV

Her two kids in high school

They tell her that she's uncool

Cause she's still preoccupied

With 19, 19, 1985


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