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Sydney superiority


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Glasgow doesn't constantly scream about being the best city in the world. I actually liked Melbourne but the homelessness in both Sydney and Melbourne just got to me. I've heard Vancouver is the same

Vancouver is also an awesome city. Perhaps homeless people want to live in the best city in the world too?

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Maybe i'm missing something, but generally in countries like the UK and Australia where a lot of charity and funding is spent on homeless shelters, assistance and relocations. You do wonder whether some people actually make a choice to be homeless for whatever reason.

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yes every city has homeless people but I was shocked by the amount in Melbourne and Sydney. They were everywhere


Have you spent much time in cities? It's hard to believe that this would be your impression if you have. Go to an American city and it will really open your eyes.

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yes every city has homeless people but I was shocked by the amount in Melbourne and Sydney. They were everywhere


Every city has homeless people, as unfortunate as it is. People end up on the streets for a number of reasons.

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I don't get the big hype about fireworks - what's so special about flashing lights, fire and loud bangs? It's just burning money as far as I'm concerned (which could probably be much better spent on something with a more lasting effect).


We went to the cricket on NYE, so for us, Adelaide were definitely the winners over Sydney - quite convincingly too!

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Maybe i'm missing something, but generally in countries like the UK and Australia where a lot of charity and funding is spent on homeless shelters, assistance and relocations. You do wonder whether some people actually make a choice to be homeless for whatever reason.


What you are missing of course, is that there are simply not enough shelters to go around. You also hadn't considered the fact that housing in Australia, is no longer cheap, thus unaffordable with Centre Link payment on the private market.

Besides being unaffordable there is a lot of stigma, deliberately fanned in cases by authorities blaming the homeless for predicament, which in turn means very hard to rent on the private market.


As I noted earlier, many shelters are at best band aid measures, allowing respite and a roof for a limited period of time. It could be a few days to a few months but under funding reg's there is too, often a time frame involved.


This country is crying out for affordable shelter. The situation will only worsen unless the will develops to turn things around.


I wonder why you consider people would make a deliberate decision to be homeless? In a land of next to no security of rented tenure, limited rental government allowance, few state housing options, high immigration, it is little wonder that vulnerable are cast aside.

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I don't get the big hype about fireworks - what's so special about flashing lights, fire and loud bangs? It's just burning money as far as I'm concerned (which could probably be much better spent on something with a more lasting effect).


We went to the cricket on NYE, so for us, Adelaide were definitely the winners over Sydney - quite convincingly too!


I think you are right. Sydney and Melbourne to an extent appear increasingly built around hype. Worlds best city to live. The list goes on. In fact we almost flew earlier to Sydney just to catch the fireworks, as my partner seems to get some bizarre satisfaction from them and has seen the Sydney one before. It took all off two minutes to veto that plan and go to Sydney four days later.

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Have you spent much time in cities? It's hard to believe that this would be your impression if you have. Go to an American city and it will really open your eyes.


Well I can tell you the growing number of street sleepers here in Perth, is a shock to most thinking Aussies. We are not America and heaven help us as we increasingly appear to be taking that road.

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Yes ,but historically Paris has been untouched ..berlin on the other hand was re designed by the allied air force and then by the Russians .

I find berlin ,a bit of a mess to be honest .

Amsterdam city centre is just too small to be under premier league consideration .

Paris ...london ...and ???


Amsterdam city centre would give Sydney a run if size is what is being referred to. When I lived in Amsterdam, (80's)its population was around 700,000 smaller than Perth WA, but probably fifty times more things going on and to do.


Last time in Berlin was under going a make over. But regardless of change and personal preference, Berlin has a bigger population than Paris as you failed to note.

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I think people in every city think similar things. I just came from Toronto which is full of people proclaiming it the greatest place in the world and it's a world class city, etc. Great though it is, it's no where near as good as many of these poorly traveled residents believe it is.


Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk

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Cities don't proclaim themselves to be the greatest.


Melbourne was voted the world's most liveable city something like 6 years in a row by The Economist magazine I think it was.


Obviously when that happens though people see a marketing opportunity and start promoting the fact.

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Cities don't proclaim themselves to be the greatest.


Melbourne was voted the world's most liveable city something like 6 years in a row by The Economist magazine I think it was.


Obviously when that happens though people see a marketing opportunity and start promoting the fact.


So true. And after living in the city and reading the reasons why it is the most livable, you wonder if they have actually lived in the city OR just ticked a few boxes for certain criteria.


When I read the reason's why Melbourne made the list, I think yes some good points but day to day living does not come close.

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The public transport round Melbourne is pretty disgusting, especially the trains. Best avoided, except for the trams which are reasonable. No train line to the airport, either, very 3rd world in this. The number of visible 'homeless' or at least people sitting around with blankets, has increased. I watched a couple of youngish people ( early 20s) near Flinders Street early this week and they were counting out all the money they had collected by begging- many tens of dollars which isn't bad for a couple of hours 'work'. Not to say there aren't those in genuine hardship but many seem to be just piggy backing onto them because it is an easy way to make a crust.

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Ha! that hasn't gone unnoticed... But Sydneysiders are full of bravado generally. They love it!


This is a bit of a whinge...


I am (eventually) moving back to the UK - hopefully this year. Currently sat at home in Sydney before going out for a few drinks with friends for NYE. I'm watching the news coverage. The number of times I have heard the phrases 'best fireworks in the world' 'best harbour in the world' best city in the world' is unbelievable! I get it; Sydney has a good harbour and an impressive fireworks display. However, this self congratulatory patting itself on the back is starting to grate. I haven't seen any other city in the world that seems to have the same degree of superiority / lack of humility. Anyone else notice this? I also have a few friends going to watch the fireworks - and they are paying $300 to get a spot!! Before drinks!


Rant over - heres to a new start in 2017!

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Amsterdam city centre would give Sydney a run if size is what is being referred to. When I lived in Amsterdam, (80's)its population was around 700,000 smaller than Perth WA, but probably fifty times more things going on and to do.


Last time in Berlin was under going a make over. But regardless of change and personal preference, Berlin has a bigger population than Paris as you failed to note.


Oh I noted it alright ...iam sure you have heard this before " size isn't everything "....

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The public transport round Melbourne is pretty disgusting, especially the trains. Best avoided, except for the trams which are reasonable. No train line to the airport, either, very 3rd world in this. The number of visible 'homeless' or at least people sitting around with blankets, has increased. I watched a couple of youngish people ( early 20s) near Flinders Street early this week and they were counting out all the money they had collected by begging- many tens of dollars which isn't bad for a couple of hours 'work'. Not to say there aren't those in genuine hardship but many seem to be just piggy backing onto them because it is an easy way to make a crust.


I don't need to have a dig at Birmingham ...we all know its faults ...BUT our train service is very good ...new trains and clean ....punctual ...chiltern and London midland very good

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had a quick flick though this thread and I was wondering if the "little green eye" was at work as the posters who dislike Sydney don't live there. I've lived here for over 50 years and I have never heard a Sydney sider say that it is the best city in the World - best in Australia yes, Australia is the best country in the World - yes, but most people think that the country they were born in is the best, even if they don't live there.

The only thing that is really expensive in Sydney is real estate. Food is more expensive that it used to be, wages/salaries have risen dramatically but if you shop smart you can still eat very well on comparatively little. I have seen many changes, not all good, but Sydney is not as bad as is being made out, as I said in the beginning, maybe the little green eye is showing itself.

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I've had a quick flick though this thread and I was wondering if the "little green eye" was at work as the posters who dislike Sydney don't live there. I've lived here for over 50 years and I have never heard a Sydney sider say that it is the best city in the World - best in Australia yes, Australia is the best country in the World - yes, but most people think that the country they were born in is the best, even if they don't live there.

The only thing that is really expensive in Sydney is real estate. Food is more expensive that it used to be, wages/salaries have risen dramatically but if you shop smart you can still eat very well on comparatively little. I have seen many changes, not all good, but Sydney is not as bad as is being made out, as I said in the beginning, maybe the little green eye is showing itself.


Maybe, but I live here, and I do like it. But I do also agree with other posters that there is a Sydney attitude. It's probably similar to a London or NYC attitude. Sydney vibes are real.

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Spending millions on fireworks is a sickening, obscene waste of taxpayers money.



Sydney is not not the only city spending large amounts of money on this to bring the new year in, with out actually checking I bet they pay for themselves with the amount of people spending in the city. 1.5 million attended this year by all accounts.

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