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Due To Have A Baby Not Long After Emigrating To Oz!


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Hi folks,


We are due to emigrate to Melbourne mid Oct and my second baby is due mid Jan 2017! We have PR visas, but i just wondered if anyone can advise me on a couple of things:


1. What do i need to do when we arrive to get registered with Medicare? Where do you go to do this? We have a short-term rental for 5 weeks and know which suburb we would like to rent in for the next year (Altona), so should i register with a doctor in Altona when we are house hunting there to get the wheels in motion? Am i right in assuming the GP would refer me to the nearest public hospital?


2. I had a planned c-section last time, and would automatically be offered one if having no2 in the UK. Is this option available in Oz? I thought i would bring a letter from my NHS consultant over here with me so i have this as back up for Oz. But again, any insight/experience around these issues would be very much appreciated!


It is a bit daunting knowing you are going to have a baby in a strange county where you don't know the health care system at all!


Many thanks,


Petal x:wink:

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There are Medicare offices all over. You got to one with your passport, visa details etc to register.

Different states have slightly different procedures for booking into hospital. Some you need a referral. Some you phone up a central number and get allocated a hospital based off where you live.

The c section I'm not sure on, but I don't think a letter from the UK would make much difference if it was elective.

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Where do you go to do this? We have a short-term rental for 5 weeks and know which suburb we would like to rent in for the next year (Altona), so should i register with a doctor in Altona when we are house hunting there to get the wheels in motion?




You don't need to register with a G.P. in Australia - you can go to any G.P. at any time (providing they are accepting new patients: sometimes they shut their books if they have too many regular patients).

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Hi folks,


We are due to emigrate to Melbourne mid Oct and my second baby is due mid Jan 2017! We have PR visas, but i just wondered if anyone can advise me on a couple of things:


1. What do i need to do when we arrive to get registered with Medicare? Where do you go to do this? We have a short-term rental for 5 weeks and know which suburb we would like to rent in for the next year (Altona), so should i register with a doctor in Altona when we are house hunting there to get the wheels in motion? Am i right in assuming the GP would refer me to the nearest public hospital?


2. I had a planned c-section last time, and would automatically be offered one if having no2 in the UK. Is this option available in Oz? I thought i would bring a letter from my NHS consultant over here with me so i have this as back up for Oz. But again, any insight/experience around these issues would be very much appreciated!


It is a bit daunting knowing you are going to have a baby in a strange county where you don't know the health care system at all!


Many thanks,


Petal x:wink:


The medical will be fine assuming you are covered and not on a restricted visa.


But I think you are mad. We went with two babies. I thought it would help my wife bond. Toddler groups and all that, meeting new people. But without her support network she crumbled. Not the only reason we returned, but it did contribute.

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Hi folks,


We are due to emigrate to Melbourne mid Oct and my second baby is due mid Jan 2017! We have PR visas, but i just wondered if anyone can advise me on a couple of things:


1. What do i need to do when we arrive to get registered with Medicare? Where do you go to do this? We have a short-term rental for 5 weeks and know which suburb we would like to rent in for the next year (Altona), so should i register with a doctor in Altona when we are house hunting there to get the wheels in motion? Am i right in assuming the GP would refer me to the nearest public hospital?


2. I had a planned c-section last time, and would automatically be offered one if having no2 in the UK. Is this option available in Oz? I thought i would bring a letter from my NHS consultant over here with me so i have this as back up for Oz. But again, any insight/experience around these issues would be very much appreciated!


It is a bit daunting knowing you are going to have a baby in a strange county where you don't know the health care system at all!


Many thanks,


Petal x:wink:


There is always a risk attached to try for a natural birth after a c-section. Definitely take the letter from your consultant. They tend to give you the option of a 'try' at natural birth here first even if you have had a previous c-section.


I had an emergency c-section the first time and it was considered too dangerous for me to 'try' for a natural birth the second time, so it was a c-section again.


When you get here, do see a GP asap who will refer you to a consultant, who will need to see you before a planned c-section to discuss options.


Good luck.

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There is always a risk attached to try for a natural birth after a c-section. Definitely take the letter from your consultant. They tend to give you the option of a 'try' at natural birth here first even if you have had a previous c-section.


I had an emergency c-section the first time and it was considered too dangerous for me to 'try' for a natural birth the second time, so it was a c-section again.


When you get here, do see a GP asap who will refer you to a consultant, who will need to see you before a planned c-section to discuss options.


Good luck.



My wife had an emergency c section on our first. They said she could have natural on our second, but she had pre eclampsia, so she had to have another section, (which was put down in her notes as elective which upset her no end). On our third and final we were told under no uncertain terms that anything other than a section would be extremely risky.

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Hi folks,


We are due to emigrate to Melbourne mid Oct and my second baby is due mid Jan 2017! We have PR visas, but i just wondered if anyone can advise me on a couple of things:


1. What do i need to do when we arrive to get registered with Medicare? Where do you go to do this? We have a short-term rental for 5 weeks and know which suburb we would like to rent in for the next year (Altona), so should i register with a doctor in Altona when we are house hunting there to get the wheels in motion? Am i right in assuming the GP would refer me to the nearest public hospital?


2. I had a planned c-section last time, and would automatically be offered one if having no2 in the UK. Is this option available in Oz? I thought i would bring a letter from my NHS consultant over here with me so i have this as back up for Oz. But again, any insight/experience around these issues would be very much appreciated!


It is a bit daunting knowing you are going to have a baby in a strange county where you don't know the health care system at all!


Many thanks,


Petal x:wink:

just go to the nearest Medicare office with your passport and you get a temp card.

The main difference here is that you have an option to have a baby in a private hospital as well as a public. The public system is just like the NHS. Given that you arrive in Oct and due in Jan the private option is probably not possible as they usually have a waiting period before you can claim and it's often 12 months for high price care like obstetrics

most public hospitals allow self referral so contact the Ante Natal clinic explain your circumstances and they will book you in with a midwife first to take history ect , then you will see an obstetrician to discuss birth plan. Like the UK if you had a previous C Section you would be offered that again, but depending on the reason for your last section they may consider a VBAC ( vaginal birth after Caesarian ) if you wish it . Make sure you bring your pregnancy record along with copies of all blood tests and scans , and a letter from an obstetrician outlining the reasons for your last section would be a good idea.

As others have said and in my experience as a midwife the most daunting thing may be doing it without family and friend support

anyway good luck and if you have any other questions please ask

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It is a bit daunting knowing you are going to have a baby in a strange county where you don't know the health care system at all!


Many thanks,


Petal x:wink:


Wow it is daunting. You are either very brave or completely off your rocker.


Having been on these forums for a while, it seems to me that new mothers find settling in to a new country ten times harder than anyone else. It's trying to cope with a new baby with absolutely no support from friends or family, on top of the bewildering feeling of being in a totally strange place, that makes it so hard.


Could you possibly come for an activation visit and then delay your migration until the children are a bit older?

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Wow it is daunting. You are either very brave or completely off your rocker.


Having been on these forums for a while, it seems to me that new mothers find settling in to a new country ten times harder than anyone else. It's trying to cope with a new baby with absolutely no support from friends or family, on top of the bewildering feeling of being in a totally strange place, that makes it so hard.


Could you possibly come for an activation visit and then delay your migration until the children are a bit older?

Why do you say that! I know plenty people came here either with a new baby or due to have one. I had a baby 7 weeks after arriving in Australia. I wouldnt say it was easy but I didn't rely on family at home so what difference does it make! I am neither brave or off my rocker!
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Why do you say that! I know plenty people came here either with a new baby or due to have one. I had a baby 7 weeks after arriving in Australia. I wouldnt say it was easy but I didn't rely on family at home so what difference does it make! I am neither brave or off my rocker!



Thank you everyone for your advice - especially on the practicals - very helpful. My last c-section was planned in so far as it was on the consultant's advice as labour never really progressed, even after being induced .... but then my son was nearly 11lbs when born! So that's probably why.


This pregnancy has been a very very happy surprise!!


Everyone's situation is so so different, but we have no family nearby for support where we live in the UK anyway, and we've coped fine as have never been use to having that additional layer of support, which i think people would miss much more when they have been use to it on tap.


My husband also had to work away for 6 months when our now toddler was only 2 months old, and i coped fine with that too - i'm pretty self-sufficient and independent. I know it will be tougher in new surroundings and without established friends, but none of my friends here are currently pregnant and will be at work when my no 2 arrives, so in reality i'd be coping on my own for the most part here anyway. My mum is coming over for a month or so a couple of weeks after no2 is due, so that's great and feels good to know i'll see her not too long after we emigrate.


Overall i see it as good timing having a new baby not long after we arrive in Oz as i'll get to know other mum's and hopefully it will help me start to build a new network of friends. That's the way i see it anyway.


Thanks again everyone!


Petal x

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I actually don't see anything wrong with having a baby not long after getting here either. In fact, I think the timing is THE Best time for making new friends as that's when mothers groups etc all start up. I've made more friends since having a baby that I have in my years here (excluding work friends) before hand.

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As others have said definitely take along your pregnancy records from the Uk. You will be offered the opportunity for another elective LSCS if that is your choice. Don't be surprised if most of the midwives that care for you end up being british, I work on a birthing suite with 8 other british midwives. Good luck with the move, a great time to met lots of new mums.

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The public health system here is great and you'll have no issues going for an elective if that is your choice. Equally they are supportive of a VBAC assuming no risk factors, and for us they were very thorough in exploring the possible complications with the two approaches. I've been hugely impressed with the health service here generally.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Nicky,


thanks for your message!


We live in Newcastle - my husband is a Geordie and i'm originally from Ireland and then Scotland. We fly out to Melbourne in a week with our two and half year old toddler and six and a half months bump! We've got short-term accommodation booked for our first 5 weeks in Reservoir and will be looking for a rental in Altona during that time.


How are you enjoying Altona and how long have you been in Oz? Any specific parts of Altona you would recommend as i'm guessing it's a fairly large suburb? I'm hoping there are a few baby/toddler groups on in the area!


Would be lovely to catch up at some point and i look forward to hearing from you, thanks


Petal Xxx

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