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Will you tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth...


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...in the census next week?




Personally I've used historical census information (with names) for family tree research - but that's not available until 100 years after it's collected to protect people's privacy - and the type of info that has been made available more recently in my job (population statistics etc with no names) but I can't help thinking that these changes run the very real risk of people not answering honestly, and thus compromising the accuracy of any information that is collected.

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Unless you were an immigrant who had overstayed your visa or you were making a fortune from some illegal enterprise and needed to hide your real income, I couldn't see the point in lying about any of the questions.

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My only concern is that I will be working as a Field Officer encouraging compliance so I suspect this controversy will increase the number of objections I hear.


I do think that privacy concerns are generally over-blown. No western governments have the capacity to monitor every citizen even if they wanted to. People who are honest in their dealings really should not be concerning themselves unduly.

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My only concern is that I will be working as a Field Officer encouraging compliance so I suspect this controversy will increase the number of objections I hear.


I do think that privacy concerns are generally over-blown. No western governments have the capacity to monitor every citizen even if they wanted to. People who are honest in their dealings really should not be concerning themselves unduly.


A problem being the inability to get through to the Census people on their Hot Line. Twice now told the line was over loaded. First time being on line will I fear, as a result a far greater number will not complete return by Census Day. The fear of $140 fine per day has ben wavered, I believe. Only those that blatantly refuse to answer at all may a fine be imposed.

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I dont see a reason to lie and look at that if you have nothing to hide you will answer honestly.


Cal x

Nobody i have ever known in the last 32years i have lived here, have ever told the truth on how much they earn.It's i government questionnaire to see what cuts they can make.It's big brother looking at what they can save,and how much more they can screw you for.This conservative Government Wants to Go the American way on health. User pays,already on the Sunshine Coast it's hard to find a medical practice that will bulk bill.Aged pensions don't stand a chance of getting into hospital without being put on a lengthy waiting list.Thousands are Dying Waiting even to get to see a Specialist.I waited 5 years to get a pallet for a few teeth made.Because there is such a long waiting list in public Hospital to get a tooth pulled. I had to Pay $400 3 weeks ago to get one out privately.Hard to Believe But a lot of Battlers just pull their own teeth out.And Stick their Broken False teeth with Super clue. Now My Wife and i Have to have Cataracts done there's a 7 year wait, or pay $6000 per eye in a private hospital.It's out of the Question now to grow old in Australia.Unless you are pretty well off.Or you never get sick.We have Been Lucky We have,always been healthy,up until now.I'm 78 my wife 75.The Brits don't know how lucky they are,Free Medication over 60 years Old. The Labour Party Tried to get Free Medication for Over 75 year olds here, about 15 years ago. The Liberals Thought they Had gone Completely Mad,and Fell off their chairs Laughing.Yet They Gave $5000 To Every Female that had a Baby.Creating A generation of Girls as young as 13 having babies for a free life, free house, and plenty to spend on booze and drugs..Most now have 4-5 kids and only 20 years old,from different men, and never worked a day in their Miserable Lives.The Lucky Country! It's a Myth.

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Nobody i have ever known in the last 32years i have lived here, have ever told the truth on how much they earn.It's i government questionnaire to see what cuts they can make.It's big brother looking at what they can save,and how much more they can screw you for.This conservative Government Wants to Go the American way on health. User pays,already on the Sunshine Coast it's hard to find a medical practice that will bulk bill.Aged pensions don't stand a chance of getting into hospital without being put on a lengthy waiting list.Thousands are Dying Waiting even to get to see a Specialist.I waited 5 years to get a pallet for a few teeth made.Because there is such a long waiting list in public Hospital to get a tooth pulled. I had to Pay $400 3 weeks ago to get one out privately.Hard to Believe But a lot of Battlers just pull their own teeth out.And Stick their Broken False teeth with Super clue. Now My Wife and i Have to have Cataracts done there's a 7 year wait, or pay $6000 per eye in a private hospital.It's out of the Question now to grow old in Australia.Unless you are pretty well off.Or you never get sick.We have Been Lucky We have,always been healthy,up until now.I'm 78 my wife 75.The Brits don't know how lucky they are,Free Medication over 60 years Old. The Labour Party Tried to get Free Medication for Over 75 year olds here, about 15 years ago. The Liberals Thought they Had gone Completely Mad,and Fell off their chairs Laughing.Yet They Gave $5000 To Every Female that had a Baby.Creating A generation of Girls as young as 13 having babies for a free life, free house, and plenty to spend on booze and drugs..Most now have 4-5 kids and only 20 years old,from different men, and never worked a day in their Miserable Lives.The Lucky Country! It's a Myth.


Wow, every single issue you have stated in that post is a lie. Mate there is bulking billing doctors all over the Sunshine Coast that will see you the same day you ring up. Go get some help....

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A problem being the inability to get through to the Census people on their Hot Line. Twice now told the line was over loaded. First time being on line will I fear, as a result a far greater number will not complete return by Census Day. .


This is not the first time online: both the 2006 and 2011 census could be completed online.


You don't have to complete it by Census Day: the details are to be completed for the 9th August but you have until 23rd September to lodge the return.

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Some of what zack says is true- it certainly costs us a lot in scripts and doctors' fees. We don't qualify for pensions, health cards etc because we worked too hard when we were younger. Silly us. Best to bludge around and only work part time- keep the incomes low or when you get older they will take it all off you!

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Some of what zack says is true- it certainly costs us a lot in scripts and doctors' fees. We don't qualify for pensions, health cards etc because we worked too hard when we were younger. Silly us. Best to bludge around and only work part time- keep the incomes low or when you get older they will take it all off you!


I think Zack does qualify for the pension and health card etc. We don't - same as you - luckily no health problems now. OH seems to good after a couple of ops. Maybe we should blow the lot in Vegas and a couple of round the world trips staying in 5 star hotels. I do know that pensioners here don't have the waiting time he seems to have where he lives. Nowhere near as long.

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As my husband and i won't be home that night. We won't be completing it at all. We are both working away from home.


If you are in Australia on that night you will be required to complete it wherever you are.

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Yeah. I wonder the same. It seems lots of people have their knickers in a twist about it.


Agree @blossom.... I have completed my online census but haven't submitted it yet (happening Tuesday just in case someone comes to stay that I don't know about yet because that has happened before and I ended up with three people totally unexpectedly in my house over night), but it has the same questions as before apart from a box under the religion question where you can tick "no religion". Perhaps the media are just trying to make this into something that it really isn't!

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A problem being the inability to get through to the Census people on their Hot Line. Twice now told the line was over loaded. First time being on line will I fear, as a result a far greater number will not complete return by Census Day. The fear of $140 fine per day has ben wavered, I believe. Only those that blatantly refuse to answer at all may a fine be imposed.


$180 a day Flag.... get it right

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I've completed my part of the census and started hubby's part, but he needs to fill in the rest! Nothing too intrusive there, and as someone who works in statistics I understand why most questions are asked.


We actually got two letters as we are between homes, and I worried about being fined for not completing for our new address that we don't occupy until the 12th. In the end no bother, I just submitted an online query to declare that the address associated with the login number will be unoccupied.

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If you are in Australia on that night you will be required to complete it wherever you are.

Considering we will be in the middle of a vineyard working all night i'm fairly certain they have no census forms there. In fact i know there isn't any and as far i can tell nobody esle working that night out there has any plans to fill it in either.

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