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eu referendum update


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'May,' has been the devil of this campaign but visas are an almost certainty if we leave because the EU cannot allow it to be seen that leaving is going to benefit any country otherwise Spain , Greece, Hungary, Austria, Poland , even France, all with their own extreme right , populist parties will want to exit and that is not going to be allowed without first making an example of the UK in the same way Greece has been made an example of..


Yes.. because the UK is an economic basket case crippled with debt and massive unemployment. Unlike that economic powerhouse Greece that was significantly funding the EU coffers. They'll show us good and proper!!!

What you're suggesting is some sort of scorched earth like policy as a punishment. It's obscenely stupid and won't happen. Even German industry knows it's nonsense.



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Do you know me personally? How do you know what my future plans are? How do you know what my financial ties to the UK are? Don't lecture to me on that ground on a forum called POMSINOZ.

I may be a lowly electrician but I'm also an investor. I have a stake in this vote whether you want to accept that or not.


Your implication that being outside of the EU will severe all trading ties with the EU as being inside "gives us access to a giant market". That is never going to happen. It will hurt them far more than it hurts us. If you believe that then I don't think there's anything more that can be said to you on the matter.


As stated, people already in the UK will be allowed to stay and will enjoy the same rights and privileges they already have. Comparing that to what people voluntarily accept when the move to Australia is silly.



I hope that if there is a Brexit that no tariffs are added to UK goods Leave constantly keep saying they sell more to the UK than we do to them that may be true in manufactured goods.

However if you add financial services to the mix I think the balance changes and Bonn would love to expand at London's expense. As most of the UK's car industry is actually owned by overseas companies Minis are made by BMW Land rover is owned by India's Tata who like the bridge to the EU. My suspicion is that they may well move production to mainland Europe as I believe that World trade tariffs will be imposed on UK goods this is not a case of being vindictive it is just what the rules say.

After all if you leave a lottery syndicate or a gym membership or a coffee or tea boat at work you wouldn't expect to receive prize winnings or be able to use the gym equipment or get tea or coffee for free would you.

Many people in Australia have financial links to the UK including me I rely on my UK pensions I am below the aged pension age and will probably not get one when you add the new rules on income and assets that include your Australian Super income for new retirees since Jan 2015. Therefore the stronger the pound is the better Leave keep saying that it will be a blip however as the divorce may take many years to finalize and Michael Gove said 2020 it may well be a very long blip and will take even longer to re establish manufacturing in the UK as investment will flee.

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Yes.. because the UK is an economic basket case crippled with debt and massive unemployment. Unlike that economic powerhouse Greece that was significantly funding the EU coffers. They'll show us good and proper!!!

What you're suggesting is some sort of scorched earth like policy as a punishment. It's obscenely stupid and won't happen. Even German industry knows it's nonsense.




Errrrr!!, the UK has a population of around 60 mill, the EU has a remaining population of around 440 mill, do I need to say more.

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Cast my vote.



Actually I'm disgusted by the whole process. What sort of tosser divides a nation and not only puts his countries economy at risk, but the world economy, just to win an election?



Cameron should have led the exit campaign when the EU made their limp gesture. He should have outlined a path to a Norwegian type structure, and we should have had a firm grasp of exactly what we were voting for. There should have been no threat to the UK economy or the existence of the EU.



Instead this has been a mucky debate about immigration which has torn the social fabric of the UK. And for what? You either crawl back under the EU rock, or you weather an economic storm. Cameron has shown the leadership skills of a slightly damp piece of toast.



This whole process has been divisive and dangerous. Even within my own family we have been split.



I am upset by this whole humiliating fiasco.



Completely and utterly disillusioned.



Cameron should resign now. In fact, they should call an election because they are not fit to lead.

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Cast my vote.



Actually I'm disgusted by the whole process. What sort of tosser divides a nation and not only puts his countries economy at risk, but the world economy, just to win an election?



Cameron should have led the exit campaign when the EU made their limp gesture. He should have outlined a path to a Norwegian type structure, and we should have had a firm grasp of exactly what we were voting for. There should have been no threat to the UK economy or the existence of the EU.



Instead this has been a mucky debate about immigration which has torn the social fabric of the UK. And for what? You either crawl back under the EU rock, or you weather an economic storm. Cameron has shown the leadership skills of a slightly damp piece of toast.



This whole process has been divisive and dangerous. Even within my own family we have been split.



I am upset by this whole humiliating fiasco.



Completely and utterly disillusioned.



Cameron should resign now. In fact, they should call an election because they are not fit to lead.




My family too newjez. I'm horrified by the vitriol that's been flying around on social media. I feel reluctant to say much any more, having just been shaken to the core by a twenty four hour ban for complaining too much.


Thank God it will soon be over, one way or the other - you're right, it's been an absolute fiasco.

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My family too newjez. I'm horrified by the vitriol that's been flying around on social media. I feel reluctant to say much any more, having just been shaken to the core by a twenty four hour ban for complaining too much.


Thank God it will soon be over, one way or the other - you're right, it's been an absolute fiasco.



All over bar the shouting.

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What the hell are you talking about Pommie? The Leave side is offering an alternative. You're advocating the status quo. There will be no fundamental change to the EU! That has been clear for years and even the EU leadership has made that clear with the quote I posted. This belief that Britain will be able to influence great change in the EU is pure fantasy. No more than Ukraine, Kazakhstan or any of the other territories had in the USSR.


BTW there's a hell of a lot more wrong with the EU than just migrant benefits. The EU is absolutely broken. The solution for those running it is more of the same. Absolute lunacy. The EU will fail. That I'm absolutely certain of. The question is do we want to try and prolong the misery or do we want to distance ourselves from the danger. For me the choice is clear. Independence please.


Wooba - so what is the detailed plan on offer from team Brexit ?? So far as I have heard, other than "be brave", there is ZERO detail / fact on offer... Which model would they want to choose (Norway, Switzerland, another one) ?? They can;t even agree on that...


Talk is cheap Wooba... It's easy to point to the faults of the current system... so give me some hard facts on the alternative and I can consider it... all team Brexit have is slogans...

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So, no good reason to stay in the EU then, just fear of the unknown if we leave.



We live in an ever globalised world, from trade, investment and just about everything else. Pulling up the draw bridge with a leave vote is not the same as it would have been 41 years ago...


I think its in Britain's interests to be part of a major free trade block... I accept not everyone agree's... anyway - soon we will all have to live with the outcome regardless... its just about time up to vote...

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Wooba - so what is the detailed plan on offer from team Brexit ?? So far as I have heard, other than "be brave", there is ZERO detail / fact on offer... Which model would they want to choose (Norway, Switzerland, another one) ?? They can;t even agree on that...


Talk is cheap Wooba... It's easy to point to the faults of the current system... so give me some hard facts on the alternative and I can consider it... all team Brexit have is slogans...


See post #381

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So, now just the count.


Whatever the final result the worst outcome would be a clear national split with the Scots, Welsh and Irish voting a clear Remain and an England majority voting Leave. Better for the future of a united UK if all vote the same way.



Hadn't considered that.

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See post #381


I did and I looked at the BBC article linked again it showed no detailed plan just a wish list from the leave campaign. items like getting rid of the 5% Vat on Fuel when the UK still has the ability to reduce VAT on all other goods that is currently 20% to 15% they could selectively pick items within this to have the same effect. The trouble is the treasury needs this income.


Most of it was setting up talking shops but still no detailed plans at all

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My family too newjez. I'm horrified by the vitriol that's been flying around on social media. I feel reluctant to say much any more, having just been shaken to the core by a twenty four hour ban for complaining too much.


Thank God it will soon be over, one way or the other - you're right, it's been an absolute fiasco.


This is democracy at its best.


Different people have different opinions and yes shock horror even people in your family may think differently to you.

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Compulsory voting is a crock, forcing people to vote when they don't care means they'll probably just tick a random box on the sheet, may as well just pick a political party at random to form government.

Having experienced both I think it forces people to actually think about politics and who to vote for. As a teen and 20 year old I couldn't give a stuff about politics, wasn't interested and didn't bother voting. My kids are 21 and 26 and have had chats with me and their mum about political issues and take an interest because they have to vote.

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Pound down 10%. Stock market to crash 10%. What have you done?


I agree talk about turkeys voting for Christmas. Petrol prices will go up very soon and all other imported goods and as for the EU giving the UK a good deal they will want to show that it does not pay or other EU countries might contemplate an exit pound now down to 1.34 US dollars from 1.50 last night.

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I agree talk about turkeys voting for Christmas. Petrol prices will go up very soon and all other imported goods and as for the EU giving the UK a good deal they will want to show that it does not pay or other EU countries might contemplate an exit pound now down to 1.34 US dollars from 1.50 last night.



Everything has just gone up 10%.


That will be good for the country.


Wonder when the first round of redundancy will start.


Who was the guy who worked in currency markets? Bibbs or something like that? Care to offer an explanation?

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As predicted - whole of scotland votes in and has to leave anyway. Woohoo.


There has to be a 2nd referendum now for Scotland but the EU is going to be damaged as much as the UK so seeking refuge there may not help much.


On a personal level I saw this coming and changed most of my money beforehand though unfortunately my pension is stuck in the UK. But I feel for those stuck in the UK to be left with people who aspire for the UK to be just like Norway or Iceland.


Now we will see if all the prophets of doom were right.

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