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Shipping - Forbidden Items


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Hi there. I'm just at the stage where I'm getting rid / gifting / selling things which I cannot import via a shipping company. I know that DAFF pretty much check most containers and I want to avoid any hold ups/extra charges because something has been shipped which shouldn't have been.

I have read the basics, but am after other people's experiences.

I hear that I should varnish any wooden items like wooden carvings that I've bought abroad. Can anyone testify to this?

Sheepskin rugs? Leather items like a Moroccan footstool?

Any pointers would be really appreciated.

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Ha ha. Thanks. I try my best. I'm hoping living in Oz will open up a whole side of the world I've hardly been to.




No idea regarding the rules, but just want to say I love your website. Nice to see someone who gets out there and spreads their wings so openly. :)

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Hi there. I'm just at the stage where I'm getting rid / gifting / selling things which I cannot import via a shipping company. I know that DAFF pretty much check most containers and I want to avoid any hold ups/extra charges because something has been shipped which shouldn't have been.

I have read the basics, but am after other people's experiences.

I hear that I should varnish any wooden items like wooden carvings that I've bought abroad. Can anyone testify to this?

Sheepskin rugs? Leather items like a Moroccan footstool?

Any pointers would be really appreciated.


Most containers will not be checked, why do you think they will be?


If something is "forbidden" then I wouldn't bring it at all. I am not aware of a forbidden list though. Some items are are subject to extra scrutiny, untreated wood is one such thing.

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Sheepskin rugs are fine afaik. They are treated.


I shipped an old wooden blanket box. It was untreated but we painted all the metal on it black after removing as much rust as possible. Then we gave it a coat of varnish. It got through fine. I've since removed the varnish.


Re the footstool, I've no idea about the treatment of leather over there.


Things like wicker, cleaning all your shoes and getting rid of any Xmas decs that have berries or things on, even fake ones would be the main things to leave out or clean well. I used Zoflora for cleaning stuff. Much nicer smelling than Jeyes.

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Ha ha. I know the very cone you're talking about. I have one of those too. Although it still has the sticker on it at the bottom saying the shop in Australia it was bought from. Hopefully I can get away with it! Good luck with your move!

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There is some really good info on this Department of Agriculture and Water Resources website here if you've not already seen it? including common items of concern, cleaning tips etc : http://www.agriculture.gov.au/travel...ng-immigrating

The BICON database https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWeb4.0 also lets you search for a specific item to find out any import conditions, treatment etc.

Hope that helps!

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Hi Guys


This is a useful thread - does anyone know if there are any restrictions on things like Fridge Freezers and vacume cleaners (both of which were originally bought in Oz and taken back to the UK)...



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Hi there. I'm in exactly the same boat. Just been told that taking my crystal collection could cause all sorts of problems. They're mostly cut and polished spheres, tumble stones and such like. I can't see what risk they pose to anything on Oz. Anyone else got any thoughts or had any issues with this?

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  • 3 weeks later...

good luck with getting your stuff in. I've been looking on their website , you look on one page and you think thats ok shells are all good if nice and clean , then you look somewhere else on DAFT and then it gives more detailed info and says no queen conch shells (which we have 2 of)unless you have a permit (only 2 shells max)!!


with regards to sheepskin rug, these can harbour all sorts of bits in the pile and they could get funny. leather hides are ok if fully tanned.

vacuum cleaners have to be emptied and fully cleaned like new.


not sure about your stones linda, I've not come across no stones or minerals yet (I've probably not found that gov web page yet)


no fir cones, and how treated does a piece of wood or ornament have to be to comply is anyones guess!

we have a few pieces of wooden ornament bowls ect that aren't coated in vanish, they just have been stained . getting answers from the others side is very hard

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Hi there. I'm in exactly the same boat. Just been told that taking my crystal collection could cause all sorts of problems. They're mostly cut and polished spheres, tumble stones and such like. I can't see what risk they pose to anything on Oz. Anyone else got any thoughts or had any issues with this?

They're fine, they would only be a problem if they were dirty, soil covered etc

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Odd one...we have a beach shelter bought in Brisbane, that was cellophaned on the way out and not open since. It clearly has a lot of sand in there, but also stickers on the outside for the flight out of Australia the last trip. Is this likely to cause an issue?

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I think the advice I was given was to have the container smelling of Jeyes fluid, showing you have disinfected necessary items - I sprinkled a little onto the cardboard of each box and also our company boxed up "risky" items away from non "risky" items.

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I think the advice I was given was to have the container smelling of Jeyes fluid, showing you have disinfected necessary items - I sprinkled a little onto the cardboard of each box and also our company boxed up "risky" items away from non "risky" items.


Its funny as one of the shipping companies I had in for a quote said to avoid Jeyes and to use something like Zoflora as the customs people would smell Jeyes and know there was stuff to be checked etc in a container. Seemed to think it made it more likely to be checked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Vacuum cleaners must be fully cleaned, we just shipped out household effects and a leather sofa was one of the items we were not told we couldn't ship it, the shipping companies are great for advice they advised us of any items we were unsure of, when the containers reaches oz your list of items packed is checked over and anything that quarantine may want to check is marked with a Q it's then up to them what they pull to check we had quite a few Q's on our sheet but only 3 boxes pulled, they checked our boxes marked tent, shoes, vases

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Of course you can ship leather sofas, why would they say you couldn't? Our shippers thought that our feather duvets were not allowed but they were wrong as the feathers are treated. We shipped leather sofas and feather pillows and duvets and some cane lamps. All declared and all passed by customs with no issues.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i've had 3 removal advisors around and all 3 said different things, i really don't think they know. one gave us a story about a table they shipped out, but they never checked to see if everything went ok and it got in no problems , if the followed up 'dodgy' looking goods they would have more of an idea of what is acceptable and what isn't. one estimator said that candles cannot be shipped. well the candles i have are sold in Australia by the same manufacturer . they do not contain bees wax and even if they did have some in, i would have thought that they are over processed to prove any threat.


on the Aussie gov website it does say you can take spices in as long as they are sealed as new. you can also take some seeds in as long as they are in original packets and states clearly their names. some shippers categorically state no seeds and no herbs /spices.

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