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Want to go back to uk but still have loans

Guest Guest 115534

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Guest Guest 115534

Me and my partner are desperate to go back home,as partners parents are ill. but if we can't access our super then we can't pay our loans off ! Obviously we want to do things the right way but finding it hard to get any help. Any ideas ?

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Are we to assume that you are PR? If on a temporary visa you have certain rights to reclaim Super but not if you are PR. Otherwise my only suggestion is to look to make arrangements with your creditors.


What were the loans for? If they were to purchase cars or other items then you can sell them to pay off some or all perhaps as shipping them will be costly anyway.

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Guest Guest 115534

Yes I'm a PR but loans weren't for cars . We went to the bank today, but they where no use what so ever. Starting to really hate oz as every thing is so bloody hard !

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Me and my partner are desperate to go back home,as partners parents are ill. but if we can't access our super then we can't pay our loans off ! Obviously we want to do things the right way but finding it hard to get any help. Any ideas ?
There is nothing to stop you going home and paying off your loans from there, just keep your bank account open here and transfer money over to cover payments.
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Guest Guest 115534

We would have done that but we don't have jobs so we won't have any cash to deposit . The parents are letting us move back there until we can get sorted but we can't expect them to pay everything for us.

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We would have done that but we don't have jobs so we won't have any cash to deposit . The parents are letting us move back there until we can get sorted but we can't expect them to pay everything for us.
No you cant, so you need to make some arrangement yourself, whether you defer payment until you can transfer money. I dont know what you want people to suggest, some might tell you to just not bother, but not me am afraid. Do you have furniture etc that you can sell to at least make some money?
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I would suggest you contact the loan companies and advise them you are moving back to the UK and will not have an income in the first instance.


Ask for a payment holiday for three months - this will cost you as the interest not paid during that time will be added to the outstanding debt and then you will be paying interest on that to so do make sure after the payment holiday you make increased payments otherwise the debt will go on growing.


If you are blunt about it - 'we want to pay but will not be able to, if you do not agreed to a payment holiday then we will have no choice but to default anyway' then they may see sense and agree to it.


I guess the moral position hinges on whether you 'want' to move back to the UK or 'need' to move back. Lots of people 'want' to move back but financial circumstances simply do not allow it - that was us for about 3 years. If your partner 'needs' to move back then arguably staying to pay off debt rather than caring for his parents would be immoral & therefore defaulting on the debt could actually be the 'right' choice. Do bear in mind that you are still liable even though you are no loger living in Australia and could still be taken to court and/or the debt sold to a UK debt collection agency. If you are going to be living with parents you will be very easy to find! My parents were chased for a debt from an electricity bill that a tenant in my rental property 200 miles from them hadn't paid!


Bear in mind too circumstances change and you may wish to move back to Australia - stranger things have happened, I've seen it all in 8 years on this forum.


Perhaps go to your local CAB for advice? Or a debt advice agency - beware of consolidation loans though.

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I believe there are circumstances where you can make claim on your super because of financial hardship but I have no idea how that might be done. There are financial counselling services which might be able to give you advice or negotiate with creditors on your behalf to delay payments or significantly reduce them. I think I would be selling stuff and doing whatever it takes to reduce the loan then repaying from UK as you can. Good luck - debt is an uncomfortable country!

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We would have done that but we don't have jobs so we won't have any cash to deposit . The parents are letting us move back there until we can get sorted but we can't expect them to pay everything for us.


There are other ways to try to work through this.


For example, your partner could go back ahead of you, try to secure a job etc while you remain (or you go, he stays) and then once a job is secured, the one in Aus also returns. If only one of you in Aus for a few months you could rent a room from a friend or some such to save on costs. That way, still have one income and hopefully a bit of breathing room, keep repayments up on the loands. It isn't a long term thing, just a few months, perhaps not even that if a job in the UK can be found quickly. And once income is coming in in the UK, then a payment can be set up to carry on repaying loans in Aus. And work at repaying them asap. If staying with his parents for a while then all being well it could be paid off within 6 months or so, assuming its not tens of thousands of $$ you are owing.

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How on earth are you going to pay the loans and afford thousands and thousands to ship a British Bulldog back to the UK?


Lets not bring a thread posted elsewhere into this one please :)

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Guest Guest 115534

Wish people would stop judging me on here, I'm trying to find easy options ! No one knows what we are going through at the moment. And the parents have said they will pay for our British bulldog to go home as they are dog lovers too.

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Wish people would stop judging me on here, I'm trying to find easy options ! No one knows what we are going through at the moment. And the parents have said they will pay for our British bulldog to go home as they are dog lovers too.


I don't think there are any easy options, more a case of trying to find the least worst solution to enable you to repay your loans and so on so as to allow you to not be looking over your shoulder or to enable you to live in Aus again without worry of a debt.


Its good you've financial support to ship the dog back. Hopefully you can find a way to work out the loan repayments, even if that is taking a break from them and starting up again in a few months or some such. There is usually a way, you just have to keep chipping away to find it :)

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Guest Guest 115534

The only thing we can do,is work all we can and put every spare cent on the loans , we've already started to sell our stuff as well, but it could take a couple of years to clear the loans. It's just very stressful as the parents need us and we just want to see the back of oz as it just keeps screwing us over and over.

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The only thing we can do,is work all we can and put every spare cent on the loans , we've already started to sell our stuff as well, but it could take a couple of years to clear the loans. It's just very stressful as the parents need us and we just want to see the back of oz as it just keeps screwing us over and over.


If you are able to move to the UK and can pay them off from there while staying with the parents, could you not pay them off a lot sooner? Just put every penny possible toward them and it could be cleared inside of 6 months. I know when we came here we stayed with family and only paid our share of the bills, bought our own food and ran a small car. Everything else went to the savings pot and we had loads saved inside of 6 months. Husband worked full time, I was working part time and there were 3 of us to feed etc.

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Wish people would stop judging me on here, I'm trying to find easy options ! No one knows what we are going through at the moment. And the parents have said they will pay for our British bulldog to go home as they are dog lovers too.


I'm afraid you get good and bad on all sites, keyboard warriors that wouldn't easily understand people have different lives to them, top marks to you for trying to find a way out and asking for guidance, quite a few would have walked away hoping the situation was pushed under the carpet!

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Wish people would stop judging me on here, I'm trying to find easy options ! No one knows what we are going through at the moment. And the parents have said they will pay for our British bulldog to go home as they are dog lovers too.



Kelly, just ignore the trolls.


Sometimes life pulls us different ways and sometimes we make wrong turns in life, nothing wrong with that and it takes a brave soul to face up to it, admit it then and try to do something about it.


Is there anything like the citizens advice bureau down there where you can get free legal and debt management advice straight from the experts.


There are always ways to deal with such situations, but you need to get the proper help.

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Guest Guest 115534

We have been advised that my partner needs to see his financial adviser.hes booked an appointment so it's just a case of waiting till next week.


thanks for the idea of advice bureau, I will definitely look into that today. Probably the only thing we haven't done !

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Wish people would stop judging me on here, I'm trying to find easy options ! No one knows what we are going through at the moment. And the parents have said they will pay for our British bulldog to go home as they are dog lovers too.




I do sympathise. It does annoy me when people ask for advice before migrating, and the she'll be right brigade just say come anyway, positive attitude and it will all work out. Sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes there are massive financial costs. Australia is in a perilous position at the moment, and all would be wise to have a good think before committing.



Good luck with the move, and do whatever you need to keep yourself sane.

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It does annoy me when people ask for advice before migrating, and the she'll be right brigade just say come anyway, positive attitude and it will all work out. Sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes there are massive financial costs. Australia is in a perilous position at the moment, and all would be wise to have a good think before committing



This is very sound advice and any potential new migrants would do well to listen to what's being said here.

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This might sound daft but what about one of those crowdfunding sites? To at least raise money for your bulldog to be sent home.

Tough times you are going through. But try not to get too desperate and overwhelmed. Remember to take time out with your partner and steal a few hours every week for relaxation and renewal. You're not alone and moving to Australia or anywhere for that matter is not a competition. Whatever happens will be for the best.

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