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My son has found love on facebook with woman in oz Advise Please


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To be fair works both ways, but i think the main concern here from the mother is him actually going to Australia in the first place, in which he has nothing to lose, if he wants to jump into a rushed marriage like a idiot well then he'll probably learn his lesson in the long run.


I thought the opposite outcome was the desired result? But you are quite correct of course. UK immigration may see to that. In which case it would prove not to be a way into UK and perhaps something more considered? Or as considered as can be never having met the other person.

Which in turn will make it not a lot of difference I suppose, from scores of others that have rushed into wed.

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Chillers hi ,And thank you for your sound advice , I have asked him to look at all the replies I have had digest them ,some of them he wont be happy , but people have taken time out to read my question and reply very kindly, so he should take note as I am doing.

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Hi Lebourvellec, Thank you for your advice ,I am getting my head around all the comments and making notes , I don't feel so much in the dark now ,and it certainly wont be as easy as he thinks it will be. Stress and Anxiety are both part of his Aspergers ,and looking at what he will need to do to be with this lady is going to be Very stressful .More than anything I want him to be happy like any mum would, and I do believe they think a lot of each other when they chat on line ,but this is one hell of a step from chats every night to life changing plans for both of them, I just hope they both take note of what has been said on this forum. If they both insist on going ahead after that there is nothing I can do except support him.

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I missed the part about aspergers originally, although if you and he believes to be of sound mind and in control of the situation then i guess you two should discuss in private about the logistics of what actually marriage and moving to Australia means. He will be without family and alone and with a women he has only seen through a computer screen, whilst you say he skype's her i pressume he means video chat? As skype can also be used for text messaging. I would encourage you both to chat to this women via skype video so you can both settle your minds on the matter.


Realistically speaking, getting into Australia is a long winded process, he will need money and many documents, in my opinion rushing into a marriage to try and get in would be a very silly idea, he would need to apply for a cost hefty visa and without the decent evidence to prove an on-going relationship, it's quite possible that the visa will be declined and he will lose the cost of the application. Also he would need to provide medical information, his aspergers may even be an issue, i'm not sure what immigrations take is on aspergers, but again is it something you will need to research, a quick google of aspergers visa australia brings up a bundle of threads and it appears that it may be another factor he will need to address. I would suggest he take this trip, but not rush into a marriage, get to know this person but ensure he remains in daily contact and provides addresses and contact details for your peace of mind. Ensure that he has a plan b if things so pear shaped and he finds himself on the street, he may even land in Australia and she doesn't even turn up, it does happen!


Think about what is involved in this process, a lot of time money and headaches and a serious lack of evidence to prove an everlasting relationship. If they meet and are serious about commitment he should suggest that she take a trip to the UK to meet the family before the death do us part bit.

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Love comes in all shapes sizes and least expected places. Whilst we may be sceptical, online relationships do sometimes work. Who knows they may meet up and decide they hate each other who knows, they may full head over heals and go on to have a happy and fulfilling life together.


I met my husband through a Facebook game and moved to the other side of the planet so we could be together. I've now been in Australia over 4 years, and we'll be celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary in a few months.

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I met my husband through a Facebook game and moved to the other side of the planet so we could be together. I've now been in Australia over 4 years, and we'll be celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary in a few months.

I first "met " my wife on an Internet forum - had no idea that 10 years later we'd be married and living in Australia.

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I missed the part about aspergers originally, although if you and he believes to be of sound mind and in control of the situation then i guess you two should discuss in private about the logistics of what actually marriage and moving to Australia means. He will be without family and alone and with a women he has only seen through a computer screen, whilst you say he skype's her i pressume he means video chat? As skype can also be used for text messaging. I would encourage you both to chat to this women via skype video so you can both settle your minds on the matter.


Realistically speaking, getting into Australia is a long winded process, he will need money and many documents, in my opinion rushing into a marriage to try and get in would be a very silly idea, he would need to apply for a cost hefty visa and without the decent evidence to prove an on-going relationship, it's quite possible that the visa will be declined and he will lose the cost of the application. Also he would need to provide medical information, his aspergers may even be an issue, i'm not sure what immigrations take is on aspergers, but again is it something you will need to research, a quick google of aspergers visa australia brings up a bundle of threads and it appears that it may be another factor he will need to address. I would suggest he take this trip, but not rush into a marriage, get to know this person but ensure he remains in daily contact and provides addresses and contact details for your peace of mind. Ensure that he has a plan b if things so pear shaped and he finds himself on the street, he may even land in Australia and she doesn't even turn up, it does happen!


Think about what is involved in this process, a lot of time money and headaches and a serious lack of evidence to prove an everlasting relationship. If they meet and are serious about commitment he should suggest that she take a trip to the UK to meet the family before the death do us part bit.


Just a note from the medical point of view - the are waivers available on spouse visas which mean it is often easier to obtain a Spouse Visa than a Skills Visa with certain medical conditions. So even though we see a lot of people on the autistic spectrum having issues with skills visa medicals, when it comes to Spouse visas the rules can sometimes be relaxed. Depends on the individual case, but aspergers is certainly not a show-stopper.

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