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University fees - rough figures


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Hi all, we move in May to Perth on PR. my kids are 13&15 and I haven't really thought much about uni fees here in the UK but talking to an American friend last night and their fees are extortionate for her kids and so I'm just wondering roughly what university fees work out at in Aus.


Im not sure if they differ if you go to uni in state or out of state (apparently that's makes a big difference in USA) and obviously I guess it is course dependant but can anyone give a rough idea what we will be looking at if my kids do decide to go to Uni. Again assuming fees are fat able per year so for a 3 year course will I need to sell a kidney???


my son thinks he want to study engineering no idea about my daughter (who is now named Princess Bitchface after reading a post describing high school girls here the other day..... nailed it perfectly!!)




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I am doing a humanities BA and it costs me approximately $760 per unit. Something like engineering would be a bit more than this. I am doing part-time, so I do four or five units per year (my uni has three trimesters so I do two in trimesters 1 and 2 and can choose to take a unit over the summer holidays - it will get me there a bit quicker!), but a full time student would usually do 8 units per year. I am a citizen, so I have a Commonwealth supported place, and I could get a FEE-HELP loan to pay for the student contribution. However, I pay for it upfront (which I believe you would have to do as PR rather than citizens - I don't think you can access the FEE-HELP loans) and get a discount for paying upfront.

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Perth may be the same as SA in that most students go to a University in their home city, so live at home while they do so. I heard that in the UK a Hall of Residence place can cost the student (or their parents) upwards of 200 pounds a week - which sounds pretty horrendous to me! My daughter rents a room in a shared house here and pays about $150 a week.


A three year Arts degree (probably the cheapest) starts at about $6,000 a year - at the moment. If the Libs stay in at the next election though, their plan was to deregulate Uni fees - which so far has not got through the Senate - so once that happens, who knows?!

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Annual student contributions for 2016 (these are for commonwealth-supported - i.e. subsidised - places):


Band 3: Law, dentistry, medicine, veterinary science, accounting, administration, economics, commerce - $10,440

Band 2: Computing, built environment, other health, allied health, engineering, surveying, agriculture, mathematics, statistics, science - $8,917

Band 1: Humanities, behavioural science, social studies, education, clinical psychology, foreign languages, visual and performing arts, nursing - $6,256


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Fees are often not paid until a graduate earns over a certain amount of money. Once earning over the threshold a % of the uni fees is paid in a graduates tax return. So fees may not be paid for many years after graduating and may take many tax years to pay back.

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Fees are often not paid until a graduate earns over a certain amount of money. Once earning over the threshold a % of the uni fees is paid in a graduates tax return. So fees may not be paid for many years after graduating and may take many tax years to pay back.


A couple of years or so ago the threshold was $45,000, this has gone up slightly since then. The amount taken then goes up in increments depending on salary, so everyone pays a slightly different fee each pay depending on what they individually earn. Fees are taken out automatically each pay. Most grads start paying the fees back straight away, some take longer if they earn below the threshold.


This of course only applies to citizens who have taken out fee help loans.


Added note (after research), the threshold is now $54,126. The government is trying to reduce this to a lower threshold though.

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Fees are often not paid until a graduate earns over a certain amount of money. Once earning over the threshold a % of the uni fees is paid in a graduates tax return. So fees may not be paid for many years after graduating and may take many tax years to pay back.


This only applies to those who take a FEE-HELP loan which needs to be paid back, I think. It won't apply if the OP is PR because you have to be a citizen to take a FEE-HELP loan. PR uni students need to pay the student contribution (fees) upfront each semester.

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Perth may be the same as SA in that most students go to a University in their home city, so live at home while they do so. I heard that in the UK a Hall of Residence place can cost the student (or their parents) upwards of 200 pounds a week - which sounds pretty horrendous to me! My daughter rents a room in a shared house here and pays about $150 a week.


A three year Arts degree (probably the cheapest) starts at about $6,000 a year - at the moment. If the Libs stay in at the next election though, their plan was to deregulate Uni fees - which so far has not got through the Senate - so once that happens, who knows?!



Looks about half the UK ATM.

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We have PR and son is starting a Business degree at QUT.


Fees are $5200 a semester, to be paid upfront in March and then same again in August. Text books for a semester are $500 (will be looking second hand as that is extortionate for 6 months study!).


On PR you get no financial assistance. At all. I even rang to check (you don't ask, you don't get) and was very politely told no!!

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We have PR and son is starting a Business degree at QUT.


Fees are $5200 a semester, to be paid upfront in March and then same again in August. Text books for a semester are $500 (will be looking second hand as that is extortionate for 6 months study!).


On PR you get no financial assistance. At all. I even rang to check (you don't ask, you don't get) and was very politely told no!!



Be careful with second hand books, and worth checking they actually need the book.

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Do citizens get any financial help?


I remember getting austudy when I was at university. It helped heaps.


They can apply for Youth Allowance - as a student is considered dependent on their parents, you will need to provide information on the parents' earnings and assets (made us laugh as they wanted to know the market value of all furnishings and fittings in the house, as well as amount of cash in your wallet and value of the clothes in your wardrobe - I'm hoping they took pity on us when we gave them the figures!) for eligibility.

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Do citizens get any financial help?


I remember getting austudy when I was at university. It helped heaps.


Yes, Austudy is still paid to students over the age of 25 (both PR and citizens) for living costs. They also get the hecs/fee-help for tuition (citizens only).

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We have PR and son is starting a Business degree at QUT.


Fees are $5200 a semester, to be paid upfront in March and then same again in August. Text books for a semester are $500 (will be looking second hand as that is extortionate for 6 months study!).


On PR you get no financial assistance. At all. I even rang to check (you don't ask, you don't get) and was very politely told no!!


Definitely use second hand books.


Most universities have secondhand bookshops on campus, there are also numerous university facebook pages where students sell their books each semester. Ebay is an excllent source as well.

Many books are also available on google scholar and many universities have books completely online.

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You can get second-hand books from Fishpond and Coop bookshops too, and I also found a website called StudentVIP yesterday which has books for sale on it. The books are sorted by unit, so you search for your uni and the unit code and the books come up. I wish I'd found it before I bought this semester's books! Fishpond and Coop email me every so often to see if I'd like to resell my used books. Unfortunately, I am a prolific book margin note-maker, so my books are unsuitable.

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I had a bit of a traumatic experience with charity shop/second-hand clothing as a child, which gave me a bit of a phobia about buying clothes/shoes that are pre-used! Having said that, aside from basic stuff like undies, and jeans/swimming cossies which are too difficult to get right, I make clothes for the kids and myself which I like to do because they are usually cheaper and a bit different to what everyone else wears.


I sometimes pick up things second hand for the house or garden and we have some second-hand camping equipment. OH bought a $1000 bike last weekend for $300 from a guy that had bought it six months ago, ridden it a handful of times and then stuck it in his garage. OH will use it for commuting to the train station, so it will get plenty of use now! I don't mind second-hand books and often buy books at library sales and things. If I can find my uni books second hand I will get them, if not I'll buy them new. For novels and things that I am only likely to read once I tend to use the library. Our local library is pretty good at getting things in for me to borrow from uni library/other area library collections when I need to research for assignments.

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Found Student VIP as well yesterday!! $160 for a new text book or $50 second hand - it's a no-brainer really!!!



Worth checking with the course coordinator as to whether the book is actually used. I did pay good money for books which were hardly opened. University usually have pretty good library too. Electronic versions are also a possibility.


With second hand, it is also worth checking with the course coordinator. Sometimes texts can be massively overhauled and are no longer relevant. Sometimes they are a bargain.

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